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Chapter 1


The engine revved up, purring like a kitten... the radio had come on blaring, but she leaned over to turn it down. "What do you mean you had another dream? With the same guy and everything?" asked Wendi looking at her with an amazed grin. "Yes. Same guy, same dream. AGAIN. This is a week in a row, Wendi. A week!" Jessie turned away afraid that her friend was laughing. "Well, I think you should see a psychiatrist, Jessie. I mean, what is the possibility of you meeting this dream guy of yours? Slim to none, right?" She pulled down her sunglasses and turned up the radio. "Yeah.. slim to none." Jessie whispered to herself. Looking out at the road.

Jessie rested her arm on the sun warmed side of Wendi's red convertible. The wind blowing her long brown hair out of her dark eyes as she thought again of that reoccurring dream, then turned and looked at her friend. Wendi sat next to her, in the driver's seat peering over her sunglasses and singing with the radio. Wendi was loud and outgoing. But not obnoxious. She was small, blonde, and had the most amazing color of silver/grey eyes. Very interesting looking. As they turned onto her street, letting out a loud whistle, Wendi slowed the car near a moving van on the opposite side of the street and gazed approvingly at the young men carrying boxes into the house. "Check it out Jessie. Have you ever seen so many hotties in one place?" She squirmed in her seat reminding Jessie of a tiger, ready to pounce on its prey. Jessie admired Wendi for her clothing style, her bright personality, her ability to attract any guy she set her mind to, and her ability to make anyone smile even in their darkest moment... but at the moment, the one thing she lacked was subtlty.

"Oh God. Wendi, shut up! Thats him! Thats the guy!" Jessie ducked down in her seat, wishing Wendi would step on the gas pedal and get them outta here! "What guy? Thats what guy?" Asked Wendi confused and only partially paying attention...seeing as though a young man across the street had obviously noticed her... "The guy... the one with the light brown hair...there! He's standing up! Thats the guy from my dreams!"

To Chapter 2

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