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Chapter 4

Jessie watched from the house, and laughed at how amazing it was Wendi had finally found her match. AJ seemed like he was willing to put up as much of a fight as she was. It was funny! Jessie had to laugh to herself. She thought, well, maybe I WILL stop by. Just to say hello... afterall, as it turns out, they werent skinny dipping.. they were swimming. Big difference, she thought. Putting on her swim suit under a pair of shorts and a tank top, she walked downstairs, over to the fence and into the back yard. The fence gate creaked and she glanced up just in time to see Wendi and AJ jerk apart. Feeling guilty for having interupted what might have been a fairly intimate moment, she apologized and inquired where the rest of the guys had gone. AJ pointed to the house and said she was welcome to go inside. She took that opportunity to leave and did so.

Opening the back door, she found herself in a brightly lit kitchen, that lead directly into the living room where the guy from her dreams sat watching TV. Clearing her throat, "Hello." Jessie said uncomfortably. He jumped then turned and looked at the unfamiliar voice in the doorway. "Hey there, Jessie. How are you doing?" He smiled warmly and patted the couch next to him. "I'm good, thanks... I kind of interupted Wendi and um, your friend out there, and they basically told me to leave. So here I am." Jessie walked in and sank onto the couch thankfully. "Yeah, I've had a good view of everything they're doing. Getting pretty friendly arent they?" he grinned and pointed at the 2 bodies floating together rather closely in the pool. The figures would gaze at each other, say something, laugh then lean in to kiss. An occasional giggle or full out laugh would filter into the living room, causing Jessie and Brian to glance at each other and laugh.

"You are obviously fairly close to AJ. Is he a good guy?" jessie asked glancing at the cartoons running across the TV sitting on the packing boxes in the middle of the room. "You worried about Wendi? Dont be. If they get involved, he'll be good to her. He's a good guy. He's gonna make someone a very good husband someday." Brian said smiling and pointing at the 2 splashing each other out in the pool. "I guess. I just worry. She gets herself in really deep, really fast. Her last boyfriend died and it hurt her really bad. She hasnt looked at a guy in nearly a year!" Jessie said remembering how hurt Wendi had been. She had cried for so long...worn black for months... "Really? How'd he die? If you dont mind me asking..." Brian asked, looking honestly concerned... Jessie had to smile. She had just met this guy and now here she is telling him stuff like this. I really like him, she thought. "He was in a bad car wreck. He was on life support forever, then he started to get better, but he suddenly up and died when Wendi went in to visit one night... she saw him die."

Just then, Wendi walked in... "Jessie!! What the hell do you think you're doing???!"

To Chapter 5

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