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Chapter 2

"Guy from YOUR dreams? Yeah well, the one next to him is the guy of MY dreams!" Wendi replied grinning then shouted to the guys, "Hey sexy! Yes, YOU. Come here... I wanna talk to you..." Jessie slid down as far in her seat as she could get plotting her revenge on Wendie. How could she have embarrassed her like this??

"Hey baby. Whats up?" asked one of the guys as he walked up to the car. He wore a black tank top that fit rather nicely and showed off multiple tattoos that ran the length of his arms. His dark sunglasses hid his eyes, but his seductive smile showed that he had no pretenses. Wendi warmed up to him immediatly. "Not much.. and yourself?" she asked in a voice like honey. "Moving in. Taking a break now that you're here. Whats your name, baby?" The guy leaned on the edge of the car, closing the gap between himself and Wendi. Jessie was shocked! How does she do that? She just met the guy and already they seem to be getting along JUST FINE... "Wendi. My name is Wendi. But, you can call me nearly anything you want to." she moved even closer, breathing heavily as if they had just run a marathon. What a cheesy pick-up line, Jessie thought. But man, it got another one of those smiles from him. Maybe I'm missing something, she though. "Well, Wendi. Thats a beautiful name. My name is AJ. Its nice to meet you." He reached in to shake her hand... WOW! thought Jessie. Thats some handshake. He has Wendi drooling all over herself and all they're doing is shaking hands. I MUST be missing something.

"You gonna introduce me to your friends?" asked Wendi, sitting up straighter, making her shirt stretch tightly across her body. "Sure, baby." AJ turned to the other guys across the way and shouted, "Hey fellas! Got someone I want you to meet!" I feel, invisible, thought Jessie. Hello? Can anyone see me? Just then, 4 other guys came walking across the street. "Wendi, I'd like you to meet the fellas. This is Howie, Nick, Brian and Kev... guys, this is Wendi." said AJ very matter-of-factly. He acted as if he owned the place, thought Jessie. "Who's your friend Wendi?" asked the dream boy! Oh my luck is changing, thought Jessie! Note to self- thank Wendi for being such a huge flirt. Ok, deep breath- now introduce yourself!


"This is my pal Jessie. She's speechless. Never seen so many hot guys at one time. Its an overload for the circuit." said Wendi to the guys but mainly looking at AJ. What was it about him she found so intriguing. Tattoos maybe? He was nearly a tattoo gallery...oh well. I guess she goes for the 'artistic' type that enjoy drawing on themselves. "Hey Jessie. Nice to meet you." Chimed in the guys. Her head swam. Geez, she thought. I'm near about to pass out! This is way too much. "Wendi. We gotta go. I think I feel a migraine coming on." Jessie whispered to her friend. "Ok, sure. Well, guys, I hate to cut your break short- but, my friend here is about to have a headache. I hope you dont mind too terribly about us leaving you now." Wendi announced in her sweetest tone. I've heard her use that tone before, Jessie said to herself. She used that one on teachers all the time after forgetting an assignment.

"Awww, thats too bad, baby. I was hoping we could get to know each other a little better... maybe some other time? Whats your number?" asked that Aj fella. He seemed pretty interested in her too. Great. Just what the world needs. 2 of a kind, Jessie thought. Wendi and AJ should get along fine. "As a matter of fact, AJ, I live right there." Wendi pointed at the house next door to the guy's house. He smiled and mumbled something about meeting later. She agreed and the 2 girls drove home.

Laying upside-down across Jessie's bed was Wendi. hair flying everywhere, legs sprawled out.. that cant be comfortable, thought Jessie. "Wasnt that amazing? Arent they gorgeous?!" Wendi mumbled dreamily. "Sure they were...they were nice looking. And its sooo good to hear that you dont base things entirely on looks." Jessie said to Wendi grinning. Sitting up, Wendi said "I dont. I'm sure he's a great kisser too!" Pillows were thrown and the events of the day were forgotten..

...until morning...

"Pssssst! Wake up sleepy head! Its time to get up! They are outside! In the pool...." Wendi said crouched over Jessie, sitting like a frog on her bed. "Wha-...who? What time is it...?" groggily, Jessie tried to look at the clock. "Does it matter what time it is? THEY ARE IN THE POOL!" Wendi said excitedly. She quietly thanked her mother for having insisted on the 2 story house. It gave quite a view to the new neighbor's yard. "What do I care who's in the pool!? I'm tired..." Jessie mumbled and shoved her face in the pillows. Walking over to the window, Wendi shrugged. "You're right. You shouldnt care. I mean, whats watching a few guys skinny-dippin' anyways?"

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