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Jamaican Cousins


Chapter 1

"Oh come on..." Brian pleaded with his cousin and best bud, Sonja. "You'll love the guys. And Kevin's here!" "Bri-I dont fit in here." She laughed, pulling away from his grip as he dragged her down tha hallway at the studio/house they guys were staying at. "What if they dont like me?" "Sonny, come on, girl! You live in Jamaica for Heaven's sake! You're a hottie. They'll love you." Brian grinned tugging her wrist harder. He dragged her down the hall, shouting the whole way.

"Brian-shut up." Kevin laughed as he emerged from a studio just down the hall. His eyes lit up as he saw his baby cousin. "Sonny!!" "Kevvy!" Sonja squealed and leapt into the arms of her other cousin. They hadnt seen each other in years. Lots of hugging and laughing ensued afterwards. "Well come on in, honey. The guys would love to meet you!" Kevin said, with Sonja still firmly attatched. She giggled before climbing onto his back and being given a piggyback ride into the studio. "Duck!" Brian called from behind as they walked through the doorway. Three other guys looked up from chairs and couches scattered about the room. AJ perked up instantaneously, noticing the long slender legs wrapped around Kevin's waist from behind.

"Guys..." Kevin began. "This is my baby cousin, Sonja. Sonja- say hello." A pair of big green eyes poked out from behind Kevin's shoulder. Her hair was almost white from the sun and her smile was bright, contrasting with the dark tan that covered her small body. "Hey fellas." She said in a soft voice. Goosebumps rose up on AJ's arms. "Sonny, this is AJ, Howie and you remember Nick..." Brian said, pushing past Kevin and motioning towards each guy. Howie smiled sweetly, Nick laughed and AJ... well, AJ was AJ. He stared as she climbed off Kevin's back. "Sonja is from here. Well, born in Kentucky, but lived here in Jamaica most her life." Kevin added as he sat down in a large couch, opposite the guys. "Ahh, an island girl." AJ smirked. "Perhaps you could show us around."

"I'd be more than willing." Sonja replied in a mock Jamaican accent similar to the one AJ had imitated. "Great! We arent doing anything tonite. Know of any good clubs?" AJ asked, leaning forward in his chair eagerly. "AJ! God, leave the poor girl alone." Brian said, shaking a finger at him. "Kev and I havent seen her in years-" "All the more better to go clubbin', my man!" AJ grinned, knowing he'd eventually get his way. "Hey- its cool." Sonja said, interupting. "I dont mind showing you fellas around. You're gonna be here for another month, Bri. We'll catch up. I promise." "See?" AJ said, getting up and walking over to Sonja to put his arm around her. "Your cuz knows whats up. She's cool, B. You sure ya'll are related? Just kidding! Just kidding!" AJ ducked as Brian playfully swung a punch at him.

"So, when are we going out?" AJ asked, turning back to Sonja. "Brian-can you all get to my house or do I need to meet you back up here?" She asked, looking at her cousin. "We'll come to your place." Kevin answered. "Then we can all pile into your car and go." "What kind of car you got?" Nick asked, munching on a bag of chips that had mysteriously found its way to him. "Ford Explorer." Sonja said. AJ nearly choked on his coke. "You have an explorer ?!" He asked surprised. "Yeah... is that ok?" Sonja asked cautiously. "AJ loves explorers." Howie said with a smile. "Oh! You do talk!" Sonja said excitedly, smiling at Howie. "Yes I do." Howie grinned. "Just not as much as everyone else." "Ha!Ha!" AJ exploded. "You're funny, D." "Ok, ok... not as much as AJ ." Howie shrugged. The guys all laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm gonna go clean up then. You guys meet me at home around 8, ok?" Sonja asked, looking for approval on the time. "Its a date!" AJ said with a goofy giggle. "Gimme a hug." Kevin said, folding his little cousin in his arms. "Me too, me too!" Brian said, joining in on the hug. "Ok. See ya'll at 8." Sonja waved and walked out the door. AJ grinning, collapsed back in his chair. "You have one hella hot cousin, Rok." "Keep your hands off of her, AJ." Brian said, eyeing AJ. "She's my baby. If you hurt her- I swear..." "Its ok, Brian." Kevin said, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "AJ's a good man. No one will be hurt." Brian nodded and walked to the other side of the room, whispering to AJ on the way. "I'm not kidding."

.....To Be Continued.....

Bonez's Stories
