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ITSW chapter1


This story is divided into different point of views:

individual girl, individual guy, guy group, girl group,

guy & girl group combined

Perhaps this will help you better understand the story!


Chapter 1

The five girls sat around reminiscing about the past year of their lives. Hilary, Megan, Carrie and Patricia sat lounging around Jordan's house, sipping sodas and munching on chips. "So, has it been a full year with you and AJ?" Megan asked Jordan, gently tracing the 'Howie' lettering that ran along the gold bracelet on her wrist. "It hasn't been a year with any of us, really." Carrie piped up, hugging the teddy bear her boyfriend Nick had given her for their 5 month anniversary. They all turned to Hilary who had been with Kevin, her boyfriend, longer than anyone else. "I've been with Brian for nine months." Patricia stated with a proud smile. "Good number of months there, Tricia. Long enough to get knocked up." Jordan stated, gulping down her coke. "I cant believe we met the guys the way we did..." Jordan stood up, walking to the stereo and putting in an old Backstreet Boys CD. The girls all giggled as the music started.

"How did this all start?" Megan asked, a concentrating frown creasing her forehead. \tab\par \tab "Well, the Backstreet Boys went bankrupt and had to start new jobs, ya know? Kevin was a ballroom dance instructor. That's how he met Hilary over there. She was the young beauty stuck in a dead end job with the child's dream of being a dancer. Brian was a music director at a church, right? That's how little miss Preacher's Kid over here met him. Howie was a building contractor or something, you know that one Ms. Meg 'the Rich Girl' Johnson. And uh, Nick was a bus boy, I was a waitress- c'mon, you know the story... while Jordan's man, AJ was a FedEx dude delivering her SECRET packages from Steve, in Michigan, probably full of porno stuff!" Carrie grinned. The girls all laughed. "Ahh, those were the days, huh girls?" Jordan said with a sigh, leaning back on her hands witha smile..."Those were the days..."

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"Where the hell is that package?" Jordan paced the floor near the front door, waiting for the FedEx man to show up. Steve had just called, asking if she got the package. She hadn't and it was supposed to arrive any minute now... Chris usually got the stuff here on time, if not early. "I wonder if he's sick..." Just then, the doorbell rang. Jordan jumped, then calmly opened the door. And there he stood. The most gorgeous man she'd ever seen. The dark blue pants he wore fit snuggly in all the right places and the light blue of his shirt made his eyes seem even darker.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He said with a smile. "My name is AJ. I'm the new guy." He held out the clipboard for Jordan to sign. Her hand shook as she took the pen."Its quite alright AJ. I'm Jordan. I'm sure you and I will get to be very well acquainted if you come back as frequently as I hope you will..." Jordan said with a grin, taking the package from his long strong hands. "No doubt. Chris already warned me about you." AJ laughed, then with another smile and a slight tip of his hat. "Well- I best get goin'. I have lots more deliveries." AJ smiled as Jordan began to lean against the door frame.

"Well I'll have to ask for some more packages to be delivered then." Jordan said as she smiled sweetly at AJ. "Well how about I get your number and you can see some more of me this weekend? Maybe we can go out for dinner?" AJ leaned his head down, tilting his sunglasses and flashing his dark brown eyes, accompanied with his trademark smile. She reached out for AJ's hand and wrote her phone number on the back of his hand. His fingers curled around her small hand as she held it still to write on it.

"There ya go boy. We can get together this weekend." Jordan flashed AJ a sexy smile and moved back into the house. \par \tab "Why was there an angel on my doorstep?" She laughed. In those few brief moments, he had totally changed her thoughts on life and love. Her body had reacted to him in the strangest ways. Ways never even imagined, and never experienced with Steve... This was going to be wild.

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"Oh baby. Yeah. Who's your daddy?" The soft pleading murmurs were accompanied by AJ's seductive dream. Only in a dream could AJ ever be a guest star on Baywatch. "WAKE UP SAN DIEGO!!!! This is Joey on KYLD Cali Talk!!" AJ jerks his head up at the sound of the fast-talkin' schitzo radio jockey."What the hell!?" AJ looks around his bedroom slowly, eyes adjusting to the sunlight filtering through the curtains. Finally realizing where the annoying sound was coming from, he turns off his radio and climbs out of bed. The hot water against his tired muscles were relaxing as AJ began to doze off again. Bobbing his head slowly, he finally managed to finish his shower.

"Hmm. What should I wear today?" AJ opens his closet to find one rack full of his normal street clothes-and another filled with light blue polo shirts and dark blue work pants. Jerking a shirt and pair of pants off the hanger, he hops on one foot, trying to balance his legs into the pants. He reaches for some socks off the floor and grabs his shoes and work shirt. "Hey Chris! This is AJ. I'm gonna be running a little late ok?" AJ yells into the kitchen air, hoping his co-worker could hear him in the speakerphone as he buttoned up his workshirt. "Ok AJ. But don't make this a habit or the boss will have your head!" AJ rolls his eyes at the phone, having heard that line hundreds of times. "Yeah yeah alright Chris. I'm leavin' right now. See ya." AJ hangs up the phone and grabs his shoes.

Locking the front door, he runs down the steps from his 2 story apartment and hops into his Expedition.\par \tab "Get outta the way you moron!" AJ yells out his window. The traffic in San Diego was horrible and he was already late to work. Finally, AJ steers his Expedition into the employee parking lost at the FedEx headquaters. He got the job through a friend, after going bankrupt from his previous job. Jumping out of his car, he runs into the main building to get his delivery truck. Slowly creeping by his boss's office, AJ manages to get to the locker room and get his truck keys and grab a soda from the machine. "AJ! It's about time you got here!" AJ's friend Chris walks up to him and hands him his clipboard.

"Where do I gotta go today, Chris?" AJ flips through the pages of deliveries, letting out a long sigh at the never-ending list. If he had only done these last week, they wouldn't be piling up. "Well you got this new one to deliver to a girl name Jordan. She's a hot one, lemme tell ya. I got to know her pretty well. She's a regular." Chris raises an eyebrow at AJ, who all of a sudden is very interested in his job at the moment.."Yeah. No girl can resist a man in uniform!" AJ smirks. Chris lets out a ball of laughter at AJ's comment and gives him a pat on the back. "Well AJ, you better get goin'. Before the boss sees ya." AJ waves goodbye and runs to his truck, and pulls out of the parking lot heading to his first delivery.

"Where the hell is this woman's house??" AJ cranes his neck out the window, carefully studying the street signs ahead of him. "1542 Sundance Parkway. Oh! Here we are!" AJ slowly pulls into the long driveway beside the 2-story beachhouse. Clipboard in hand, AJ slips out of his truck, gazing at the towering structure. "This girl must be loaded." AJ thought as he opened the back of the truck and retrieved the package. Checking the address, he slipped the box under his arm, and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. He stopped on the front porch, admiring the architecture, wishing this was his house. "Hope she doesn't kill me for being late." AJ thought. He could hear a woman's voice inside, sounding pretty spastic about a package not being delivered on time. Laughing to himself, he felt like the devil and ringed the doorbell. He could hear the girl walking across the tile in the front hallway, getting closer to the door. His heart began to beat faster, suddenly thinking of his dream from this morning, a big smile spread across his face.

"It's about time you got here!! Jordan exclaimed excitedly. AJ shook his head slightly, pulling himself back to reality and back to the gorgeous woman in front of him. He couldn't find no words to say for a few minutes. The girl was in some short blue jean shorts, that showed off her long slender legs and sexy dark skin. A camouflage tanktop hugged her chest in all the right places that made AJ want her even more. AJ opened his mouth and tried to force out a few words. "I'm sorry I'm late." He said with a smile. "My name is AJ. I'm the new guy." He held out the clipboard for Jordan to sign. His hands began to tremble as she took the pen. "Its quite alright AJ. I'm Jordan. I'm sure you and I will get to be very well acquainted if you come back as frequently as I hope you will..." Jordan said with a grin, taking the package from his long strong hands. "No doubt. Chris already warned me about you." AJ laughed nervously. He had never felt this way in front of a girl. He was always such a smooth talker. But this girl was very different that made him want her bad.

"Well- I best get goin'. I have lots more deliveries." AJ smiled as Jordan began to lean against the door frame. He traced her body up and down with his eyes and was very pleased with this customer. "Well I'll have to ask for some more packages to be delivered then." Jordan said as she smiled sweetly at AJ. Heknew he wanted to take this girl out on a date. So he swallowed that lump in his throat and spoke up. "Well how about I get your number and you can see some more of me this weekend? Maybe we can go out for dinner?" AJ leaned his head down, tilting his sunglasses and flashing his dark brown eyes, accompanied with his trademark smile. This threw Jordan off her feet. She reached out for AJ's hand and wrote her phone number on the back of his hand. "There ya go boy. We can get together this weekend." Jordan flashed AJ a sexy smile and moved back into the house. AJ tipped his hat, turned on his heels and walked back to his truck, staring at the number on the back of his hand. "Man. If I had a dollar for every number I got, I could get out of debt in a week." AJ thought to himself as he climbed back into his truck.

Pulling out of the driveway, he glanced at the window by the front door and saw a small figure looking through the curtains. Turning out of the driveway he let out a high pitched howl, letting the whole neighborhood know of his victory.

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"So how long have you & Jordan been together now, AJ?" Nick asks as he pops a Doritos in his mouth. All the guys were kicking back at Kevin's house while all their girlfriends went out for the day. "Ummm, goin on 8 months now. How bout you & Carrie?" AJ was slumped back in a recliner as he slowly inhaled on a cigarette. Kevin & Howie were sitting on the couch and Brian & Nick were laying on the carpet with a bowl of chips. "Not even a year yet." Nick replied. "It's been 9 months for me and Patti." said Brian as he took a gulp of soda. Howie began to laugh all of a sudden at Brian's comment. "So is she due anyday now, Brian? That's long enough to get her pregnant!" Brian replied to Howie's insane comment with a handful of Doritos to his face. Kevin held out his hands to keep from getting his eye taken out. Nick began to laugh hysterically at Howie's cowardly behavior and notice that AJ was too busy in Marlboro Country to realize what had just happened. "Ok ok guys. So Kevin it's been awhile with you & Hilary." Kevin nodded at Nick's response. "Yeah me & Hilary go back. Back when I used to dance..."

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Soft music flows through the upstairs ballroom as a tall dark haired man leads a woman in dance across the room. His movements were smooth and flawless as he carried his partner in sweeps across the wooden floor. The music slowly came to an end and as the couple gave one last twirl and came to a complete stop. "You've made such progress, Hilary. I'm impressed." says Kevin as he leads his partner to the drink table. He offers Hilary some water and helps himself to some tea. "Thanks Kevin. I've been practicing for a little bit. Thanks for the extra help." Hilary smiles sweetly at Kevin as she takes a couple of sips from her drink. Kevin looks down at Hilary. Her long brown hair, those bright green eyes, and her smile. The first day she walked into class, he couldn't keep her eyes off of her. He set his drink back onto the table and took Hilary's hand. Hilary seemes a little startled by it, but she didn't mind. She secretly had a crush on Kevin since she first came to his dance class. Who wouldn't love a tall, dark, strong bodied man with a sensitive side and a lust for ballroom dancing? She set her cup down and reached for his other hand and walked out onto the floor with Kevin. They began to slowly dance to their own music. Their body movements swayed and flowed freely through the room. Kevin gazed into Hilary's emerald green eyes, lost in a dream world.

"Hilary..." Kevin began. Trying to find the words to express his emotions for this woman. He looked into Hilary's eyes, suddenly finding every word he needed to say. He stopped dancing and looked into her eyes. "Ever since you first came into my class, I just can't keep my eyes off of you. And the way you just takes my breath away. If you like, I would love to get to know you better. Would you like to go out this weekend? Maybe some dinner? Anything you want." Hilary's eyes grew big and that sweet smile slowly formed across her face. "Yes Kevin. That would be wonderful." Kevin couldn't contain his excitement. He lifted Hilary and twirled her around like a ballet dancer, causing her to let out a quiet laugh. Setting her down gently, he nuzzled her with his nose, and softly kissed her cheek...

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Hilary lightly brushed her hair back from her face. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and back of her neck. Her mind concentrated on the steps. "Step, step, side, step, twirl, slide, step..." She repeated inaudibly. The music was playing and yet she couldn't hear a single note. Her mind was counting the steps too loud. Kevin's strong arms held her and moved as if he was born knowing these steps. With one final twirl, the song was over. Hilary stopped fast, having not realized the music had ended. She smiled at her instructor. "You've made such progress, Hilary. I'm impressed." says Kevin as he lead her to the drink table. He offered her a plastic cup of water and helped himself to some tea. Hilary watched his strong hands moving around and goosebumps rose up on her skin as his hand lightly grazed her arm, reaching for a pack of sugar. "Thanks Kevin. I've been practicing for a little bit. Thanks for the extra help." Hilary looked up at him, his big beautiful eyes smiling down at her. Without warning, his large hands sought her small ones, and he led her again, quietly to the dance floor. Hilary leaned heavily against his body as they moved. Though no music was playing, she could hear every beautiful melody.

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To Chapter 2

"Get Me Out Of This Fantasy!"