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The Backstreet Buffet


The guys casually walk into their managers office, ready to sit and plan for their next tour. This year was going to be pretty tough. Their newest album didn't quite sell as much as they hoped, but they were determined to come back on top. After settling down on some couches, their manager pulls out a stack of papers from his desk drawer. He silently walks over and hands each guy a few papers, showing what's planned out as far as costumes, stage plans, and who is their tour sponsor. The guys shuffle through the papers, scanning the price lists, noticing everything is Brian was the first to notice the costumes. "You want us to dress up as fruit!?" Brian yells out, jumping up off the couch.

The other four look at Brian's face, and flip through the pages to the costumes. "Oh no way! I'm not dressing up as a pineapple! You'd have to kill me first!" Nick adds in. All the guys agreed that this wasn't going to happen. AJ gets up and lights up a cigarette, and leans up against the managers desk. He jumped ahead and looked at who was going to be sponsoring their tour. Reading the last page, he nearly dropped his cigarette. The sponsor, Burger King, requested a dance routine to benefit for their co-sponsor, Fruit Of The Loom.....a well-known undergarment company.

You want us to do what?!" AJ paced in front of the manager, puffing nervously on his Marlboro. "Its only one tour, come on. Fruit of the Loom is our co-sponsor, we have to. We signed a contract." The manager responded. "Ask me if I give a damn what we signed! I am not going to do that. No way in Hell..." AJ frowned. The other guys nodded in agreement. "Its either that or nothing. And I do mean nothing..." the manager retorted... The guys looked at one another...


"Here we are. Home Sweet Dallas." Nick announces quietly, stretching his tired muscles. Climbing out of his bunk, he walks over to Brian's bunk. "Hey Brian. We're here. Get up." Nick whispers, shaking Brian's shoulder. "Mmmmpghh-huh? What?" Brian stutters, eyes half open. Nick could laugh at his friends confusion, then move onto the next bunk. Brian slowly crawls out of his bunk and walks into the kitchen and sits down. It took him a few minutes to wake up, but it finally dawned on him-this was their first day of the tour. Suddenly, Brian was wide awake, and very nervous. He could hear AJ yelling in the back room. He hated it when Nick woke him up. Howie staggers in & sits down across from Brian, eyes half open. "'Sup, B.?" Howie mumbles, giving a half smile. Brian just shrugs his shoulders and looks out the window.

"Howie, today is our first day. Do you realize how our fans are gonna react when they see our show? They're gonna kill us." Brian answers, still looking out the window. The trucks had already unloaded half of the stage equipment. Then Brian watched as their wardrobe coordinator wheeled a rack of their costumes into the arena. Howie saw what was going on and gave Brian a worried look. "Now I see what you mean, Bri."


As the day went on, the boy went though the same old schedule for a concert. Sound checks, dance practice, costume check, dinner.....and showtime. The time finally came and the crowds of screaming fans could be heard backstage. The boys gathered into their dressing room. Well, shit." AJ mutters as he fumbles with the zipper on his giant banana costume. "Remind me again why I'm still in the group..." "Because you love the fans." Howie grinned through the purple grapes around his face. "And you wouldn't desert us." "Oh wouldn't I?" AJ asked, raising an eyebrow. "I look like a trap for King Kong or something, come on. Some oversized gorilla will be waiting in the audience tonight. I can see it now. One of his zoo friends told him there was free food..."

"Oh shut up AJ." Nick chimes in, his pineapple headdress scratching the ceiling as he squeezes through the doorway. "We all look like a buffet. Get over it." "If I don't live through this night...make sure Tyk has a good home." Brian tells the group, walking down the hallway in his bright red apple suit. Kevin finally emerged, after jerking his way out of the doorway in his well-rounded watermelon costume. The five fruits (no pun intended) marched down the long hallway. The sounds of screaming teenagers and adults grew louder with every step towards the stage. The guys were definitely nervous now, and feared for their lives.

Chapter 2


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