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December 23 Well, two days until Christmas. Joe and I have been driving for what seems like years. It's tough going through Christmas without family. Joe is nice enough, but he's having to play mom and dad, when he only started out as step dad! He's taking me to a fancy hotel, though. It's part of my Christmas present. I just really wish something exciting would happen to break up the monotony of truck driving day after day... Oh well. The hotel should be nice.



"Here we are darlin'. Merry Christmas." Joe said in his thick Texas drawl as he set down a few suitcases on the plush carpet in their hotel suit. "Thanks Joe. Hey- you don't mind if I go take a walk do you?" Alexis asked, bending down to tie her shoes. "Sure honey. Just take a spare key and don't stay out too late." Joe smiled, heading towards the bathroom. "I'll probably be in the shower for the rest of the night." Alexis nodded and headed out the door. She walked slowly down the long corridor, letting her mind take whatever course it wanted. A door a few feet from her opened.

"I'm going to go take a walk you guys." A young man stepped out, shutting the door behind him. Glancing at Alexis, he offered a half hearted smile before heading in the opposite direction. Alexis turned for half a second, watching him walk away, then headed off down the hall. She climbed into the empty elevator and headed to the first floor, into the bar/coffee shop. She sat in an empty booth in the far corner and ordered coffee. A shadow fell across the table as she sat staring into the coffee mug. Glancing up, she saw the man she had passed in the hallway. He smiled nervously. "Can I sit down? You seem to be the only other person not thrilled about the holiday season." "Have a seat." Alexis grinned. "What makes you think I'm not totally thrilled about Christmas?"

"Sitting in the same position, staring into your coffee, not blinking for 15 minutes, kinda tipped me off." He laughed, a warm smile taking over his features. "Was I that obvious?" Alexis asked, taking a sip of her drink. "Only because I was staring." He replied with another smile. Alexis blushed. "Please forgive my lack of manners. What's your name?" "Al." Alexis extended her hand. "Kind of a masculine name isn't it?" He asked reaching out to shake her hand. "I'd be worried if you weren't so obviously female. My name's AJ. Is Al short for something?" "Alexis. My full name is Alexis. Alex, Al, Lexi, Lexis- you name it, I've been called it." Alexis shrugged, then blushed as she slowly removed her hand from his grip. "Oh, sorry." AJ grinned. "So, AJ, what has you so down?" Alexis asked, holding out her mug to the waitress for a refill. "I'm far away from family. I'm from Florida, all my relatives are in Florida, and here I am in, umm..." AJ paused to look around. "Washington. It's kinda sad. What about you?"

"I live with my step dad….in an eighteen wheeler. A semi-truck, ya know? I have no living relatives. My mom died years ago, so, I always get kinda bummed around family oriented holidays." "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. That must be terrible for you!" AJ commented."Yeah. Most of the time, its not so bad... but certain times of the year..." "How long are you staying here?" AJ asked. "In this hotel? A few days. Why?" Alexis raised an eyebrow. "No reason. Just curious." AJ shrugged. "Oh. Well, I'm staying in room 827, just down the hall from you, if you ever want to stop by. I should be going now. Joe, uh, my step dad will be getting worried. It was nice talking to you AJ." Alexis stood up and stretched out her hand again. "You too, Alexis." AJ stood, and shook her hand enthusiastically. "I'll see ya around. And if I don't see you by then- Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas, AJ. Goodnight." She turned and walked away, thanking God that AJ couldn't hear her heart pounding.

To Chapter 2

Bonez's Stories
