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Story Of Boi


Chapter 1

"Well shit." Sierra mumbled as she pulled over to the side of the road. "Its ok, Si." Amyen said to her. " We'll just end up with very muscular legs." "Shut it Amy." Sierra snappedback. "This is the 3rd blow out in the past 2 weeks and this time I'm not 10 minutes away from help." She climbed out of the car into the crisp autumn air blowing across the flat Kansas plains. "Well... lets start walking." Amyen suggested in a forcefully cheerful voice. Sierra glared at her as they headed down the long, empty road. "Atleast its still light outside." "I said shut it, Amy." Sierra spat out. "Please just let me think..." Amyen shrugged and continued walking, humming to herself. "There's a bus.." Amyen said, pointing at a large black bus driving towards them. Sierra continued walking, oblivious to the world around her. Amyen watched the bus get closer, closer, closer.... then pass by. "Oh.. nevermind..."

"Hey Joey!" Rob, one of the roadies called to the driver. "There were two girls back there." "Good Rob. Can you tell me what color is the bus too?" Joey responded with a smirk. "They had a blow out man. Didnt you see the car? Turn around." Rob said looking out the window. "No way man. We have a show to make and 4 hours of driving left." Joey replied with a shrug. "So? Its not like the closest payphone or gas station is NEAR BY!" Rob said, his voice rising ever so slighty. "Come on. I will feel terrible for the rest of the week if you dont." Joey sighed heavily before slowing to a stop and turning around. Speeding back to the girls, Joey stopped the bus and Rob walked out. "Need some help?" He asked politely. "No. I planned the blowout so we'd have an excuse to exercise." Sierra replied. Amyen elbowed her in the ribs. "Yes, help would be nice." She said with a smile. Rob smiled back and offered the use of his cell phone. "I have no idea how well it'll pick up out here, but you can try." He said handing the phone to Sierra. Sierra grabbed it and chunked it at Amyen. "You call." She bit out, still angry about the tire. Amyen nodded and began calling. No luck. No one answered. "Tell ya what... well, where are you headed?" Rob asked, taking the phone back from Amyen. "Topeka." Amyen said with a shrug. "Us too!" Rob said smiling. "Hitch a ride. We'll figure out the rest when we get there." Amyen grinned, greatful to this man for his help. Sierra shrugged, picked up her backpack, threw Amyen's onto the bus and climbed aboard. Sierra glanced down the long corridor between two walls of bunks.

"Is there a bathroom in here?" She asked sharply, still looking around the large bus. "Yes. Straight back. The second door on the right. The first door is a closet." Rob said cheerfully as the bus started back up and onto the road. Sierra mumbled a thank you and walked down the aisle. An arm flung itself out of one of the bunks and she slapped it away, watching it recoil like a snake. She muttered a few complaints and continued on her way. Opening the door, she stepped into the bathroom, in a hurry to fix her ragged appearance. Meanwhile, Amyen had plopped down at the kitchen table and was quietly nursing a Dr. Pepper. Sierra had been in the bathroom 10 minutes when a loud bang on the door brought her back to reality and she dropped her hairbrush. "Hurry up!" A gruff voice shouted from outside the door. "Shove it!" Sierra yelled back. "I'll be done when I'm ready to be done." She sighed, packed everything back up in her backpack and opened the door, only to find herself eyelevel with a pair of full pink lips. She swallowed hard before raising her eyes to meet the melted chocolate colored ones looking back at her. "You done?" The gruff voice asked. Sierra nodded and stepped out of the way. He hurried in and shut the door. She hid a grin and headed back out to find Amyen.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Rob asked from his seat infront of Amyen. "We have drinks and food..." "Coke?" Sierra asked, her voice lighter and not as menacing as it had been, but still rough around the edges. "Yes ma'am." Rob said as he got up to fix her drink. "Who the hell are you?" A voice asked from behind Sierra. She spun around and found herself face to face with the same guy as before. "Who the hell are you ?" Sierra asked. " I asked you first." The man said, still eyeing her carefully. "Do I look like I give a shit who asked who first?" Sierra spit out. "Hey AJ. Nice nap?" Rob asked as he took his seat across from Amyen again. "Yeah great. Until someone slapped my arm and then took forever in the bathroom..." AJ complained. "You'll get over it." Sierra continued to snap. "AJ- I'd like you to meet Amyen and Sierra. They had a blow out and we're helping them to Topeka." Rob said. AJ nodded, shaking Amyen's hand then returning Sierra's glare. "Shove over Rob. I need to sit down." AJ mumbled, collapsing sleepily beside the roadie. "Any free beds?" Amyen asked Rob. He smiled. "There are 2 open ones right now. One is AJ's the other is mine. Help yourself." Rob replied, AJ nodded. "But I dont want Sierra sleeping in my bed!" AJ hollared after them. "Dont worry! I wouldnt want to anyways!" Sierra yelled back.

.....To Be Continued.....

Bonez's Stories
