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"You do realize miss, that what you did is a felony. You could face serving multiple years if the Boys decide to pursue this case." The man said as he paced rigidly opposite of Sydney Kyle-Anne McConnel in the brightly lit room. "Yes sir, I am completely aware of the consequences of what I did. And I am ready to face whatever they dare throw in my way." She folded her hands neatly infront of her on the cold table. "While we're here, why dont you tell me exactly what happened? I have a tape set. Talk when you're ready." He placed the recording device infront of her and pressed play, his cold eyes staring at her. Sydney smiled at the man and began. "No problem. It started out like any other day, except that me and my friend, Alyssa May Jackson had just won tickets to a Backstreet Boy concert..."


"What do you mean you won?" Sydney asked, staring at her best friend Alyssa in disbelief. "What part did you not understand?" Alyssa grinned at the look on her friend's face. "I won... follow me so far? Tickets... to the... Backstreet Boys concert... in 3 weeks. Remember- the one you wanted to go to so bad but couldnt get tickets when they went on sale 2 months ago?" "Ooh, no... you're kidding me!" Sydney squealed with delight and anticipation about seeing her favorite group live. Alyssa shook her head with a smile. "Nope- this isnt a joke Syd. I'm for real." Sydney smiled, laughing as "I want it that way" began to play on the radio, following an announcement about the upcoming concert. Sighing, she fell back onto her friend's bed.

"We should make a plan to kidnap them." Sydney announced nonchalantly. "Excuse me?" Alyssa stopped. She still hadn't gotten used to Sydney's random comments. "Kidnapping. I think it'd be an awesome adventure if we tried to kidnap the boys. Well, atleast AJ and who do you like? Brian? Yeah, them..." Sydney's voice trailed off as her mind began working without her consent. Plans began to be formulated... actual plans for a kidnapping... "Hello? Earth to Sydney." Alyssa snapped her fingers. "They are a bit bigger than we are AND they have big fat security guards. Are you serious? Oh my God... Sydney you're actually considering it!"

Sydney sat up straight on the bed, her hair flying out crazily around her face. Her smile was more of a smirk and her eyes were lit up with the insane look she got everytime she came up with an idea. "Ok... no more crazy ideas there LUCY." Alyssa giggled, shaking her head. "Yeah, sure ETHYL! Ruin my fun." Sydney joked. "No, but seriously... what if we did? We would go down in history for pulling off the biggest and best kidnapping scheme of all times!" "Fame is not on my list of priorities Syd, and even if it was, KIDNAPPING is not what I want to be known for... Is it called kidnapping if they arent kids?" Alyssa paused, puzzling herself with that question. "Man-napping doesnt have the same ring to it. Hottie-napping. Babe-napping... Backstreet Boy-napping... see? Doesnt work." Sydney giggled, throwing herself back down on the bed. "No, but for real, Aly... We should try. Wanna try?"

"No, Sydney! I dont want to try! You are insane! Good Lord. What would your parents think?" Alyssa said, tossing a stuffed animal onto the bed towards Sydney's face. "I'm 18. Translation: I can do whatever I want." Sydney mumbled, tossing the animal that had missed her, back towards Alyssa, hitting her square in the face. "Yeah well... I still dont think its right." Alyssa shrugged, lightly petting the furry stuffed dog that laid in her lap. "Who said anything about doing what was right or wrong? It's called living. New termenology for you Aly, I know, but you should try it sometime." Sydney sat up, resting her cheek in her hand.

"Oh bite me, Sydney. I live. Just not haphazardly and not all purposely lopsided like you do! Thats all." Alyssa set the dog aside and put a cd in her stereo. It just happened to be Backstreet Boys. "Oh come on Aly!!" Sydney stood up dramatically on her friend's bed, pausing slightly to steady her balance. "Look around your room! You have pictures out the wazoo and cd's flying around everywhere and good God, you have a freakin' pillow with the guys on it! Now sit there and listen to that sugar sweet voice and tell me that if you had the chance to kidnap him and do anything you please to him- you'd pass up the offer...because, after all... its not right." Alyssa paused, letting the honey tone of Brian's voice to fill her head, imagining the blue of his eyes and the willingness to drown in them that she felt deep inside... "Ok." She said in almost a whisper. "Ok, I'll do it." Sydney's grin held an aire of victory as she looked down at Alyssa from the bed. "I knew I could count on you Aly. Now... you're the brains... I have the idea- you help me plan ok? Here's what I'm thinking...."

The two girls sat up until sunrise discussing and planning the supposed kidnapping of the Backstreet Boys. Alyssa watched Sydney draw plan after plan wondering if this idea would work. Sydney paused, chewing on her bottom lip then leaned back over to draw some more. Her long blonde hair fell in her face every two seconds and she'd brush it back like it was second nature. Alyssa leaned back on her elbows just watching her friend.

Sydney was the most insane, intense person she'd ever met. She was similar to that of a spider. She looks harmless enough, but if you let her close enough- she'd do whatever it took to get you in her web- including poisonous bites. Alyssa stifled a laugh. Sydney sat hunched over a large piece of drawing paper, drawing out ideas. Her silver eyes reflected the white paper, making her eyes look like they were made of ice. She sat with arms and legs sprawled all over the place and the picture looked so funny, Alyssa couldnt hold it in anymore."Whats so funny?" Sydney asked not even looking up from the paper she was so vigorously drawing and scribbling on. "You are. You look like..." Alyssa stopped. Sydney glanced up and gave her a 'shut up or die' look and Alyssa decided living was more important than teasing Sydney right then.

"I have to use your computer." Sydney stated standing up and walking out of the room. "What for?" Alyssa called after her, getting up and following her into her dad's study. "To get a floor layout of the building and security and find out where we can and cant get in." "Ooh! Teenage computer hacker, Sydney, does it again!" Alyssa teased, watching the connection to the internet appear on the screen. "My name..." Sydney said in a deep voice, obviously about to mimick some movie line. " Neo." Alyssa giggled. "Sorry Syd. You cant pass for a Keanu very well."Sydney began typing in memorized number keys and letters, pausing to pout and say "You dont think so? I thought I had a rather manly physique."

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