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AJ opened his eyes, as the sunlight streamed through the blinds. He stretched his arms above his head letting out a big yawn. He glanced over to the bed beside him and sat up as he noticed the sheets thrown to the side, and the empty contents. Then he heard soft singing coming from the bathroom and the sound of running water. He grinned and lay back down stretching out across the bed. "Oh! You're up." Shawn said, startled as she walked out into the room. AJ grinned then sat up at the sight of her. Her small, yet voluptuous body was wrapped tightly in a towel. It was a small towel, that just barely closed all the way. The opening ran in a slit up her thigh... and AJ's eyes followed it, finding himself wishing it was even shorter. Shawn blushed under his scrutiny. His eyes finally reaching her face and resting on her mouth.

"Yeah... I'm up." He said, clearing his throat. Shawn giggled. "I'm sure you are." An evil glint shone in her eyes. "Want proof?" AJ asked slyly. Shawn laughed and shook her head bending slightly to retrieve her clothes. AJ groaned inwardly as the back of the towel rose up higher on her body. She stood up and headed back to the bathroom, winking at him on the way. AJ threw himself back down on the bed, moaning and mumbling. He turned over onto his stomach and burried his face in a pillow cursing her for being so attractive, and cursing himself for being human and responding. Suddenly, a heavy body fell atop his. "Get up ya lazy bum!" Shawn said with a smile. "Its time to get up! So get up! I want to go out today before sound check and rehearsal for tonite's concert. Come on."

"Alright, alright, alright...I'm gettin' up, I'm gettin' up." AJ smiled, sitting up slowly, looking at her as she lay so near. Her hair was still fresh from the shower and hung in wet strands around her face and shoulders. Her eyes were bright and sparkling. There was not a single blemish on her face, though no make-up was being worn just then. Her bright yellow spaghetti strap top fit snuggly across her body and the tight jeans she wore fit nice around her full backside. "Finding anything you like, dear?" Shawn asked, watching him watch her. He was propped up on one elbow, the sheets drapped across his waist. His muscular chest hidden half in shadow by her own body. "Yes, but I think it'd scare you if I told you what it was." AJ grinned, sitting up completely and climbing out of bed. Shawn raised an eyebrow at him then got up herself and headed out the door, calling to AJ that she was going to tease the other guys. AJ agreed and stepped into the bathroom, turning the shower on cold. He stripped off his boxers and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water cool off his flushed body. He rested his head against the side of the shower, just allowing the water to beat against his skin. Sighing, he shook his head trying to rid himself of the thoughts he was encountering and began to shampoo his hair.

The rest of the guys were no where to be found on that floor, so Shawn headed downstairs to the breakfast area and giftshop. Sure enough, there they were, sipping coffee, milk and orange juice. Kevin was the first to see her. "Hey Shawn." He said with a smile, glancing up from the newspaper he was skimming through. Nick's head shot up from the design he was making in the sugar that had been spilled on the table in front of him. "Hey Shawn..." Nick echoed, a goofy grin on his face. "Wanna come sit down? Where's AJ?" Nick pulled out the un-occupied chair beside him and motioned for her to sit. "AJ is taking a shower." She shrugged as she sat down beside Nick, noticing how quickly he sat up straight and began an attempt to hide the sugar design he'd been making. "You always play in your food?" Shawn laughed. "Um, yes." Nick replied with a devilish smile. "But no, actually. This isnt my food. Its Kevin's." Kevin rolled his eyes from behind the newspaper and Shawn erupted into giggles. Nick smiled, thinking he had said something funny. "So what are the plans for today fellas?" Shawn asked, looking around as Howie walked into the breakfast area. "Relaxing." Howie smiled leaning over to give Shawn a peck on the cheek. "Good morning." "Mornin' Howie." Shawn grinned. Howie was such a sweetheart. Always had been. She used to have the biggest crush on him, but assumed he would never like her considering the age difference.

"What are your plans?" Howie asked, scooting a chair up beside Shawn much to the dismay of Nick. He leaned over and grabbed a full glass of orange juice from infront of Kevin and took a long swallow. "Um, whatever you guys are doing." Shawn said smiling as Kevin noticed half of his orange juice was gone. "I mean, I'm guessing thats what I'm doing..." "AJ will probably have something planned for ya'll two." Kevin drawled absently, turning his gaze back to the paper. "AJ most definitly will have something planned." AJ said as he walked in the room. Shawn tried not to stare. He had on a tight navy blue shirt that showed off every muscle across his chest, stomach and back. He wore baggy jeans that fell just short of his waist, exposing a little of the navy blue boxer briefs he wore beneath them. Shawn smiled up at him. "And what are those plans?" Shawn inquired, watching his body as he walked towards her. "If I told you, it would ruin the secret." AJ smirked, that famous AJ smirk. He put an arm around Shawn, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, much like Howie had done. "Well, lets go then. I'm ready to go do something!" Shawn said, bouncing up and down in her chair to show her excitement. Kevin cleared his throat loudly, and bent closer to the newspaper to keep from being distracted. Nick's eyes went up and down, watching her. Howie coughed, took another sip of orange juice and tried to divert Nick's eyes.

AJ watched for a moment. "The only reason you have so much energy is because you slept all day, and all night." AJ shrugged, shaking a finger at her as if she had done something wrong. "Whoa, whoa whoa!" Brian walked up, hearing just enough of the conversation to put in his two cents. "A girl stayed in the same room as AJ and SLEPT all night?! You're kidding!" Brian grinned, and took off running. AJ growled and took off after him. The rest of them stayed seated and laughed till their sides hurt.

"Shawn!" AJ shouted barging into the hotel room that night. Shawn sat up in bed quickly, glancing at the clock. "Its midnight, AJ! What do you want?" She rubbed her eyes, smoothing her hair down. "To party. I want to go to a club, and I want you to come with me. All the guys are going... Now get up, get dressed and let's go." AJ grinned, stripping from his sweaty concert clothes. He stood there in his boxers for a moment, just staring back at Shawn as her eyes raked over his body. "Alright. Give me 30 minutes." Shawn said, disappearing into the bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower, rapidly removing her clothes. AJ walked up and knocked on the door. "Shawn! If I'm not here when you get out, I'll be next door in Howie's room." He waited, listening to the shower. She mumbled an 'Ok', and he grabbed some clothes and left the room.

::knock knock::

"Come on in Shawn. We all know its you." Howie laughed as he walked to the door. Opening it, he gasped, taken aback by the radiance that shone from her this evening. He slowly let her walk in, watching her every move. "You look beautiful." "Thanks Howie. You dont look so bad yourself." Shawn swallowed, hardly breathing herself. Howie was dressed in all black... and it suited him nicely. Fresh cologne drifted towards her and she leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek. Only problem, is that she missed his cheek and got him square on the lips. He didnt seem too bothered, though. "Shawn, is that you?" AJ's raspy voice called out from the beds. Shawn walked in, gasping when she saw AJ. He wore black leather pants and a black tank top. Nothing fancy, but oh-so-seductive. AJ sat up straight on the bed and whistled. "Shawn... Didnt your mama tell you never to dress like that infront of a man?" "Show me where the man is, first." Shawn grinned, pulling a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Ooh, you're asking for it girl!" AJ stood up to give her a hug, but Howie walked up behind her, putting a protective arm around her waist. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled, turning and heading for the door. "C'mon, AJ. Are we going or not?" Shawn called over her shoulder as Howie led her out of the room. AJ stood back for a minute wondering why seeing Howie's arm around Shawn made him so uneasy. 'Howie is a great guy.' AJ told himself. 'Why should I care if Shawn likes him?' The knot in his stomach tightened as he saw Howie again whisper something to her, resulting in a peck on the cheek. Then Shawn turned around to face AJ and smiled. All his nerves came undone. "Come on! I'm ready to dance!"

To Chapter 3

Bonez Stories
