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Chapter 2

"Hey guys! Were in Dallas! AJ! Brian! Wake up!" Nick comes stomping down the hallway of the tourbus to the bunk beds. "Come on I know you guys are in here somewhere." Nick shoves a fist into each of the beds, hoping to give each of the sleeping boys a good wakeup call. Finally, Nick throws a hard punch into the curtained bunk, colliding with a shoulder.

"OW! Hey! What the-!" A loud voice pierces the silence of the bunks followed by a flying arm reaching out for Nicks shirt. "Ha! Ha! Ya missed! Now get up! We're here!" Nick leaves the half-awake body to search for the second one. A groggy but rested AJ pulls back the small bed curtain and nearly falls out of the bunk. Adjusting to the light, he hears another loud scream followed by an annoying laugh.

"C'mon Bri! Get up! We're here!" AJ walks to the front of the bus and looks for something to drink. Scanning the fridge he decides on a Dr. Pepper to wake him up. Taking the drink he sits down and begins to open it, but not before he hears his name being called again from the back of the bus. Grumbling to himself he walks back to the bus. He finds Brian and Nick stuck in a pile of twisted limbs and laughter. "Ha Ha! AJ! Help! Get this blonde bimbo off me!"

AJ gives the two comedians a 'you must be joking' look and walks back to the front. "Uh oh. Brian, you got him at a bad time." "You know whats wrong with him. He's sex-deprived. Hasnt been laid in DAYS.." AJ heard what Brian said but decided to keep walking and go back to his now luke warm Dr. Pepper. Sitting down he watches the roadies and other workmen unload the equiptment and carry it into the arena. A smile slowly comes over AJ's face. Dallas is his favorite city. The fans here had something that the fans in other cities didn't. Letting out a loud burp, he sits back against the seat and drifts back to sleep.

"Hey! Nick! Don't wake him up he's fine. Let's go." Brian walks past the sleeping backstreet boy and leaves the tourbus with his trust sidekick, Nick, following behind. "What do we need to do?" Nick looks around at the mass of diesel buses and loading trucks. "Man, it's like a maze here. Where do we go?" Nick looks around quickly trying to find some possible route to take into the arena. They were already late for their sound check and costume fitting. "Don't worry, Nick. I remember Dallas like the back of my hand. This was the best city to come to on tour." Brian weaved between the rows of loading trucks and buses knowing exactly where to go. "Here we are." Brian and Nick walk through a back door and find themselves exactly where they needed to be. They stroll down the hallway and through an open door to the stage.

"Whoa. Nice place." Nick is mesmerized my the arena, even though it's one of the smaller places they've ever played at. "Hey guys." Kevin walks down the stage ramp only to find one missing person. "Ok I know we have five guys in this group. Where's AJ?" Kevin looks past Brian and Nick but finds just empty space. "We left him on the bus. He's not in the best mood." Brian quietly replies. "Yeah..he hasn't gotten know how that is." Nick adds in rather loudly, causing Tommy, their keyboardist, to give them a questioned look, but turns back to his equiptment. Brian elbows Nick in the ribs, causing him to let out a painful grunt. "Alright. Well, I'll go back and get him. Howie's over there getting the mics. I'll be right back." Kevin jogs off around the corner back to the tour buses.

A loud crash jerks AJ from his peaceful slumber. "God what was that?" AJ leans over and looks through the window. Outside he sees four of the workmen huddled around one of the giant speakers that must've fallen off the truck. "Great. That's all we need. One dead speaker." AJ's back straightens slightly, giving out another carbonated burp. "Dang AJ. You need to lay off the sodas." AJ turns to the door to find Kevin standing there on the steps. AJ then remembered he was supposed to go to sound check. He climbs out of the seat and grabs his soda.

"Man..we need to get some new work guys. They're weak as hell. Can't even carry a freakin speaker." Kevin laughs at AJ's remark and walks off the bus. Turning his head, Kevin sees a group of roadies leaning against a loading truck, each holding a sandwich. "Why should we? Look at em. They do such a good job of doing absolutely nothing!" Hearing Kevins remark, AJ nearly chokes on a mouthfull of Dr. Pepper. A mixture of gagging and hysterical laughter erupted from his mouth. "What's wrong with AJ" A greasy workman, with a mouthful of ham cheese in his mouthm questions to the other men. The others give an exchange of shrugged shoulders and questioned looks before continuing with their lunch.

"Like a virgin!! Touched for the very FIRST TIME!!" Brian slowly walks down the ramp of the five sided stage to the floor, belting out a Madonna tune in a high pitched feminine voice. This causes Nick to fall to the floor, his face red with laughter. "Alright Madonna! Time to get back to work!" The afternoon for the guys went on as scheduled. Sound checks, costume fitting, dinner, and equipment checks before the show. They were pumped and ready to go.

The show went on as scheduled. The guys felt that being in Dallas gave them a supercharge of energy brought from the audience. As the concert went on, in the back of their minds, they wished they could do each song over, hoping to stay here longer in their favorite city. Eventually their last song came and went. Under the stage, Brian watched the audience make their way out of the arena, listening to their excited yells and seeing their faces. A security guard came up behind Brian and told him it was time to leave, they were taking down the set.

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