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Chapter 3

"Man, what a show. Best one I've done this whole tour!" Nick bellows out into the hotel lobby. The guys drag their tired bodies down the hallway to their hotels rooms, ready for some much needed sleep. Pulling out his card key, Howie slips it into the slot and pulls it out, watching the light go green. Opening the door, he shouts down the hallway.

"G'night guys! See ya'll tomorrow." Kevin opens his door and shouts back to Howie, quickly closing the door behind him. "Yay. Bedtime. I'm so tired I think I'll pass on the video games tonight. See ya Bri." Nick drags himself into his room and slams the door. "Yeah alright. G'night guys. See ya sometime tomorrow. Whenever I decide to get my tired ass outta bed!" A low raspy voice called from the doorway out into the hall before the sound of the door shutting clicked loudly in the room. "Ughh..." Brian could barely speak but no words could describe his tiredness as he closed his hotel door. The hallway was silent as each of the boys went to bed.

Sydney's breath caught in her throat, making her eyes water as she stifled a cough. "Grrrrrr.." AJ mumbled as he stretched. Slowly, he removed his shirt and let his pants just fall to the floor. Falling onto the bed, he drifted off to sleep, exhausted after the concert.

Brian dropped his cardkey on the nightstand and turned on the bathroom light. Staring into the mirror, he bent down to wash his face. As he splashed the water on his face and looked back into the mirror, he shot a glance out of the mirror into the curtains beside his bed. "Coulda swore I saw something move....Oh well." Turning off the light, he walked to his bed, pulling off pieces of clothing along the way. With nothing left but his boxers, he pulls back the covers and slips into bed. Getting comfortable he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Sydney waited, not moving until she heard the sound of deep breathing from the sleeping body. Slipping from behind the curtains, she got ready and threw her hand across his mouth. He jumped but didnt move when he felt the cold steel of the gun pressed to his forehead. Dropping her voice to a whisper and leaning to his ear, Sydney said, "AJ- I have a gun, and I know where the trigger is. Are you prepared to do as I ask?" He nodded. "When I remove my hand, you will keep that beautiful mouth of yours shut or you will suddenly find yourself without it. Understood?" Another nod. Sydney removed her hand. Silence filled the room. "Lets go McLean. But you better pretend like this is your idea..." "Ok." AJ whispered. As she turned on the light, he was amazed to find such an attractive girl.

Waking slowly, Brian opens his eyes. He freezes hearing a quiet voice behind him shatter the night silence. "Wake up! Now! Wake up!" Brian turns around slowly to see a figure cloaked in darkness. He quickly gets up and turns on the lamp. He is shocked to see a young woman poised in front of him, holding a gun but a few inches from his face. "Say a word and I'll blow your brains out. You hear me?" Brian slowly nodded his head, eyes fixated on the gun in front off him.

"Get up. You wake anybody and you'll regret it." Brian quickly gets out of bed and reached for his pants. Alyssa lifted an eyebrow as she saw him walk across the room and gather his clothes. "Just you wait til I get you home..."

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