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December 24:

I met a great guy last night. He called this morning to see if I wanted to go out later. Maybe my wish will come true. Excitement is definitely in the air...

"So who is this guy and where are you going?" Joe asked, concern darkening his eyes. "His name is AJ. He's away from home for Christmas; we talked last night. We're just taking a walk and doin' a little shopping. Nothing big. I'll be back TODAY. I promise." Alexis walked to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

At promptly 1:30pm, there was a soft knock on the door. Joe got up and opened it. AJ stood there, baggy jeans and a big white sweater. Multiple earrings and rings covered his hands and ears, and Joe scowled at the visible tattoos beneath the rolled up sleeves. Even though Alexis wasn't his natural daughter, he had practically raised her and felt it was his duty to be suspicious. "Hey." Alexis said as she came out of the bathroom. Joe smiled. She was wearing one of his old oversized sweatshirts and a pair of leggings. "Just let me put my shoes on." "Not a problem. There's no rush." AJ replied. "You must be Alexis's step dad." Joe turned to face the extended hand. "Yeah, I'm Joe. You're...AJ, right?" Joe shook his hand, noticing the firm grip. "Take care of her, ya hear?" "Yes sir. I have no plans otherwise." "Joe..." Alexis whined. "Leave the poor guy alone. We're just gonna go chill. C-H-I-L-L. Ok?" "Yeah I know." Joe sighed with a smile. "Go on. Have fun."

Once they were out in the hallway, Alexis began apologizing and laughing. "Sorry about that." She grinned. "He's just lookin' out for you. If I was him, and a guy like me showed up to do ANYTHING with my daughter, I'd do the same thing. If not worse. He seems to trust you. I like him." AJ smiled back, guiding Alexis down the elevator and outside towards the sidewalk. "No car?" Alexis asked, puzzled. "That's my transportation right there." AJ pointed to a large tour bus behind the hotel. "What's that for?" She asked. AJ laughed, thinking she was joking. Then realizing- if she's a truck driver's daughter, she probably really doesn't know. "Nothing. I just like really big cars." AJ grinned as they walked off.


Alexis stood inside a store, looking at a jewelry display. AJ walked up behind her. "What is so incredibly wonderful that it's had you hypnotized for the past 10 minutes?" He asked. At first he had been concerned that she found out about his career and had gone into shock. "That. Right there." Alexis said, pointing to a necklace. It was a thin silver chain, with a tiny, Chinese style dragon on it. AJ nodded. "Good taste there, Alexis. I approve." "Well, if YOU approve, then I guess I MUST have good taste." Alexis said with obvious sarcasm. AJ laughed. Glancing at his watch, a frown crept over his face. "Well, babe, I hate to have to cut out afternoon short, but its 5, and I promised my friends I'd go out with them for dinner."

"Wait. I thought you were alone..." Alexis started. "No family. I have 4 friends out here with me." AJ explained. "But that's all." "Oh. Well, I don't want to keep your friends waiting." Alexis checked to make sure she had all her bags and headed out the door. "Alexis! Wait up!" AJ ran to catch up. "Where's the fire?" "Aren't your friends going to be waiting?" She asked, obviously disturbed by their afternoon being stopped so abruptly. "Probably, but I'm always late. Besides, they'll forgive me when they see you." AJ smiled and put an arm around her tiny shoulders. "SEE me?" Alexis asked. "Yeah... Oh, sorry. Do you have plans? I kinda assumed you'd want to come with me." "Oh." Alexis grinned and blushed. "I'd love to, but its Christmas Eve. I should spend some time with Joe." "I understand. Well, maybe later." "Yeah... later..."

They arrived back at the hotel and headed into the lobby. "There he is!" A voice shouted from one of the couches. AJ looked up and grinned. "Hey guys." He ushered Alexis over to a group of guys sitting around talking. "Fellas, this is Al." "That's the dude you were hanging out with?!" A younger guy asked in surprise. "I never said she was a DUDE. Now, Alexis, this is Nick, Brian, Howie and Kevin." AJ pointed to each guy who extended their hands in greeting. "Nice to meet you all but I'm afraid I must be going. Have a nice evening. Merry Christmas." Alexis smiled as she turned and headed towards the elevator. Hearing footsteps behind her, she stopped and turned back. AJ stood there smirking, arms outstretched. She leaned into his embrace, noticing for the first time how hard his body was, and what an intoxicating smell he had. She sighed and pulled back slightly. AJ leaned over, very lightly brushing her lips with his. "Merry Christmas." He whispered before releasing her and returning to his friends. Alexis climbed into the elevator, rode to her floor, then fled down the hall to her room.

"Joe!" She shouted as she walked into the quiet room. Joe sat up from the couch having obviously been asleep. "You're back already?" He asked, in mock surprise and teasing. "Of course. Its Christmas Eve, isn't it? I bought you something." Alexis grinned, climbing onto the couch beside Joe and digging in her shopping bags. Pulling out two large wrapped boxes, she handed them over. "You bought ME a present??" Joe asked smiling. "But I gave you that money to buy yourself something, not me..." "Oh, I did. But I saw some stuff that I had to get for you... AJ helped me out some. He really likes you." "Oh Lexi, you shouldn't have." Joe began. "Oh don't give me that shit! JUST OPEN IT!" Alexis giggled, squirming in her seat. Joe smiled, slowly opening the boxes, piece by piece, slower and slower. "JOE! OPEN THEM!!" Alexis laughed, reaching for the boxes herself. "No! Back up. These are MINE!" Joe growled as he laughed, pulling the presents out of her reach.

Finally opening one, he pulled out a few necessities he was surprised she had noticed he needed. Socks and undershirts. The next box made him laugh heartily. A goofy "The Grinch" sweatshirt and a very nice tan colored sweater. "Thank you Lexi. I love it all." Joe said hugging her. "Especially the socks. You don't get yours until tomorrow, I'm afraid. I'm not through wrapping." Alexis laughed. This was a ritual. She always had to wait another day to get hers. Standing up, she kissed his forehead and headed off to bed.

To Chapter 3

Bonez's Stories
