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Chapter 1

"Get out of my fucking way, asshole!!" Jade yelled out the window as she beat the horn and slammed on her brakes. "Yo, Jay. Calm down girl. We aren't in any big hurry. The mall will be there all day." Jodie said trying not to smile. Turning to face her best friend, Jade slowly raised her middle finger and smiled. "How about you shut up." Jodie laughed. Jade always threatened and told Jodie to shut up, when in actuality, Jodie was bigger than Jade and could easily win a fight. She wasn't fat but she was bigger. Jodie was average height about 5'5 or so, average weight, well proportioned all over with jet black hair, brown eyes and a pretty smile. Jodie looked over at the crazy driver sitting next to her. The two girls had been friends for 11 years, going on 12, and they were as different as night and day. Jodie was calm, relaxed, fairly quiet, and just took life as it came. Jade was a fierce little creature. She stood a little over 5 feet tall, was quite thin, had long blonde hair, and dark green eyes. Jade was intense. She was Drama Queen about everything. She was always in a wound-up, in-your-face, not-gonna-take-any-crap-from-anyone mood, and didn't like the speed at which life came. She never settled for what her slow paced life handed her either...always going for bigger and better. Jade was a puzzle to everyone, including the 5 guys she hung out with on a daily basis. Jodie was Jade's only female friend. Why? Because believe it or not, Jade didn't get along with other females.

Jodie sat there, even noticing the extreme differences in how they were dressed. "Jeans and a t-shirt for me." Jodie thought. "And, um, wow." she started laughing. "What the hell is so funny?" Jade asked as she cussed and honked at another stupid driver. "It looks like Nick's closet threw up on you!" Jodie giggled. Nick was Jade's best guy friend and she was always wearing his clothes. Today she wore a pair of black combat boots complete with army cargo pants. On top, she had a bright purple spandex workout top with a black mesh shirt over it. Her long hair was done in 3 braids, which in turn were all braided into one giant braid that hung down her back, past her waist. Multiple earrings adorned her ears and atleast 15 rings sat on her fingers. "Nick gets to wear his own clothes now. It wasn't his closet that threw up on me..." Glancing down at her outfit, Jade smiled. "Bobby's closet threw up on me." Jodie laughed, nodding her head, remembering that Jade and Bobby grew up together so it was only natural that Jade has been in his closet recently. Pulling into the mall parking lot, they found a space close to the front and began to get out. Just as they had shut the car doors, a red convertible full of guys drove past. 3 of the 4 guys turned around whistling and calling out to the girls. Jodie smiled and waved. Jade lifted up her favorite finger. "Jay! Its no wonder you don't have a boyfriend! You go around flipping off all the potentials." Jodie said in amazement. "I wasn't flipping anyone off....I was admiring my rings." Jade lowered her sunglasses, winking at Jodie over the rims, grinning wickedly.

Without warning, Jade took off towards the mall entrance, as if she were afraid it was only a mirage. Jodie laughed and ran after her. Jade rushed through the doors and stopped quickly, making sure Jodie slammed into the back of her, full force. They cracked up and headed off to the stores. Walking into a store full of outfits similar to the one Jade had on, Jodie turned and shouted, "Hey Jay! This store is for you! Jade walked in, arms extended like she had come to set the clothes free and replied, "Yes my dear Jodie, this is a store for fellow closet vomit victims such as myself." and she walked off "to find a new hat". Jodie stood uncomfortably near the door wondering how Jade managed not to look like an idiot in these clothes. As she stood there, she noticed a semi-attractive guy on the other side of the store trying unsuccessfully not to watch Jade as she strolled around acting like she owned the place. Without thinking, Jodie called out. "Hey Jay! You've got an admirer!" Jade glanced up at Jodie then turned around to face the crimson faced guy across the aisle. She strutted over and asked, "Problem?"A sly grin spread over his face as he glanced downwards and said with obvious innuendo, "Not yet." "Wrong answer..." Jodie thought with a smile. Jade began "admiring her rings" again and walked out with her newly purchased hat.

Jade was walking at her usual pace and Jodie was jogging slightly to keep up. Just as Jade turned to say something, she slammed smack into someone. She dropped her hat and somehow managed to maintain balance. The guy she had run in to bent to retrieve his bags and politely handed her hat over. "Nice hat." he said with a slight smile. "Yeah well, next time try to watch where I'm going, alright?" Jade replied back with her usual sarcasm. "You planning on there being a next time?" he smirked, shifting his bags from hand to hand. Jade turned and slapped her butt, signaling to him that he could just "kiss it" and they walked off. "Nice talking to you!" he shouted after them and continued on his way.

"This pizza is heavenly..." Jade sighed. Gulping down the rest of her drink, she stood up motioning for Jodie to hurry so they could continue shopping. Jodie laughed at her friend's impatience and followed her out into the busy walkways. Jade began to walk into a jewelry store but changed her mind when she saw the crowd. She whirled around quickly. Unfortunately, it was too quick for Jodie to shout out a warning. The two bodies collided, causing bags to fly everywhere. Jade decided now would be a good time to speak her mind. And she did, using very colorful words. The guy she had slammed into stood up, handing her bags to her for the second time that day. He grinned and said, "Sorry, guess I wasn't watching you hard enough." "Are you following me?" Jade growled. "Do you want me to?" he replied still smiling. "What I want you to do-" Jade began. "Is get the fuck out of my way." "No prob. I can follow you easier from behind anyways." he said, his smile getting bigger. "Shove it." Jade muttered as she turned to leave. "My name's AJ." he said trying not to laugh. Jade whipped around with a goofy grin on her face. "Jade." she replied extending her hand. "You've got yourself a pretty firm grip there. Raised by a pack of wolves?" he teased. "Coyotes." she replied pulling her hand from his grasp. "Well, come on Jo. We have shopping to finish." Jodie waved good bye as Jade took off at her usual lightning speed pace, but AJ grabbed her arm before she could leave. "Give her my number will you?" he asked quietly, handing Jodie a piece of paper. "Sure!" Jodie said enthusiastically. "You bet I will!" She took the piece of paper and ran to catch up with Jade.

To Chapter 2

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