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Bodychapter1Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Feels good to be home, doesn't it AJ?" Howie sighed, breathing in the warm air. "Yeah, it does. I'll miss the tour here in about 2 days, but for right this very second, it feels real nice." AJ sighed, setting his bags down on his front porch. "Well, D, come on in." The two guys walked inside, dropping their bags in the hallway. AJ smiled and hollered, "Honey I'm home!" Howie laughed at AJ's goofy grin, but the guys stopped dead in their tracks as a woman's voice called out from the back room. "Its about time you got home. Dinner's getting cold." A small framed girl walked out into view and smiled. "Hey J.." she said quietly. "Probably don't remember me do you?" AJ walked cautiously towards the girl, and peered at her from over the top of his sunglasses. "You look kinda familiar, but.. at the same time..." "Take a real good look there Alex. Try to picture me with glasses, braces, short hair, and no body at all what-so-ever." she replied with a small shrug. "Hmmm..." AJ looked and looked, trying to figure out who this woman was and why she was in his house. Yet at the same time, thanking God that she was!

"Oh Jesus Christ, Alexander! Its me, Elizabeth! We grew up together for Heaven's sake!" She threw her hands up in frustration, not paying attention to how close he was getting. As she threw her hands up, he grabbed her, enveloping her in a hug. "Izzy! You don't look like you anymore! Oh my God! It is sooo good to see you! How are you? Doing good? How'd you get in my house? Where'd you come in? How'd you know when I'd be here- wow its good to see you!" AJ laughed, swinging her around. "Calm down, J! Its gonna be ok. Its good to see you too. I missed you." Elizabeth giggled as he set her down, still looking over her body. "Wow. I'm impressed. You did good while I was gone." AJ said with a low whistle. "Maybe I should leave more often!"

"You didn't do so bad yourself there, sexy. What are these? Muscles?" She asked as she trailed her long nails down his chest, across his arms... AJ laughed. "Yeah, I think so... last time I checked atleast. What about this- what are these?" he asked, pointing to her now quite voluptuous upper body. "These, my dear Alexander, are what we call breasts!" Howie laughed as AJ took a step back to admire her body. "Got a nice set there, Liz." Howie smiled. "Oh Howard, how are you? I missed you guys!" Elizabeth ran over to give Howie a big hug, but stopped half way as another whistle emitted from AJ's mouth. "What?" she asked, turning to face him. "No! Don't stop! Keep walking..." he grinned wickedly, watching the way her body swayed as she moved towards Howie. She laughed, jumping into Howie's waiting arms. "What a perv." she whispered in his ear. "I don't blame him." Howie grinned. "You've turned out quite well, honey." "Same to you D. Quite well, indeed." she replied, squeezing at his well developed chest and arms. "Yes, quite well... Infact, remind me to try these out later..." Howie smiled and blushed at her obvious innuendo. "You certainly have changed, Liz." he shook his head with a laugh. "And you love it." she grinned. Turning back to AJ, she waltzed over slowly, making sure he watched every step. "Do I need to get you a towel? You're drooling." AJ smirked. "Maybe... Altho, I'm sure I could find something better to wipe my mouth on..." "Whoa! AJ, down boy. You just got home. I only wanted to welcome ya. I'd better get going. I'll be at my house if ya need me. You have the number there by the phone." She inched up to his body, gazing into his chocolate eyes. "See ya around sexy... bye bye Howie..."

"DAMN!! She is hotter than hell, Howie! Man, did you see the ass on her?? Jesus! I have never in my life seen someone that matured as well as she has!" AJ sputtered, pacing around the living room. "Milk. It does a body good!" Howie chimed in with a smile. "She must have had a whole herd of cows! She didn't even look close to that when we left, man. Not even close. She's like, a woman now. A really hot one! She was just a little awkward teenager when we left... ah geez... God must hate me!" AJ shouted to the ceiling. "Don't you mean God must love you? She sure was flirting, Bone." Howie smiled, shaking his head. "So? She's my best friend, my kid sister type - God, there'd be incest in the family if she was my real sister!!" AJ's train of thought ran here and there, Howie frantically trying to follow. "She was, we were... Wow. Its like, not even. It wouldn't work." he finally concluded. Howie laughed. "Maybe some sleep will help clear your mind." AJ nodded, mumbling a good-night and wandered off to his bedroom.

"Morning sleepyhead." A sugary voice whispered in AJ's ear. "Mmm..." AJ mumbled, turning over in his sleep. Reaching up, he grabbed her and pulled her down, pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was passionate and deep, taking Elizabeth by surprise. But his mouth was so warm against hers, so unrelenting, she couldn't help but respond. Pulling back, out of his embrace, her face flushed, AJ opened his eyes and sat straight up in bed. "What are you doing here?!" he demanded, rubbing his eyes. "I came to wake you up, but as luck would have it- you seem to be awake already, and I dare say you are quite 'up'." Elizabeth purred in his ears, looking into his big eyes. "Whoa, how'd you get in?" AJ asked, backing away from the silver reflection of her eyes, and away from the closeness of her body. "Howie let me in." she shrugged. "Well, ok. I'm up-uh, awake now, could you leave the room for a sec?" AJ asked, looking around for a robe or clothing of some kind. "Why? We used to take baths together!" Elizabeth grinned. "Things are slightly different now." AJ blushed, hiding himself under the sheets. "Why do you say that? What are you hiding from me?" she asked slyly, pulling back the covers to reveal a solid chest, muscles rippling all over. "Whoa, AJ... nice... what other surprises you got under there?" AJ grabbed the sheet, wrapping it tightly around his waist before she could pull it down any further. "Nothing! There is nothing left to see!" AJ jumped up and ran into the bathroom, not giving her a chance to figure out what was going on.

"What a baby." Elizabeth whined as she climbed under the covers with Howie on the couch bed he had pulled out the night before. Snuggling up in his arms, she sighed, happy that her friends had come home. "I missed you, Liz." Howie breathed against her silky hair. It was soft against his skin, and brought the smell of vanilla every time he inhaled. "I missed you too, Howie..." Elizabeth turned slightly to place a delicate kiss on his lips. His lips were soft, full, inviting... she had intended for the kiss to just be a quick peck, but his smooth tongue, gently easing its way into her mouth changed her mind. Finally pulling away breathless, she smiled. "Yeah, I definitely missed you, too..." Closing her eyes, she settled in with him, falling asleep quickly after a sleepless night, thinking about her friends... and how much everyone had changed.

"Whoa." Nick stopped suddenly, Brian and Kevin ran into his back. "What's up dude?" Brian asked."Shh!" Nick pointed to the couch bed, and the two entwined figures sleeping within it. "Looks like Howie found himself a girl." "Hey guys! How's it-" AJ walked out shouting a hello to his friends, then screeching to a halt at the sight of Elizabeth laying so close to Howie. "What the hell's going on?" Elizabeth heard the voices and sat up, gently removing Howie's arm from around her body. Looking up, she saw the guys. She jumped to her feet, racing towards them, falling into their open waiting arms. "Hey guys!" she squealed. "How are you?!" "Lizbeth!!" They shouted. "You've grown up!" She pulled away from them, turning around to give 'em the full view and grinned at their approving looks and whistles. "Not bad, eh?" she asked. "Not bad at all..." Nick agreed, nodding approvingly. "Nope, not bad at all..." Brian and Kevin smiled, enveloping her in another bone crushing hug. Howie sat up, leaning over the back of the couch, watching the guys reaction to her and how much she'd changed. "God, she has changed..." Howie thought to himself. Then he smiled, remembering the kiss they had shared. His smiled disappeared quickly, as he watched the way Nick was looking her up and down and she seemed quite happy to return the gesture. Glancing over to AJ, Howie felt jealousy rise up in him. AJ looked just as mad at Nick as Howie felt... and Brian and Kevin sat further away, enjoying the view of her, themselves. "This is going to be a long summer" Howie thought. "A very long summer..."

"Ok, ok, ok. Enough Nick and Izzy. Ya'll two need to tone down the hormones just a bit alright?" AJ said jokingly, but not without the bitter edge in his voice. Elizabeth caught the edge in his voice and sent a smirk his way. "What's the matter, sexy? Jealous of the attention." she asked, working her way towards him. AJ shook his head and pushed past her into the kitchen to make some food. Howie followed, hoping Nick would follow also. Nick shrugged and followed. Kevin headed in the opposite direction, bumping into Elizabeth along the way. "Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked in his deep voice. "Sure." Elizabeth replied, following him down the hall. As soon as they were bathed in the shadows of the hallway, he pushed her against the wall, forcing his mouth down on hers roughly. "God I missed you." he moaned against her mouth. "I though I was going to die waiting for you last night." "Oh, Kev..." she murmured as he kissed her neck. "I missed you too... these past few months have been hell without you. Obviously the guys never found out..." The kiss increased in passion, causing blood to pump and hearts to race. Kevin and Elizabeth had been secretly seeing each other for a year now, and had successfully hidden it from the guys. "We'd better go. Before they notice." she whispered, pulling away and walking towards the other end of the house.

"Hey Bri." Elizabeth said, hugging Brian as she plopped down next to him on the couch. "How are you?" "Good." He replied with a smile. "Now that you're here..." And with that, he leaned in to kiss her. Gently at first, then increasing in fierceness. She moaned against his mouth, running her hands down his chest. "I missed you, Brian...Oh, how I missed you." she mumbled. "We need to chill out. Not here, not now." he said, backing away. "I'll call you." Elizabeth headed into the kitchen, where everyone sat, Kevin joining a few minutes later. Each guy was giving her secret messages with their eyes, and she felt her heart begin to pound with excitement and nervousness. "What if they all find out?" she asked herself. "They won't. They haven't yet- they wont now..." AJ looked in her eyes, seeing the confusion that played through there. He saw the fighting going on in her brain and smirked. "If she wants to play rough, then that's exactly how we're gonna play..." he said to himself. "Rough... very rough."

"Well guys, I'm going to hit the hay. Its been a long day and honestly, Elizabeth- hearing you talk wears me out! So I'm going to leave but I'll see you all tomorrow." Brian stood up and stretched. "He's got a point." Nick agreed with a yawn. "I'm gonna head on home too." The other remaining guys mumbled agreements and began to head towards the door. Elizabeth and AJ followed the guys to the front. Elizabeth gave each guy a hug, whispering in each ear separately. "See you all tomorrow." She shouted cheerfully as AJ shut the door. "What the hell kind of game do you think you're playing, Iz?" AJ asked, shoving his face close to hers. "Do you honestly think no one will find out?"\ "Find out what?" she asked in mock innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Oh come on Elizabeth. I've known you since I was 5. I think I kinda have you figured out. Besides, how dumb do you really think I am?" AJ asked, pushing her against the wall in anger. "I never said you were dumb." Elizabeth replied, batting her eyelashes. "I just said I don't know what you're talking about." She leaned forward, pressing her mouth ever so gently against his, opening her mouth to let his tongue in. The kiss intensified, his fingers wound themselves in her hair, her hands ran up and down his body, fumbling with his belt buckle AJ lifted her up, carrying her to his bedroom where he laid her on the bed. "Take off your belt." Elizabeth pleaded, as she removed her own pants and shirt. AJ did as he was told. He began to kiss her entire body, slipping his hands beneath the soft material of her underwear. Elizabeth grabbed the edge of his boxers with her toes and pulled them down, as AJ tugged on her panties with his teeth. Once all clothing was removed and precautionary measures were taken, AJ slammed his body into hers. Elizabeth cried out, wrapping her legs around his waist, moaning his name as he pumped harder and harder into her small body. She scraped her nails down his back, grabbing his ass and pulling him harder and deeper into her. She began to tighten around him as she climaxed, and felt him tense as he reached his own release. He collapsed on top of her, panting, shaking and sweating. They lay there, holding each other, until AJ fell asleep, with his full length still inside her.

The door swung open as Brian enveloped her in a hug. Shutting the door rapidly, Elizabeth scurried off towards the bedroom, throwing herself down onto the bed. Brian followed quickly, stripping as he walked. Elizabeth squirmed with anticipation, removing her own clothing as quickly as she could. Reaching into her jeans pocket, she removed a small package she had taken from AJ's house. "Come here." she purred, as Brian slowly climbed on top of her. Placing the protection on his hard body, he slowly eased into her, letting her wrap her body around him before he began to move. "I've been waiting for so long." he said between labored breaths. "Shh.." she scolded as she began gasping. Brian's movements became harder and faster, bringing them both closer and closer to release. He fell on top of her, gently rolling off beside her, and drifting off to sleep. "2 down..." Elizabeth muttered to herself. "Only 2 more to go..".

"Nicky!" she laughed as he picked her up and swung her around. "I missed you soo much!" "I missed you too." he said huskily. "Now lets go..." They raced back to his bedroom, falling on the bed together. They stripped in great haste, and lay down beside one another. Nick knelt above her, kissing a trail down her stomach, to the anxiously awaiting area between her legs. He eased 2 fingers in, moving them in and out, watching her eyes close and head fall back onto the bed. Then he leaned in, probing deep inside with his tongue, moving his fingers along with it. Elizabeth squirmed, and cried out as he hit her spot with his tongue. Her chest heaved with her labored breathing as she sat up and threw Nick down on the bed. She knelt down over him and took his entire arousal in her mouth, in her throat. Nick groaned, grabbing the back of her head and pumping into it. Elizabeth surrendered, allowing him to push himself deeper and deeper into her mouth, before finally exploding. He laid back, and closed his eyes sleepily. She crept out the second his breathing returned to normal.

"Hey Liz. Bout time you showed up." Howie smiled, opening the door for her. "Howie, shut up and fuck me." Elizabeth demanded, pulling him against her, feeling his arousal pressing firmly against her stomach. He crushed their bodies together as they fell onto the couch, touching, rubbing and removing clothes the whole time. Once they were naked, Howie adorned the needed protection and entered her. She cried out, trying not to scream at the uncomfortable width to which he had stretched her. He began to move, moaning her name, making her call out his. She pushed herself up with each new thrust, forcing his large erection fully inside of her. It was painful, but ever so enjoyable. They climaxed together, he fell atop of her, much like AJ had done and fell asleep. She eased out from under him, picked up her clothes and left.

"Kevin? Baby, are you awake?" she asked with a whisper. "Hey there. I didn't think you were coming." Kevin growled in the dark. "Got slightly, um, distracted...sorry about that." Elizabeth said, stripping quietly and climbing into bed with Kevin. "Its ok. I know how that goes. As long as you're here, now..." Kevin whispered against her ear, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "They don't suspect yet do they?" "AJ did, but he's taken care of. So are the others." Elizabeth replied with a yawn, snuggling closer to Kevin's warm body. "All of them? In one night? I'm impressed, my little one. How are you still in one piece? And awake?!" he asked, amazed. The response was that of heavy, even breathing of the sleeping woman next to him. He smiled in the dark, pulling her small naked body against his, molding their bodies together, with her bare back against his firm chest. He kissed her shoulder, whispering. "I love you Elizabeth... God how I missed you..." And with that, he closed his eyes, arms and legs entwined with Elizabeth's, falling asleep, knowing that unlike the others, he would wake up with her still in his arms.

To Chapter 2

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