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Everytime I Close My Eyes


Chapter 1

"Yo AJ..." Nick said with a concerned look on his face as he stepped into the room. "Why you look so tired, man?" AJ looked up at Nick slowly, sleep deprivation clinging to his handsome features. "I keep having those dreams, then I get thinking and... well, sleep never comes around." AJ said in a scratchy voice, rougher than usual. "Those dreams?" Nick asked raising an eyebrow. "About the girl you've never met?" AJ nodded, leaning against the wall of the hotel room. He lifted a hand to his hair, lighting running his fingers through the tousled strands. "Man, you've been having those for two weeks now..." Nick said, resting his hand on AJ's shoulder. "Same dream each night?"

"Only kind of. Its like, ok, in the dream I see this girl and she's at the concert, not first row, but like 3rd. And she's not screaming and acting all crazy. She's standing there, swaying gently to the music, her eyes closed, a smile on her lips... she opens her eyes and our eyes meet. She smiles. Then I turn away for a second. When I look back, she's gone. But then I see her later that night. At a club. Same thing happens. She's leaning on the bar, bouncing lightly to the music... we make eye contact, she smiles... I turn away and she's gone..." AJ replied, his voice trailing off, pacing the room.

"Whoa whoa whoa..." Nick stepped infront of AJ, stopping the insistant pacing. "Arent you and Amanda still together?" AJ looked at Nick, confused for a second before recognition sank in. "Oh yeah." AJ said. "Yeah we are." He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. "Then why would a dream about some girl that doesnt exist mess you up so bad?" Nick asked, being the voice of reason for once in his life. "I dont know, Nick. I do not know." AJ shrugged. "Maybe I oughtta take advantage of these few days off and go visit Amanda..." "Thats a great idea, AJ." Nick nodded in approval. Putting his arm around AJ's shoulders, he gave him a quick hug and left the room. Nick sighed heavily as he shut the door to AJ's room... shaking his head he walked towards the elevator. It was still early, maybe breakfast was still being served...

"Okay, so, everyone is staying here, right?" Kevin asked around the conference table in a large room at the hotel. He looked around at everyone. "Except AJ." Nick said. "He went to spend some time with Amanda." Kevin nodded in understanding. "Okay, well... we have 3 days of nothing, so enjoy it fellas." Kevin said with a contented sigh. "Be careful though. You guys know the rules about leaving by yourself..." The guys all laughed and stood up, happy to have some free time. Howie stood up and stretched as if he'd been sitting there all day. "Well, I'm about to head out for some shopping..." He said, not surprising anyone with his announcement. "Anyone care to join me?" Nick stood up and raised his hand.

"I'll go, D." Nick said grinning. "Brian said he was gonna spend some time with Kev. Probably talking about married life or something." Howie laughed. "Alright. Let's go." Howie and Nick spent most of those 3 days together shopping and just hanging out. They'd sit on a bench in the park and watch the girls walk by, trying to figure out who would like who the most. They found a couple that they had announced in unison would belong to AJ. "Its weird when he's not around." Nick admitted. "I mean, he's usually off by himself anyways, but when he's GONE gone, its really weird." Howie agreed. "I know what you're saying. It definitly feels like someone's missing. He'll be back tomorrow though, so its ok." Just then, an attractive blonde walked by and they both quit talking.

To Chapter 2

Bonez's Stories
