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Chapter 1

"What in the world has gotten into you!?" Brian stares at Jess from across the lunch table in disbelief. "What has gotten into ME!? What has gotten into YOU!! All of a sudden now you think you're hot shit because your cousin picked you to be in some vocal group named after a dirty alley in Orlando!!" Jess replied, staring coldly into Brian's bright blue eyes.

The two had been best friends since they were freshman. Now, it's their senior year, and Brian has been asked to leave school and move to Orlando with his cousin and four other guys. Jess was not only angry because Brian was dropping out his senior year, but because Brian was being a hot shot about it. Arrogant people were one of Jess's largest pet peeves. "Ya know, Jess? I would think that since we've been friends for four years, you would be happy for me!" Brian looks back at Jess with betrayal and hurt in his eyes. Jess looks down at her half empty Dr. Pepper, then back up at Brian.

"I didn't say i wasn't happy for you. I just don't like the way you have been acting since Kevin called you this morning. Just because you're starting a vocal group doesn't give you the right to get a big head about it." Jess answered, in a cocky tone. Brian was getting extremely frustrated with his female counterpart. "Look! This is MY life, and MY decicisons. If I want to quit school, then I will. I'm sorry you if you don't approve of it but you're not the one who rasied me. I am going to Orlando, like it or not!" Brian sat back in his chair and gathered his books off the table. "Fine! Go to Orlando and throw your senior year away! There will be other oppurtunitites, but if you're gonna be an asshole and not listen to reason, then be my guest!" Jess yelled. Grabbing her backpack, she stormed out of the cafeteria, down the hallway.

Brian watched her until she disappeared around the corner and buried his face in his hands. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned to see his mother standing over him, beaming with pride at her gifted son. Brian slowly stood up and threw his backpack over his shoulder. "Well, Brian..this is it. You better take one last look at this school..." Jackie replies, putting her hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian slowly looked around the caefteria, taking in every detail that he never noticed before. He would be leaving in a few hours to go to the airport. He thought of going to find Jess and apologize. Maybe he'll just call her when he gets home, or when he gets to Orlando. "Brian? Are you ready?" Jackie asked. Brian shook his head, forgetting his thoughts, and he followed his mother out the front door. Driving out of the parking lot, he took one last look at his high school, thinking of all the great memories, and of Jess.

To Chapter 2

B.B.'s Stories
