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"What's up with Alexis and AJ?" Brian whispered to Howie as they looked over where the two stood arguing. Alexis was supposed to be helping them get dressed, and instead, she had just thrown AJ's shirt in his face and told him where to put it, in graphic terms. Howie grabbed Brian's arm and turned them both to face the other way as Alexis came storming past. She paused, turned around and faced the two nonchalant eves droppers. "He is impossible! Having a conversation with that man is a lost cause. Hopeless. YOU'RE HOPELESS, AJ!" Alexis turned on her heel and continued on her way. Howie and Brian watched until a hard form ran into them from behind. AJ came running through. "Alexis!! Wait! Come on!! Don't get mad!" Nick waltzed out slowly, having just woken up from his nap. He rubbed his eyes, ran his hand through his hair and looked down the hall, both ways.

"What was that?" He asked sleepily. "Alexis and AJ." Kevin supplied as he joined the 3 guys in the hall. The crowd out in the arena was beginning to get anxious and the guys needed to be calming down, getting ready for their show. "AJ!!!" Kevin's booming voice echoed down the hall. A door towards the end opened and two bodies tumbled out. Alexis looked up sheepishly from her perch atop AJ. Kevin stifled a laugh. "COME ON AJ! ITS SHOW TIME!" AJ stood rapidly, knocking Alexis on her rear. He grinned and helped her up, fumbling with the buttons on his show shirt. Alexis slapped his hands and expertly began to button them. AJ watched her and the guys watched him. Alexis finished, smoothed out a few wrinkles and smiled up at him. AJ leaned down and they began the kissing they hadn't stopped since they arrived on the bus. AJ heard the crowd screaming and broke the kiss. Still smiling he whispered something and headed off towards the rest of the guys as Alexis slapped his butt. The show began.

.....To Be Continued......

Bonez's Stories
