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Meet The Webmistresses

*Meet The Webmistresses*



Name: ....bob....just call me bob...
Nicknames: B.B., Jooky, J-Dawg
State: sometime confusion, sometimes stupidity. If i'm in neither, you can find me in Texas
Lefty, Righty, or Ambidextrius? I'm one of the few, the proud, the Leftys!!!


Favorite Songs At The Moment: "Hangin By a Moment"-Lifehouse, "The Space Between"-DMB, "Smooth Criminal"-AAF, "Yes I Will"-BSB
Favorite Color: Blue and silver
Favorite Foods: Kudos, Twizzlers,
Favorite CD's: Black & Blue, Blink182:MarkTom&TravisShow, Alien Ant Farm, Dave Matthews Band
Favorite Movie: Stigmata, Gremlins 2, Mummy Returns, Billy Madison, Fast & The Furious

"Special Stuff"

Boyfriend? No..i'm lonely.
Your Greatest Accomplishments: Getting a job!! Man, I thought I was going to be unemployed forever!!
Role Model: Me, Myself, Brian, and maybe a little Howie in between. He's gotten real cute since he chopped all that hair off.
Most Embarassing Moment: You just had to have been there to see it....
Your Biggest Regret: Not smiling more, being happy more.
Hopeful Careers: Photographer, bartender,
Dream Vacation Spot: I seriously want to go to Italy, Australia, or Japan.
Personal Quote: "We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Email Address:



Name: Umm, i don't have one. My parents left the birth certificate blank.
Nicknames: Bonez, Harley, and the love of my life calls me "baby" :
State: Well, that all depends
Lefty, Righty, or Ambidextroius: Righty mostly. I can still use my left hand for other things tho... so Ambidextrous in some cases.


Favorite Song At The Moment: "Unstoppable"
Favorite Color: Green, yellow, and black
Favorite Food: McDonald's #2 (two cheeseburgers, med coke, large fries)
Favorite CD: BSB, The Calling, Mikaila, Krystal
Favorite Movie: Indiana Jones forever, man (and The Mummy 1 & 2)

"Special Stuff"

Boyfriend: Mark, Marcus, honey, baby-my own personal knight in shining superman..the love of my life...*sorry AJ*

Your Greatest Accomplishment: Well, I'm quite proud of some editorials I did for the school paper in high school, tho I think my greatest accomplishment right now would have to be my boyfriend and future fiance, Mark.

Role Model: AJ McLean (no joke!) and now Krystal. Finally! A female singer who doesnt dress like a slut to get her point across!

Most Embarassing Moment: Dont really have one... Um, anything embarrassing I've done, I'm sure I consciously pushed it from my memory.

Your Biggest Regret: Well, it used to be letting someone go, but now... I think my biggest regret is just some things I may have said, or done in the heat of anger...  *Sorry Mark. You know I love you*

Hopeful Careers: Something famous. Probably performer of some kind or possibly artist or writer. I love writing... Writing, and singing are the easiest and truest ways to truly express myself.

Dream Vacation Spot: California. Its my true home. Its far away, and its beautiful.

Personal Quote: Do not ask for a lighter load, pray for a stronger back. Also- You cannot change the past nor can you predict the future.  Do what you can to shape today, and only that can direct the days to come.

Email Address:,


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