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Chapter 3

The club was crowded, but no one seemed to mind. The 6 of them walked in, and instantly began to mingle. Howie grabbed Shawn's hand and led her out onto the dance floor, urging her to dance. Shawn smiled, flinging her head back in laughter. AJ walked behind them, stopping when he saw the smile on her face. She looked so happy. He'd ask her to dance later, then maybe he could figure out why he was feeling this way. His thoughts were slightly distracted by a sudden explosion of laughter behind him. He spun around, finding himself face to face with an unfamiliar girl. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she smiled at him, apologizing for being in his way. He shook his head, as if to say 'no problem' and politely asked her to dance.

"I dont dance. I'm here to watch people dance and listen to the music." she replied, shaking her head. "Oh come on." AJ said, tugging on her hand. "Please?" "Why dont you just come over here and talk to me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, nodding towards a table in the back of the club. "That works." AJ shrugged and followed her back there, still latched on to her hand. They sat down opposite each other and AJ took that moment to study her.

She was intriguing to him and he couldnt figure out why. She looked normal enough. Dark brown hair swung straight, just barely resting on her shoulders. She wore a white spaghetti strap shirt that was modest enough to cover all body parts... 'that must be part of the intrigue.' AJ thought. Her jeans were baggy, but looked stylish on her. Small hoop earrings adorned her ears, 3 simple rings sat on her fingers and a single silver chain hung around her neck. She had a big smile and made AJ at ease instantly. "So... come here often?" She asked laughing. AJ took that as a joke and began to laugh also, relaxing ever more so. "Actually, everytime I'm in town... and yourself?" AJ asked politely, ordering a drink as a waitress walked by.

"Whenever I feel like it, yeah." She nodded, still smiling. Here she was sitting alone at a table with one of the hottest guys in the club. Her smile seemed permanently stuck on her face. "Whats your name?" AJ asked, peering over the rims of his orange tinted glasses. His dark brown eyes and long eyelashes took her by surprise. A small giggle escaped her lips. "Adrienne." She replied, sticking out her hand. "And you are...?" "AJ. Nice to meet you Adrienne." AJ accepted her hand, applying a firm grip of his own. She smiled again and AJ laughed.

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"You look so good." Howie whispered in Shawn's ear as they danced. It was a slow song and their bodies were firmly pressed together. Shawn felt dizzy from the intoxicating smell of him and the closeness of his body. It was like a dream. "So do you..." Shawn whispered. She pulled him tighter, slipping a leg between his as they danced, moving against him even closer. "You trying to seduce me?" Howie asked with a smile, letting his hands fall down her back, past her hips... then tightening his grip on her backside. "Do you want me to?" Shawn replied huskily. She leaned in closer, touching her mouth gently against his. The kiss was short and soft, but promised so much more. The song ended and another upbeat song came on. "Howie, I am worn out. Can we go get a drink?" Howie nodded and they headed towards the bar. Shawn glanced over at all the tables, suddenly noticing AJ sitting there with a girl. He was leaned way over the table talking merely inches from her face. She was giggling and putting her hair behind her ears every so often. Shawn's stomach turned. "Here ya go." Howie said as he walked up behind her, glass in hand.

"Oh hey! There's AJ. Yo! AJ! Whats up?" Howie walked over to the table Shawn was trying so hard to ignore. AJ glanced up smiling. "Hey Howie. I'd like you to meet Adrienne. Adrienne, this is Howie, one of my good friends." Howie held out his hand. AJ motioned for Howie and Shawn to join the two already seated. "AJ- introduce me to your friend?" Shawn said tensely. She forced a smile as she looked at the other girl. "Oh, yeah. Adrienne, this is Shawn, my best friend in the world. Shawn, this is Adrienne. She'll be coming back to the hotel with us tonite... Speaking of which-Howie-do you mind housin' Shawn for the night?" AJ looked at Shawn for some sort of response. Anger flashed through her eyes, and he smirked to himself. "Um, no problem, AJ." Howie smiled at Shawn, placing a hand on her thigh. Shawn looked into his eyes, realizing what kind of wonderful night lay ahead of her now. She had to smile at AJ, and reminded herself to thank him later. AJ noticed the sudden change of mood, and saw Howie's hand inching its way up her leg. Jealousy ran through his veins as he struggled to remain calm. He leaned over, whispering something to Adrienne. She laughed and Shawn turned her head. Howie put an arm around her, his hand continuing the journey up her leg. She looked into his eyes, seeing the desire. He bent slowly, touching her lips lightly at first before devouring her mouth with his own. "Ahem! Can we break it up?" AJ asked loudly, clearing his throat, bringing Howie and Shawn back to reality. "Why? Making you uncomfortable?" Shawn asked teasing, getting up before hearing his answer. Howie followed her, out of the club.

She was headed back to the hotel. AJ watched them leave, wishing he knew what was wrong with him and why this jealousy was running through his body. "Is AJ having girl problems?" Adrienne asked teasingly. She leaned her chin on her hand, her elbow resting on the table. She blinked at AJ's confused look. "What?" He asked, having just been brought back to reality. "What part didnt you understand? Shall I talk slower?" She asked, still smiling, and knowing that he was indeed having girl problems. "I'm here to listen, if you need to talk." AJ looked up into those deep hazel eyes, seeing the concern and genuine care. He nodded in defeat. "I suppose we could go back to the hotel now. We can talk better there." He stood up, helping Adrienne up like a true gentleman. Together they walked outside, arm in arm, in the direction of the hotel, just a block away. As they began to walk, AJ began to unload his story...starting with a few years back when he had met Shawn...

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"Oh, Howie..." Shawn whipered to the sweaty body draped lazily next to her's as they gazed into each other's eyes. "That was amazing." Howie breathed, gently pushing a few strands of hair from her sweaty forehead. "You are so beautiful...and your stamina is tremendous!" "I have never, in my whole life, done something that strenuous before." Shawn said, her chest still rising rapidly through heavy breaths. "And oh my God will I be sore tomorrow!" Howie laughed, shaking his head as he slowly began to get up. "You should exercise with more moderation, especially if you're not used to it." He leaned down to help her up from the floor where they had collapsed after a long workout. "No kidding. Remind me of that NEXT time I decide to do this with you." Shawn laughed. They had a good time working out together. A lot of talking was done about what they wanted, and could and could not do with one another. The WANT was there. She wanted him and he wanted her, but would it be right? It was an unanswered question that would be discussed after they returned to the hotel room and finished showers and cooling off. "Ready to go back to the room?" Howie asked, steadying Shawn on her feet. She nodded with a smile. Too exhausted for words.

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"So you do like her, but she's been just a friend for so long, you are now afraid to let her see your true feeling?" Adrienne asked, sitting on the corner of the bed as AJ collapsed across the other one. "Are you psychic or something?" AJ mumled into the bed, breathing in deeply, the scent of Shawn's body that had previously laid there. "No. I just piece together what I hear and what I see." Adrienne smiled. "She's very lucky to have you as a friend, and even luckier to have you a man wanting more than friendship." "Did you not see her with Howie tonite? They were all over each other!" AJ continued to mumble into the pillow he had dive-bombed onto. "On the contrary, my dear AJ. He was all over her, yes. But she was watching you. Just as you watched her as you spoke about me. Just tell her, AJ." Adrienne said, walking slowly to where he lay on the bed, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Dont let your chance pass by."

AJ looked up at her, seeing the knowledge and sincerety in her eyes. She was a beautiful person. AJ smiled. Then, sitting up, he slowly moved forward, fixating his eyes on her mouth. Inch by inch, he closed the gap, finally resting his mouth on hers. It was a soft kiss at first before exploding into one full of frustration and confusion. He didnt know what to think, and here he was confused, with a beautiful woman in his hotel room. Only one way to rid oneself of frustration... and AJ was just about to try... "No. AJ, we cant." Adrienne pushed AJ off of her and sat up. "Why not?" AJ panted, still lightly running his fingers along her jaw. "Because I dont want a one-night thing. I mean, I would love to stay here with you and let you act out all your pent up emotions on me-believe me I would, but you would be thinking about her the whole time...I dont want to do that to you or myself. Why do something we'll both regret in the morning?" Adrienne asked, sincerely, placing a hand against his cheek. A single tear rolled down his face and he turned away embarrassed. "I dont know what to do, or what to think anymore. She's turned my whole life upside-down and I cant handle it." AJ whispered. "Tell her AJ." Adrienne gently rubbed his back. "Tell her exactly what you're feeling and thinking. What have you got to lose?"

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Walking into the hotel room, Shawn stripped quickly, running the hot water in the shower and draping herself in Howie's bathrobe as she went to stand infront of the artic air conditioner. Howie lay half naked on the bed, letting the cool air pull goosebumps up across his skin. They both jumped as there came a loud knock on the door. "I'll get it." Shawn said. "I'm already up." She walked slowly to the door, her feet starting to hurt after the long run she'd had. Opening the door- she gasped. "I'm sorry." AJ said, beginning to turn away. "I didnt mean to interupt."

"Oh no! We're through." Shawn said, cringing as soon as she said it. Pain flashed across AJ's face. "Oh God, no, I didnt mean it that way...AJ dont leave. We need to talk." "No we dont. Whatever you and Howie do is fine with me. He's a great guy. I wish you all the best. Good-bye." And with that, he turned and walked away. "No! AJ, come back!" Shawn called down the hallway before turning back inside and slamming the door. "Shit!" Howie came running to the door. "What? What happened?" "AJ came by, saw me in your robe, assumed we'd had sex and said good bye." Shawn broke into tears, sliding down the wall, to sit on the floor. "He actually said good-bye to me, in terms of, good luck in the future I never want to see you again."

"Not true. AJ loves you more than anything Shawn. He would never do that." Howie said kneeling in front of her, holding his arms out. Shawn reached out, leaning against his bare chest. His arms were strong and comforting around her small body. She relished in the feeling that coursed through her body as he held her and whispered comforting words to her. She looked up into his puppy dog eyes and memories of her crush so long ago flooded through her brain. He had always been so caring, and so beautiful... his mouth decended slowly, not trying to force her into anything, and not asking anything in return, but the kiss gave so much, Shawn couldnt help but give back just as much, if not more. Slowly standing up, Howie led her to the bed, not once ever breaking the kiss...

To Chapter 4

Bonez's Stories
