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Chapter 3


The corridor into the airport terminal was hot and stuffy, making it a little hard to breathe. The trip from Texas to Florida was one of the best flights she's ever been on. She wasnt able to hold still the entire flight, even though she was warned several times by the flight attendant to remain calm. She had no idea what she was talking about! Walking into the terminal, she slowly searched the crowd, trying to find Brian or any familiar face.

"Excuse me, Miss. Jessie Rawlins?" a tall dark man in a black suit spoke softly behind his thick sunglasses. Jess was a little startled by his gothic appearance, but nodded her head bravely. "I'm Mr. Garcia. I have a limo waiting for you outside, compliments of Mr. Littrell." Jess let out a small gasp at such a courteous gesture. "Still a gentleman, he is." Jessica thought to herself. Smiling brightly, she walk close behind the chauffeur, holding her small backpack tightly. She walked out of the airport into the chilly Florida air. It was near Christmas time and the streetttlights were lined with beautiful green wreaths and red ribbons. A lonely Santa Claus stood on the corner, ringing his handbell and chuckling loudly to himself.

"Right this way, Ms. Rawlins." the driver directed his hand to a white limo parked near the exit. Inside the limo, Jess looked around excitedly, having not rode in a limo since her senior prom. On the other sie of the limo, Jess spotted a small flower. She crawled over the seats and took a closer look.

"...and he still remembers my favorite flower." Jess whispered, picking up the small white rose. The petals were cool to the touch, and was not quite in full bloom yet. Attached to the rose, was a small gold card. She slowly lifted it open, reading the words:


I'm so happy that you're here.

You have no idea how much i've missed you.

I'm waiting for you at the hotel. See you there.

Love, Brian


To Chapter 4

B.B.'s Stories
