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Chapter 5

"Deep breath, AJ. You're gonna do this. Just breathe." AJ mumbled to himself before he knocked on the door to Jade's apartment. "AJ?" Jodie asked in surprised as he burst through the door the second she opened it. "Yeah, where's Jade?" he asked her quietly. "In bed. She going through some sort of depression, AJ. Be gentle alright?" Jodie pleaded. "Yeah sure." AJ replied as he took off towards Jade's bedroom. He burst through the door, making Jade jump in surprise. He strolled right over to the bed, lifted her easily from the mattress and strolled right back out of her room, through the livingroom, and out the door. It wasnt until she was seat-belted into an unfamiliar car, riding down the highway that she inquired colorfully about where they were going.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? If you are under the fucking influence that just stormin' into my own damn house and taking me out would make everything ok, you are fucking wrong, my friend. Way fucking wrong." Jade spat out, staring out the window trying to figure out what was happening. "Will you just hold your damn tongue for two seconds, Jade? I am not going to hurt you in any way ok? I just want to get away from all the interuptions so we can have a talk." AJ said getting angry at the tone in her voice. "Who said I wanted to talk?" Jade muttered more to herself than to him. "What?" AJ asked, trying to figure out who she was talking to. The rest of the ride was in silence, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the soft breathing of the riders in the car. "I cant take this!" Jade said frustratedly as she flipped on the radio and took back to her position of looking out the window.

Pulling his car into an old parking lot, he put the car in park and turned off the engine. "We're here." he whispered. Jade opened her door, and stepped out of the car, greatful to just be able to stretch out her legs after the long cramped car ride. She took a look around. The beach spread far as the eye could see on either side. The water was clear and crystal blue. Not a single soul in sight. The sand was clean and bright, and Jade wondered why there were not people out here enjoying this beautiful place. "Why are there no people here?" Jade asked. "Because... I only allow certain people out here." AJ answered quietly. "Hmm? What do you mean you only allow certain people out here?" Jade asked confused. "I told you we need to talk." AJ answered with a slight smirk. "Ok," Jade said as she walked off towards the water. "Talk." AJ followed her down to the water, and chose a dry place just out of reach of the waves to sit. Jade sat a few feet away, and a little closer so that the waves would wash over her feet.

"I never went into detail about it before because I figured you'd change your opinion about me and not like me at all. But now, seeing as though you dont like me anyways- I figured I should tell you." AJ began as he stretched out on the still-warm sand. "My full name is Alexander James McLean. I was born January 9th, 1978. I was raised a normal child, though I participated in many theatrical performances and singing stuff. I joined a singing group and hit it big. You may have heard of the Backstreet Boys. Either way, I --"

"YOU were a Backstreet Boy??" Jade interupted excitedly. "Um, yeah... why?" AJ asked nervously. Jade's face went white and her mouth dropped open. Her eyebrows began to knit together in a frown as her eyes clouded over in thought. "Jade, whats wrong?" AJ asked worriedly. "You all are Backstreet Boys... And you didnt tell me..." Jade whispered. "You never told me. I never put it all together..." "Put what together Jade?" AJ asked again, wishing she would explain herself. "What do you mean 'put together what?', AJ? Hello! You, Howie, Brian, Kevin...Nick. All of ya'll... God, I never even thought... I once thought you all looked familiar, but I never put two and two together. It all makes sense now. All of it." "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? You look scared now, Jade. I'm so sorry if I scared you, I just thought--" AJ began. "Because AJ! I was the biggest Backstreet Boy fanatic in the world! I went to atleast 30 concerts and that was just in the first tour!" Jade said her eyes widening in excitement as she told her story. "Jade, that doesnt explain why you look scared though." AJ said calmly. "You want to know AJ? Fine. I'll tell you. I followed the Backstreet Boys' career since the day the first European album release. I bought all the magazines, all the cd singles, albums and special editions. I kept tabs on all the guys, especially this one. There was this one Boy that I had my heart set on and told all my friends I would have him in the end. They all said I was too weird and he'd never like me. But I told them he would. I knew he would. I felt something the first time we made eye contact at a concert up in Canada. I wrote countless letters, never recieving one in return but I knew... something told me that we would meet and have something special..."

AJ's voice caught in his throat, but he managed to ask, "Who was it, Jade?" in a voice barely above a whisper. Jade's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. "I'll give you five guesses... but you'll only need one..." AJ grinned and replied, "Its Howie isnt it? I knew it! You like those big 'ol puppy dog eyes of his right? " Jade dissolved with laughter, as AJ began guessing who it was. "No- no, wait- it was Kevin! You've got a thang for eyebrows! Wait- it could be Brian, but you're a bit taller than he is... and you dont strike me as the church type. Umm... Ah-ha!! It IS Nick! I saw you two together at your party. You've got a soft spot for dumbasses." Jade laughed and laughed, thankful that he had taken the hint, but had decided to change the mood of the conversation. They began to talk, she updated him on the guys and what they were doing now and all that good stuff, and then he told her about what they were like before she met them.

They discussed concerts and other events and suddenly, a miracle happened. "So, you said you wrote a lot of letters, huh?" AJ asked leaning back on his elbow. "Yup. I wrote atleast 20!" Jade laughed. "And you never got anything back?" AJ asked surprised. "Never. But I didnt put a return address on it. I wasnt expecting a letter in return. I just wanted to inform, ahem, this person how I felt." AJ sat up straight and looked at her. "You didnt put a return address? Thats crazy!" "It gets crazier. I didnt sign it with 'Jade', which is how you know me. I used my nickname for my first name!" Jade laughed as she remembered spending hours writing those letters that could never be responded to. "Holy shit, Jade... whats your first name?" AJ asked, swallowing hard, the lump that was in his throat increasing... "Promise you wont laugh? Its Anastasia. Anastasia Jade." Jade replied blushing slightly. "Asia..." AJ whispered. "You remember?" Jade asked, tears forming in her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief that he actually got the letters. "How could I forget?" AJ shrugged as he pulled out his wallet. Opening his wallet, he removed a few well-worn letters and showed them to Jade.

Tears ran freely down her face now as she re-read the letters she had written what seemed like so long ago. He had kept them. The hours she spent slaving over every word had paid off. He had gotten them and read them and kept them. "Oh my God, AJ... oh my God. You kept them..." Jade whispered reading and re-reading the now barely visible writing. "Jade, those letters meant so much to me. I still have every single one of them! The ones in my wallet are the ones that meant the most. I have every single one... " "AJ, do you remember me?" Jade asked. She had been to sooo many concerts, and got front or second row at every one. "I'm trying Jade. I'm trying. Help me out." AJ pleaded. "Hmm, where did you get your first leapard print cowboy hat?" Jade asked. "I got it from a fan in, um, I want to say either Europe or Canada." AJ said, visibly trying hard to think. "Canada. Front row. Long hair, strange color if I remember correctly..." Jade said helping a little at a time. "Yeah! Did you see her? She had, um, bright red hair. Bright red. It was very long. She had on black shiny leather pants and a metalic leapard print halter top type thing. very attractive. She had these really amazing green eyes, too, they were... oh my God... they were a lot like yours..." "Hi. Nice to meet you." Jade smiled as she stuck out her hand. "Jade! You were the girl out in New York too!" AJ said amazed. "Um, yeah... I feel like a stalker now. I mean, I gave up on you after awhile... but... Yeah. I was all over the place, with ya'll." Jade blushed. "It was you the whole time... Oh my God. I never even..." AJ stuttered, not be able to find the words to describe what he was thinking. "I agree." Jade replied. And with that, she leaned over and kissed him.

"Nick! Kevin! Brian! Howie! Guess what?!?" AJ shouted as he ran through the door of Jade's apartment, dragging her a long behind her. The guys all looked up from their pizza and asked what he was so excited about. "Look at her eyes!" AJ grinned as he shoved Jade infront of him. "They're green. So what?" Nick replied shrugging. "Look closer, you moron." AJ frowned. "They're still green, AJ. Very very green, but they are still green." Nick said. "See? Very very green. Now, hold on." AJ dug in his wallet and pulled out the notes he had recieved so long ago. "Recognize these?" "Yeah, those were from that fan that never left a return address yet you were so sprung on, right?" Howie asked confused. "Yeah. Read the name on them." AJ said excitedly. "Asia." Kevin said, squinting at the faded ink. "Jade, tell the guys your full name." AJ said smiling. "Anastasia Jade." Jade replied with a grin on her face too. "Ok...." Brian said still not understanding. Then it hit. All of them at the same time. Jodie sat there... then it hit her too. She hadnt realized who the guys were either. Laughter and hugs exploded everywhere as the guys ran over to Jade. "Hey Jodie!" Jade shouted as AJ wrapped his arms protectively around her waist. "I told ya so!" Jodie laughed until she cried. Jade did too.

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