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Chapter 2

"Bout time you got here, babe!" Genie ran up and gave Cole a quick hug. "I hear the guys are total hotties." Cole backed up, brushing her long hair from off her shoulders. "Thats great. I havent slept since I got off work last night, though. I was told I'd have a full 24 hour recouperation period. Turns out I got 3." Genie gave her a sad face then returned to grinning. "Well, come on, lets get you freshened up a bit and ready to meet 'em." The two women locked arms and walked off towards the make-up room.

"Swanne! Lane! Our guys are here, lets go!" A loud voice called from outside the door, banging roughly. "God, I hate him..." Cole groaned. "He always ruins my day. And my days usually suck to begin with." "Aww, come on. We're working with guys today. Lets go." Genie smiled and headed out the door. Cole threw her head back with another loud groan before walking out the door and face first into the body of a stranger. "Whoa. Sorry there." He said, a deep raspy voice eminating from his throat. "Hey- can you tell me where the freakin' bathroom is?" Cole looked up at the man infront of her. He wore baggy jeans and a large oversized sweater. His sunglasses sat far down on his nose so he could see. He grinned in a childish way, squirming and stepping from foot to foot. She smirked and pointed to the back of the make-up room. "Its right back there. Help yourself." His eyes followed her pointing finger and he grinned. "Thank you! You're a God-send!" He scurried off to the bathroom and Cole finished her walk out to meet the clients.

"Ahhhh, here she is." Her boss, Kris Jensen, said, motioning her over to the group he stood talking to. "Guys, this is my most prized possession, Cole Swanne. Fashion designer extrordinaire." Genie grinned at her from beside a sexy, dark latin. "And this is Howie, Nick, Brian and Kevin... the other one-"

"Is right here. Hello. AJ, here. Nice to meet you." The man Cole had just talked to stood almost uncomfotably close to her, extending a hand and smiling. "Well, all the intros have been made. Lets get to work. Cole- you have the papers and plans?" Kris asked, unbuttoning his jacket. "Yeah. They're in wardrobe. I'll figure it out. Dont expect the best, this is last minute." Cole yawned as if to prove her point. "I always expect the best from you, Swanne. Now get your butt moving." Kris walked off yelling at a few camera men. "So, how you gonna dress us?" AJ asked, trotting up alongside her as she walked. "I dont know. I dont know the song, I dont know the video plans, I dont know. I was working until 2 in the morning, I'm told I get a full 24 hours off, then I'm called at 5 in the morning told to hurry up and get down here. I dont know a thing about this." Cole tunred the corner sharply, and walked into what looked like a costume warehouse. Tons of clothes and fabric were everywhere. "Want me to tell you about the song?" AJ offered as he continued to follow her. "Go ahead. Probably wont help me any, but I know your trying." Cole smiled at the eager man infront of her.

"Its called 'The Call' and its about this guy that loses his girlfriend one night cause he meets another girl and calls his girlfriend to say he's coming home late." AJ said rapidly, smiling again. "Oh how wonderful." Cole replied sarcastically stopping suddenly- causing AJ to ram into her from behind. "Sorry." He grinned as he backed away. "Is everyone here?" She looked around at the 5 guys. They nodded. "This is saying that a lot of the video is taking place in a club. Therefore, we're doing some sexy clubbin' clothes, okay?" They all nodded enthusiastically. Cole smiled. This was way better than the Christina Aguilera shoot they had done the previous few days. She walked up and down aisles of clothes, picking out what she thought best suited each guy. She walked back to the cluster of men and gave them the outfits, wandering over to her desk to file some stuff. "Cole! Hey... Cole?" AJ came around the corner, into her little offset office. She looked up from the desk, and swallowed hard. There he stood in tight, shiny red leather pants, and a shirt unbuttoned.

"This is missing some buttons." Her mind snapped back to what he was saying. Her eyebrow went up. "Missing? No way." She stood up, suddenly concerned about her costumes, and investigated the shirt. Her fingers lightly grazed his skin, and she felt his body jump. "I can fix it if you wanna take the shirt off real quick." "Yeah, that'd be cool." AJ slowly removed the sheer black, sequined shirt and handed it to her. Her hand shook as she took it from him. His body was cut, sharp and sexy. The 69 tattoo around his navel caught her eye and she could barely turn away. "You like tattoos, AJ?" She asked, pulling a needle and thread from the top drawer. "Yes." He grinned and turned around to show her the few on his back. She had to drag her eyes away from his backside to even notice them. Those were some nice pants on him... "Those are really nice." Cole said, as she began to sew a new button back on.

"You have any tattoos?" AJ pulled up a chair across from her and watched her tiny hands maneuvering around on the shirt. "Uh, yeah." She grinned, blushing slightly. "You'll have to show 'em to me sometime." AJ replied, his scratchy voice pulling the goosebumps up on her arms. "I dont think so... they are pretty well hidden from everyone and everything but the showerhead." Cole handed him back his shirt, watching as his eyes traveled the length of her body. His voice had dropped an octave by the time he spoke again.

.....To Be Continued.....

Bonez's Stories
