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Chapter Two

"I think this is really great." Brian said, looking at the sheet of paper infront of him. "It really says everything we've been wanting to say about the album. What do you guys think?" "What'd I miss?" AJ asked, snuffing out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray. "Anything important or are we still looking at heart and flower cover designs?" "Brian found something. You take a look, AJ." Nick mumbled, thumbing through the stack infront of him. AJ took the paper from Brian and looked at the design. It was drawn to scale-the size of an actual cover and it was the most simple one he'd seen all day. A square. One half black, one half blue. The words "Black and Blue" written in the center. AJ flipped the paper onto the back.

"R. Young. Guy or girl? Fan or not? Who did this? Its the most simple I've seen, and it definitly represents the struggles we've gone through to this point..." AJ trailed off, looking at the precise lines and colors used in the design. "Someone spent a lot of time on this, though. Have you guys really looked at it?" He stood there amazed that someone would take so much time to create something so simple, yet so strong.

"Its one of Dubuoi's students, AJ." Howie said with a smile. AJ's eyes lit up at the mention of his old drama teacher's name. "He said this particular student shows serious potential. Said he or she is a real fiesty one." "When do we get to meet 'em?" AJ asked, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "Tuesday." Kevin answered, hanging up his cell phone. "Dubuoi said we can come in tuesday. 7th period." "Alright!" AJ grinned. "This is going to be great."

"Yeah, then he says I have to do it! I was like- what the hell?!" Here I am, talking to Amber. We're sitting in a small corner booth at the local Taco Bueno, catching up on the last week's details. "Its not like you've never heard of the Backstreet Boys before." Amber said, taking a bite of her burrito and shaking a finger at me. "So? Whats that got to do with anything. I dont like the Backstreet Boys. Why the hell would I want to design a dumbass cd cover for their dumbass album?" My language wasnt usually this bad, but I get pissed whenever I bring up the subject. "So how'd you finally end up designing it? Did you get a good grade?" Amber asked, sipping her coke and taking another bite.

"I just did half black, half blue." I replied. "The inspiration came from my bruised hand. Remember- I said I punched a locker? Yeah, well, it was gross. And Mr. Dubuoi didn't say what my grade was. He just said he needed to talk to me 7th period tomorrow. After drama." "I'll bet you're in trouble for not 'putting forth any effort'. He can see 'your true potential'..." Amber went on, in a deep voice, mimicking all other teacher's speeches. "Well, either way- I have to stay after school for it. That pisses me off." Amber choked on her Dr.Pepper and looked at me. "Riv, honey, everything pisses you off." Amber batted her eyelashes and smiled sweetly at me. I hate it when she does that. But I grinned back anyways. She always makes me smile when I'm mad. That pisses me off too. I quit smiling.

To Chapter 3

Bonez's Stories
