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Behind Door Number 1



"Yo, Bone, you got a phone call, man! " Nick shouted, not taking his eyes away from the TV screen. He was beating Brian at Mario Kart and didnt want to lose. "What?" AJ asked groggily, sitting up from the bed on which he had collapsed moments earlier. "Phone call." Nick repeated slowly, nodding his head towards Howie who stood in the doorway, cell phone in hand. "Well, bring it here, dude! God, dont wake me up then expect me to walk halfway across the globe to answer it." AJ growled, ripping himself away from the comfort of the bed. Glaring at Howie then taking the phone, he stepped into the quiet hallway of the hotel, putting the phone to his ear.

"Hello?""Alex? Is that you?" A quiet female voice asked from the other end of the line. AJ strained to put a name with the voice so familiar in his ear. "Yeah, it is. Can I help you?" He asked cautiously. There was no answer, only quiet sobs from the other end. "Hello? Are you alright? Who am I talking to?" "Alex, its me... its Shawn..." The voice replied between sniffles. "Shawn! Baby how are you? I havent talked to you in-" AJ started before she interupted.

"Years, J. Its been years, and I need you to come home. You have to come get me." Shawn sobbed into the phone.She hated begging and sounding so pathetic, but she couldnt help it after what had happened. "Why? Whats the matter baby?" AJ asked, putting a finger in the other ear to block out the noise coming through the door he was leaned against. "They're gone, J. And I'm alone and I need you." A cold chill ran through AJ at the sound of her voice and what she had just said. Something was very wrong and he was afraid to ask what. "Who's gone, baby?" AJ asked, his hands trembling. "Mom and Chris." Shawn replied, referring to her mother and step dad. "The roads were slippery, and the corner was too sharp, and..." she broke down into loud sobs and sniffles, AJ's heart pounding in his chest. "When's the funeral, honey?" AJ asked calmly. "Saturday." she replied in a quiet voice. He had two days. "Baby, I'll tell ya what. I'll come home for the funeral, and you can come back with me afterwards. We have plenty of room on the bus for you babe, and the guys will understand. Is that ok? Then, when tour is over, we'll see... ok?" AJ gripped the phone, wanting to hold her and hug her, tell her everything will be alright. He and Shawn had been friends since she was in elementary school. He had taken her under his wing, once he found out that she didnt get along too well with anyone. Popularity wasnt her strong point and he supposed he felt sorry for her at first... then he realized how awesome she really was. She wasnt particularly attractive all the way up through eighth grade, but people change, dont they?

"Ok, that'll be fine... I'll see you on Saturday then. At the house... at 3:00. Thanks Alex. Bye." And with that, she hung up. AJ sighed, and leaned against the door. Shawn's parents had been like his second mom, and well... his dad. Shawn's real father had died years ago, when she was just a baby, during a police shoot out. Her mother had known Chris her whole life, and things just blossomed between them, resulting in their marriage when Shawn was 4. It was a great family... "AJ?" Howie asked, opening the door slowly. "You alright man?" "Yeah D, I'm cool. I have to go home, though. I have to be there saturday. Shawn's parents were in a bad car accident. Neither of them lived and she needs me now, man. She really needs me." AJ replied, unconsciously playing with the hem of his shirt. "Its ok. Thats understandable. I'll tell the other guys." Howie said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Thanks, Howie. I appreciate that." AJ sighed, sliding to the floor as Howie shut the door, leaning against the wall, head in hands and crying.

"I'm so sorry about your parents..."

"Oh, they were beautiful people..."

"Atleast they are in a better place."

"They wouldnt want you to be unhappy, my dear.."

Words of sadness and half-hearted encouragement filtered through the air, as one by one, people left or walked over, hugging Shawn, and whispering these statements. After awhile, none of them seemed to matter. The comments seemed so surface, so fake... AJ hadnt shown up yet and Shawn was nearing insanity. An older couple from the church walked in the house, stopping to hug her, say they were "devestated about the loss", and wish her the best. Shawn inhaled deeply, startled as she recognized a familiar cologne. She looked around, not seeing anyone that even remotely resembled the AJ she had seen years ago. Just then, she spotted a guy not too far away that she definitly didnt remember seeing anywhere before. He didnt look like anyone associated with her parents so she made her way over to him to inquire about his identity.

"Excuse me..." She said, her voice shaking still. He turned and looked at her, his beautiful brown eyes meeting hers. Tears were in his eyes as he smiled slightly. "Yes?" He asked politely. "May I help you?" He couldnt help but wonder how this woman was connected to Shawn's parents. Maybe she was a friend of Shawn's... he took a moment to recall what Shawn had looked like before he left. She was short, not over weight at all, but she did have meat. She had pale blue eyes, straight, limp, dark blonde hair and a few scattered freckles. Her teeth werent perfect but she did have a beautiful smile. It was big and bright and really lit up when she was happy... Then he snapped back to this gorgeous woman standing before him. "Yeah, I was wondering who you are..." she stammered, trying not to let her voice show the intrigue she couldnt help but feel. AJ looked at her body, clad in black, of course, but he had to smile at the dress she had chosen. It was a short, tight dress, one that showed off her thin, curvy figure rather nicely. The dress was low cut, and the roundness of her upper body showed clearly above the cutline. He swallowed hard, taking in the long, thick, light blonde hair that ran the length of her back, and the dark blue-grey eyes that shone back at him. She smiled, watching his eyes travel her body. He stepped back. The teeth were straight now, but there was no mistaking that smile... "Shawn." He said. More of a statement than a question.

"You're Shawn?" She asked confusedly. Raising an eyebrow and giving a little smirk. His big brown eyes, so delicately framed with long eyelashes looked surprised. His full mouth fell open, and she laughed. He was taller than she was, with broad shoulders, that she was sure meant a nice body. He had narrow hips and a small backside that made her giggle. "No, you are." He said, his mouth not shutting all the way, his eyes still wide open. "Um, yes, I am aware of that. But who are you?" She asked, smiling again, through her teary eyes, working her brain as fast as she could to figure out how he knew her. He smiled, a big smile and leaned down closer to her face. "Are you telling me you have no idea who I am?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes, still smiling. Shawn looked into his eyes, seeing her own reflection, then suddenly recognizing those long lashes, and those deep chocolate pools he calls eyes. "Alex..." She whispered, raising a hand to cover her mouth. Fresh tears welled up in her eyes and spilled over down her cheeks as she fell into his open arms. Her body shook with tears, and he only tightened his grip with each sob.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yeah, so the guys know I'm coming?" Shawn asked, sitting on the lid of her suitcase, struggling to shut it. AJ laughed, leaning over to help latch the front closed. "Yes. They all know and are completely prepared. Some of your stuff will come with us on the bus, but the rest of the stuff will stay here and we'll get it later after the tour if we need to." AJ said, motioning to the furniture in the room. "Thats fine. As long as I" Shawn struggled to say as she pulled one suitcase off the bed. It fell to the floor with a heavy thud. "Let me help you." AJ offered with a smile. He effortlessly lifted the one suitcase off the floor, and the other two off the bed. Shawn watched in amazement as he easily carried the cases out of the room. The tight tank top he wore showed off the rippling muscles across his chest and back. She sighed, leaned down to pick up her small case full of make-up, and other necessary toiletries, and followed him down the stairs and out of the house.

"Shawn!" Howie said with a smile as the guys ran to meet her. She stepped up carefully onto the empty stage and grinned beneath the pile of male bodies and arms. "Hey guys..." Shawn giggled. "Its good to see you too." She hugged each guy separately and recieved friendly kisses from all. She looked around the huge arena, realizing that her boys were going to be performing in only a few hours. This was sound check, quick run-through rehearsal stuff. She laughed as AJ slipped on a head-set mic and began to sing. His low, raspy voice echoed throughout the arena, making it seem bigger than it was.

"From the very first time, that I saw your blue eyes, your lips said hello, and I said hi. I knew right then you were the one..."

AJ began, changing the lyrics to fit her appearance. Skipping the rest of the verse, he and the rest of the guys jumped right in. "If I ever, fall, in love again, I will be sure that the lady is a friend...And if I ever fall, in love so true, I will be sure that the lady's just like you..." "Wonderful! Bravo! Bravo!" Shawn yelled, grinning and clapping. "If I ever fall in love" was one of her favorite songs. AJ had introduced her to the group 'Shai' years ago. She'd been hooked ever since. "Just for you, baby. Just for you." AJ laughed, then the band began to play and real rehearsal began. Shawn scrambled off stage to sit in the front row, noticing how close the people sitting here would be. AJ sang, looking directly at her, and over exaggerating his dancing. She couldnt help but laugh. Practice went on for awhile, a 30 minute break between, then more practicing. Finally, soaked in sweat, AJ tumbled off the stage right over to Shawn, enveloping her in a sweaty hug. "Ewww! Alex! Thats gross!" Shawn squealed, pushing him off of her. "I know, I know. Now, its time to go relax for a little while. Then we have to come back, get dressed and perform!" AJ held his arms out, stretched towards the sky becoming more dramatic with every passing second. "Alright. Alright." Shawn smiled. "Let's go, then." AJ, Shawn and the rest of the guys walked outside, into the buses and back to the hotel they'd be staying at for the next 2 nights.

AJ flew into the air-conditioned room, collapsing on the bed. Shawn walked in laughing. He quickly grabbed a towel and headed towards the bathroom. "Shower... must..have...shower..." AJ gasped, falling to his hands and knees and crawling towards the door. Shawn sat hard on the end of the bed and laughed, holding her stomach as she did. "Nah, for real." AJ said, standing up, brushing off his pants. "I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll see ya in a bit. Make yourself at home." Shawn nodded, leaning over to turn on the TV, then curling up on the bed closest to the air conditioner, turning the vents so that they blew swiftly through her long hair, across her face. She closed her eyes and sighed. It was dark in the room next time she opened her eyes. She could see a few stars through the blinds, and shivered as she became accustomed to the artic wind still blowing on her face. She tried to move, but noticed she had slipped under the covers at some point during her nap and the TV was now off. She stretched out, resting her head on her arms. She froze as she heard the door open. "Yeah, good show, good show." AJ's voice said softly, laughing as he and Nick walked into the room. Shawn closed her eyes, pretending to still be asleep, curling back up before AJ turned on the small lamp on the other end of the room.

"Shawn in here?" Nick asked, looking around before noticing the body curled up in the far bed. "Yeah... she was sleeping when I got out of the shower and she looked so sweet, and so tired..." AJ's voice drifted off. "How is she doing? I mean, with the parent thing?" Nick asked almost in a whisper, the concern oozing through his voice. "She's dealing really well. I'm amazed, actually. Man, did I tell you what happened at the funeral? I didnt even recognize her! She walked right up to me and asked me who I was and I just stood there with my mouth open, going 'uh, uh, uh...' like a total dumbass. She's gotten beautiful, hasnt she?" AJ said, sitting down on the other bed. "Yeah, she most definitly has. If I didnt think you liked her, I'd take a chance myself." Nick laughed, almost a giggle. "What makes you think I like her?" AJ asked amazed.

Leaning down to pull off his shoes and socks. He sighed as he wiggled his toes. "Its so obvious, man. Everyone can tell. The way you look at her and stuff..." Nick said with a shrug, still watching her sleeping form. "You've got to be kidding me!" AJ said, wide-eyed. He let his socks drop from his hands. Sitting up straight, he stared at Nick. "Nick! Back to Earth there, buddy. Please tell me you are joking. How could I like her? She's my baby, ya know? My little sister, my best buddy, my friend... ya know?"

"Um, AJ... have you taken a good look at her recently?" Nick threw his hands up in the air. "She isnt exactly a little sister... and friends often make the best lovers!" AJ shot him a look. "Not that I know. Its just what I've heard." Nick grinned. Shawn bit her lips, struggling not to laugh. AJ kicked a shoe at Nick and laughed. "Shhh!" Nick grinned, putting a finger to his lips. "She's still sleeping." AJ nodded, and motioned towards the door. Nick agreed and headed out the door, whispering a good-bye, and making goofy kissy faces before shutting it. Smiling and sighing, AJ wandered back into the room. Shawn had turned over and now lay with her face towards the other bed. The air-conditioner blew her hair lightly around her face, across her shoulders. AJ stopped, just watching her breathe. She wiggled slightly, then slowly opened her eyes. "Mornin'." AJ said with a grin. "You're just in time for me to go to bed." Shawn smirked and held out her arms. AJ leaned over, giving her a light peck on the cheek. "Good night, baby. Sweet dreams." AJ whispered, his breath tickling her ear. "Night." Shawn breathed, as goosebumps rose up all over her body.

She curled up tighter, wondering why she was being affected this way. On the other side, AJ was stripping to his boxers and heading to the sink to brush his teeth. Looking into the mirror, he stared back at himself, taking in his reflection, wondering how Shawn saw him. He brushed his teeth thoroughly, and headed back to bed. Shawn held her breath as he stepped out of the doorway. The light from the bathroom threw shadows across his muscular body, making each muscle stand out, defined and beautiful. He sighed, and turned off the light. Then the room was bathed in darkness.

To Chapter 2

Bonez's Stories
