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Chapter 3

The party had gone by pretty uneventfully. (Atleast where AJ was concerned.) There he sat, basically by himself, with Jade on the other side of the room ignoring him. He had asked if maybe he could call her later and her biting response was, "I'm busy." Glancing at the clock, he saw it was only 4. Everyone left the party at 2. Here he was, still awake, laying in bed thinking about what he did wrong. "Hey Howie.Man, are you awake?" he called out softly. "Howie! Dude, are you awake?!" he asked, a bit louder this time. "YO! HOWIE!" he shouted. "What?" asked a sleepy Howie. "Are you awake?" AJ repeated. "I am NOW. What do you want?" Howie asked, slightly perturbed that AJ had just ripped him out of a great dream. "What did I do that was so wrong?"AJ asked, more to himself than to Howie. "What are you talking about??" Howie asked, rubbing his eyes, trying to figure out whether AJ was just talking in his sleep or not. "She was acting pissed off. What did I do?" AJ asked again. "Its not your fault, AJ. If I had known it was Jade you were getting involved with, I would have warned you ahead of time." Howie said sympathetically. "Warned me about what?" AJ asked, fearing the worst.

"Jade isnt like every other girl you've ever been interested in- incase you havent noticed already. Jade is very very intense about everything. And she was a lot more calm last night than I've seen her in years! The way you saw her last night is not the way she usually is. She takes everything to the extremes, and she takes everything very personally, until she gets to know ya, of course. Now, you gave Jodie your number, to give to Jade, right?" Howie asked, starting to see the pieces fall together. "" AJ replied, not understanding what that had to do with anything. "Ok, well, Jade was probably forced or tricked into calling you last night. Dont take that the wrong way- it doesnt mean she isnt interested, it just means that if YOU are interested, you'll have to work really really hard at it. She probably feels trapped, like she has to like you and Jade doesnt like anyone telling her what to do. If you like her, though, dont give up on her- just try to get to know her the way all of us guys did." Howie said, finishing up with a big yawn. "Ok. Thanks man." AJ nodded...his eyelids finally starting to feel heavy. Howie didnt respond. He was already asleep.

"...And then he leaned over and kissed me! Right there in the parkinglot!" Jodie grinned. Jodie was laying on the bed next to Jade, giving her all the juicy details about her trip to the grocery store with Howie the night before. Jade had her hand over her eyes, trying to get back to sleep. "Great." she mumbled. "Isnt is though??" Jodie asked giggling. "Jodie? What time is it? So help me God, if its earlier than 9, I'll kick your butt into tomorrow." Jade growled out, wishing Jodie would suddenly develope some severe sickness that involved loss of voice. " Its 10!" Jodie announced cheerfully and continued on with her story. Just then the doorbell rang and Jade was greatful for the interuption. She mumbled to Jodie that she'd answer it and crawled out of bed. She staggered to the front door, in an old army green spaghetti strap and camoflage print flannel pants. She had taken her hair out of the braids from yesterday, and it all hung in waves down her back.

Opening the door, she didnt know whether to be excited or disappointed. There stood Howie and AJ. "Morning sunshine!" Howie said cheerfully, causing a slight smile on Jade's face. "Shut up Howie. Ya'll wanna come in?" She asked, looking directly at Howie, and ignoring AJ as best she could-which happened to be quite difficult today considering how hot he looked. "Mornin' Coyote. Sleep well? " AJ smiled as he walked past, into the apartment. "Shut up." Jade smirked, then turning towards the back rooms, she yelled, "Hey Jodie! Prince Charming is here!!"

Howie blushed as he heard Jodie's footsteps running out into the front room. "Hi." Jodie said shyly, turning an attractive shade of red, as she looked at Howie. "Hey." he replied with an equally stupid grin on his face. "Oh please!" Jade cried out as she threw her hands in the air. "Get a room why dont ya?!" AJ laughed, exposing that beautiful smile of his. Jade couldnt help but smile back. "Well, anyways.." Howie stated as he cleared his throat. "AJ and I are going out to the beach today- to take out my parents' boat. Would you lovely ladies be interested in joining us?" Jodie didnt hesitate for a second. "Sure! That'd be great!" "Umm..I dont know." Jade shrugged. "I might have plans." "You dont." Jodie told her. "We talked about it last night. We had planned on just going out and chilling. And since I'm going to the beach, you kinda have to go there with me if you want to hang out." "Sometimes, I could just smack her." Jade thought to herself. "See? Now you have to come." AJ said with a sad puppy look on his face. "See this face?" Howie asked. "How could you resist a face like that?" "Easy. Like this." Jade said as she turned around and walked back to her room, making sure she slammed it behind her. "Oh, I am so sorry AJ. Let me go talk to her..." Jodie said as she started to head back to the bedroom. "No. Let me do it, Jodie." AJ said as he took a deep breath and figured the only wait to fight fire- was with fire.

"Hey Coyote!" he shouted through the door. "You dont have to be such a bitch about everything, ya know? Your friends and I are merely wanting to take a fucking boat ride, and you cant seem to handle that. But hey- maybe you just arent a water person. Either way- there is no reason for you to react that way towards your friends. That is just wrong. I have no complaints about you treating me like shit, but not your own friends- one of whom happens to be MY best friend! So, seeing as to how much your friend Jodie wants you to go- do you, or do you not, want to take the chances of having a little bit of fun, and get the fuck on the boat with us?"

Jade opened her door, wearing a pair of short cut off shorts and a small, very small, bright yellow bikini top. She smiled up at AJ's obvious surprise and said, "Well gee, if I had known FUN might be involved, then I would have agreed to go a long time ago! Now, pop your eyes back in your head, roll your tongue back in your mouth, and go back out there and tell Jo and Howie that I'm going." And with that she shut the door. AJ headed back to Jodie and Howie, a dazed look on his face.

"Oh God, he survived..." Jodie said, looking amazed. "AJ! Man, what happened?? We heard YOUR voice, but didnt hear her reply! What happened? You look, like, really spaced out. Yo AJ, you still with us?" Howie asked, waving a hand infront of AJ's face. "She's coming." AJ shrugged as he walked over to sit on the couch. "Whats up with-" Jodie started to say before she saw Jade walk out of the bedroom. "Ooohhh..I get it now." Jodie grinned at the puzzled Howie and pointed to Jade. Howie laughed. "Hey there Jay. I didnt get a hug this morning." "I'm sorry Howie! How could I have forgotten??" Jade smiled. She was now completely dressed and ready to go. Sandals, short short cut-offs and her bright yellow swimsuit stood out against her tanned skin. She had put gel in her hair, so the waves from the braids really stood out now, looking like natural curls. She had her camoflage backpack with her, full of all her beach stuff. She walked over to Howie and gave him a big hug. Then, turning slightly and saying loud enough for AJ to hear she said, "Has anyone every told you Howie, that your best friend is a total pain in the ass?"

AJ snapped out of his trance, looked up and grinned. "Proud of it!" he shouted from the couch.

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