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Backstreet Boys Concert Tour Pictures

Dallas, Tx 2001

Hey guys. If you went to the Dallas show, it kicked ass!! We got there late, so we didnt get to see Krystal perform, but we saw her at the autograph table! We saw Sisquo. He was pretty good, ya know..i can't complain. If you were at the Dallas show, you know they were taking up cameras, film, and batteries like crazy! So be careful, and take my advice for future concerts :)

Here's a hot tip to sneaking in cameras: Wrap your camera in a black t-shirt, and stuff it in the bottom of your purse or backpack, and pile extra stuff (shirts, purses, makeup, etc.) on top. When they check them, they wont see the camera wrapped at the bottom. Inside the venue, take a picture, then drop the camera down in front of you, like you never had one ;)













































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