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Stretching, Alexis rolled over and snuggled up under the covers. Nestling down in her pillow, her head hit something hard and sharp. She sat up groggily, seeing the small wrapped box beside her. "What the- Oh! Merry Christmas to me..." She giggled, sitting up and began to open it. Alexis gasped when she saw the dragon necklace. It was the exact one she had pointed out to AJ. There was a note.


You can thank AJ for your Christmas present too. I had to leave early this morning to continue on down the road. I'll meet up with you in Florida.

Love, Joe

P.S. Merry Christmas

Alexis was confused. How could she get to Florida?! She got up and noticed the other wrapped presents. Inside were new clothes and, she laughed, socks. Changing rapidly into a pair of tight jeans and a new, rather snug fitting sweater turtleneck, she raced down the hall to AJ's room, reaching it just as the maid service came out. Growling in frustration, she ran to the elevator, down to the first floor and into the coffee/bar area where they had met. Sure enough, there he was. "AJ!" Alexis shouted, running through the lobby to his table. "Alexis! Good morning. Packed yet?" He asked, getting up to give her a hug. "I'm confused. Where's Joe? Why am I meeting him in Florida? When did you buy that necklace?" Alexis spit out question after question and AJ laughed. "Joe is on his way to Florida right now. I'm taking you there and I got the necklace last night." AJ grinned as tears welled up in her eyes. She smiled before springing into his arms. "Thank you AJ." She whispered, inches from his face. "Merry Christmas." He smiled. "Now lets get your bags packed!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I don't understand... what do you mean you're FAMOUS?" Alexis sat at the table with Nick and the other guys laughed as they listened from their bunks. "Ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?" Nick asked slowly. "Ever listen to the r-a-d-i-o?" "Nick, you don't have to speak slowly to me, but I obviously do for you. I am a truck driver's daughter - Driving from place to place- you don't get the same stations. By the time you find one, it changes." Alexis replied. "GUYS!" Nick bellowed, receiving grunts and moans as replies. "Where are the albums? This girl has a lot to learn!" Brian hopped down from his bunk laughing. Taking Alexis's hand, he led her to the back of the bus where there was a nice sound system. He began to play a few of the more popular hits. Vague recognition played across her face.

"I think I've heard these songs before." Alexis frowned in concentration. Brian smiled, and played the next song he assumed she'd know. A loud thud broke her concentration. Looking into the doorway, AJ came tripping into the room with a goofy smile on his face. "Heh. I fell outta my bed." AJ laughed, running his fingers through his tousled hair. "Hear anything you recognize, Al?" "Sorta. It sounds familiar, but..." A huge grin lit her eyes as 'All I Have to Give' began to play. "I know this one!" "But my love is all, I have to give. Without you I don't think I could live..." AJ began to sing. The other guys joined in, blocking out the sound of the original track. Alexis closed her eyes as listened. AJ's solo part came and he knelt in front of her. "Does he leave? When you need him the most? Do his friends get all your time? Baby please, I'm on my knees, praying for the day that you'll be mine...But my love is all, I have to give..."

AJ made it completely through the chorus again before getting a little choked up. Alexis seemed so naive, so innocent... Her eyes shone as she watched and listened to the harmonies, her head tilted slightly to the side. She waited until the last chord faded before bursting into applause. "Wonderful! That was beautiful!" She beamed at them. "So, is there a concert tonite or what?" The guys all laughed. "Yes, there is a concert tonite." Kevin said. "You get to help us backstage." "No way!" Alexis jumped up, hugging Kevin tightly. He smiled and hugged her back. "Yes way. It's our Christmas present to you. We wanted this to be more than just another holiday on the road. You're making it fun for us too..." "Oh thank you! I couldn't ask for more." "Don't thank us. Thank AJ." Howie said, looking for the missing person. "He came back to us after meeting you that first night and told us your story. He asked if we'd be willing to do a "little something."

"Oh! Where is he?" Alexis asked, almost frantically. Brian nodded his head towards the opposite end of the bus and Alex left the room, catching AJ sitting at the 'kitchen' table. "AJ?" Alexis asked quietly. "Oh hey." AJ said with a smile as he looked up at her. "What's up?" "Thank you." Alexis replied. "For what?" "For this!" Alexis waved her arms around. "And for the necklace, and for just making this a wonderful Christmas for me." "Anytime." AJ shrugged. "It may not be a big deal to you, but it means the world to me." Alexis wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him as best she could. AJ turned to face her, finding himself nearly nose to nose with her. "Is something wrong, AJ?" Alexis asked in a whisper. "Yes." "What is it?" "Everything." "Example?" Alexis raised an eyebrow, eyes dark with concern. AJ took a deep breath and leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Her mouth invited his eagerly as he devoured her lips hungrily. His hands grabbed her body, pulling her into the seat beside him. He held the back of her neck as he tilted her head back, deepening the kiss. Breaking the kiss suddenly, he looked at her.

"THAT is part of the problem." He whispered raspily. His eyes darted across her body, resting momentarily on the rapid rise and fall of her chest. "Ok, um, how is that a problem?" Alexis asked confused. "How old are you?" AJ inquired. "Seventeen." Alexis responded in a voice barely above a whisper. AJ exhaled in frustration. Resting his forehead against hers, he looked into her eyes. "Its illegal! God, I don't remember ever wanting someone this bad. But you're too young and you're too freakin' innocent! I'll only corrupt you..." Alexis sighed and gently kissed the full lips infront of her. Their foreheads still resting against one another. "Its December 25. I'll be 18 on February 17. It's not so far away... and so what if I'm innocent? That's only a nice way of saying 'inexperienced'. So... teach me." AJ groaned inwardly and kissed her again. His hands gently stroking her cheeks and hair. "Don't make this so hard on me, baby. We just have to learn to ignore whatever this is that we're feeling... That'll be hell, but we have to." Alexis leaned forward again, tasting him deeply. He moaned against her mouth as she backed away. "Whatever you want, AJ." She whispered.

AJ looked at her, eyes filled with mixed emotions. Alexis gave him a small smile. "At least we're still friends." She said with a bitter edge, putting emphasis on the word 'friends'. AJ winced as the word sliced through him. He grabbed her arm roughly as she began to walk off. Standing, he pulled her back against him fiercely, crushing her lips and making sure she felt his attraction to her. "I refuse to be just friends with someone that affects me like this." He growled, lightly tracing her lips with his middle finger. Alexis closed her eyes and opened her mouth, gently sucking on his finger. He swayed his hips against hers. "I'm only seventeen, remember?" She whispered. "We have to be just friends." Then she walked off, leaving AJ panting.

To Chapter 4

Bonez's Stories
