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Chapter 1

She stood on the doorstep, fumbling in her purse for the keys. This always happened. Working late, coming home, standing here for a good 10 minutes before finding the key. Finally, she grabbed the key, and unlocked the large glass door that was the entrance to her house. She walked through the hallway, her wooden sandals clicking against the marble floor and echoing throughout the silent house. She walked to the bar in the kitchen, placing her keys and purse down on the counter and checking the answering machine. No missed calls. With a heavy sigh, she walked back to her bedroom at the end of a long hallway surrounded by windows. The curtains were still open from this morning, so the moon let a little light filter into the room. Just enough to show her the destination of her dresser, but not enough to remind her of the large trunk at the end of the bed.

"Shit! Ouch!" She knelt down, grabbing her thigh where the corner of the trunk had hit her. There was already a large bump forming. "Great. This is going to be lovely." She stood back up and finished the walk to the dresser. Quickly removing her work clothes, skirt, blouse, pantyhose... She put on a large t-shirt and walked barefoot back down the hallway into the living room. A quiet whining from the corner of the back door signaled that Bubba, her giant lab/retriever, was ready to come inside. She walked over to the door, letting him in, the alarm letting out a small beep to signify the door had opened. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, thank you. I know the door is open." She reached down a hand to pet Bubba as he crept in softly. She walked back to the couch and sat down, waiting only seconds until Bubba had padded over to her, hopped up on the couch and gently laid his head on her lap. "You sure are calm for such a huge dog..." Her hand absently ran across his back, over and over... almost lulling herself to sleep. She sat silently, watching through the back wall of windows in her house as the sun begin to rise over the ocean. The house had cost an arm and a leg, but the sunrises and sunsets every morning and night made it all worthwhile.

"When I can get home in time for them.." She mummbled bitterly. The phone rang. She ignored it, waiting to hear the machine pick up. "Hey, you've reached 566-3452. I cant come to the phone right now, leave a message after the beep and I'll try to return your call as soon as possible. BEEP! Cole! Its Genie. Get outta bed and come down here. We have work to do. Got a new assignment and the customers will be here by 8. Hurry up. We have a lot of prep work to do. Bye."

"Oh man..." She moaned, leaning her head back on the couch. Bubba looked up at her, then cocked his head to the side. "I have to go into work early." She eased his heavy body off her lap and walked back to the bedroom, into the master bathroom. Grabbing some underwear and a clean towel, she shut the door, locked it and turned the water on hot.

Chapter 2

Bonez's Stories
