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Chapter 2

Staring back at her reflection, she dried her eyes and cleaned her tear-stained cheeks. She regrets reacting so violently tyo Brian. If he only understoof how much she cared about him, he would think twice. Throughout the years, he was always this sweet young boy. They would take walks in the park, enjoying life as it came to us. Soon afterwards he discovered his newfound talent. Then his entire world was revolved around singing. Practice, competitions, recitals...they took his life away. Jess wished on every waking moment that she could spend just a few moments with him.

She brushed a few strands of hair out of her face and picked up her bags. She walked out of the bathroom and saw her friend, Eva, walking away from her. Jess quickened her pace and pounced on Eva's shoulders from behind. Eva let out a high-pitched squeal and spinned around to face Jess. "What the hell!? Why did you do that?" Eva exclaimed. Her eyes were wide open with suspense. Jess just smiled but turned her face into a deep discussion expression.

"Brian just left." Jess looked back at Eva, trying to fight the on-coming tears. "Oh Jess..i'm sorry.. he'll call you?"Eva asked. Jess replied only with a shrug of her shoulders and a blank stare. "I left before he did. We got into a fight in the cafeteria. I love him to death but this singing career of his has gotten to him. Who knows if he'll even make it with these...boys he's with. Eva nodded but held her hand up, motioning Jess to listen to her side of the discussion. "Jess, you should be happy for him. If he does become famous, you'll get major connections, ya know?" Jess looked at the floor and shook her head. "I don't want connections. I want my Brian back."

The room was silent and dim excpet for a small yellow stained lamp beside his bed. Brian looked over at Nick, his fellow bandmate. He was sleeping like a baby. Brian shifted onto his side, the rusty matress squeaking under his weight. He couldn't sleep...his thoughts drifting back and forth-from his career to his best friend, wishing he was back home. He looked over at the clock. It was only 1:00am, so he decided to make a quick phone call. He drug the phone over his bed and settled on the floor. Quietly picking up the earpiece, he quietly dialed her number. The pulsing rings vibrated in his ear as he listened intensively to the hopeful sound of her voice. The call was never recieved. Brian's heart fell in his chest, yearning to hear her voice. He slowly began to set the reciever down, but he heard a muffled voice pick up the line. He threw the earpiece back to his ear and heard a dry cracked voice.

"Hello?" said the sleepy voice. Brian's heart jumped into his throat. He was so happy to hear her voice, even though if it sounded like she had been eating sawdust. "Hey Jess..." Brian responded quietly, so not to wake his snoring roommate."I didn't think you would call me...and call me so late i might add." Jess replied in a cocky tone. Brian settled onto his stomach on the floor. "Sorry..i haven't been in bed very long. We had alotta promotional stuff today..and sure you don't want to hear about that." Jess let out a quiet sigh and cleared her throat." "Brian, i'm sorry about yelling at you. I took Eva's advice today and decided to wish you good luck. And if you do become famous, I'll still love you for the guy you are..not what you become." Brian twirled the phone cord between his fingers, smiling into the phone. "Thanks sweetie. I know I can still rely on you. I don't want you to be angry at something like this because it's not really what I thought it would's alot of work. I tell you what. Why don't you fly out here mext week? Since vacation is coming up." Jess peered through the leering darkness at her small calendar on the wall. She saw no markings on any days during her winter vacation.

"Sure Bri, but i'm broke.." Jess just heard Brian chuckle loudly in the phone. " I'll get you your ticket here. Don't worry. Buddy Brian will take care of ya." "Thank you Brian. I'd love to stay up and talk but i'm about to fall asleep again. Call me tomorrow afternoon." Brian said his good-byes and she quietly hung up the phone. Jess laid back on her bed, looking up at her bare ceiling, thoughts running circles through her head. What will he look like? What about the other guys in the group? It's been months since we last saw eachother.

To Chapter 3

B.B.'s Stories
