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Chapter 12


**The next few chapters are going to be in third person. I'm just trying it out for now.** Meanwhile in Ashley’s room… Ashley leaned against her bedroom door and sighed, the blush still coloring her cheeks. ‘I can’t believe I ran out there with only a towel on. Especially in front of Brian. What a wonderful life I have. I’ve got to admit that it was kind of funny,’ she thought to herself. She dropped the towel and finished getting ready. She then came out of her room in jeans and a white tank top that said ‘SPOILED’. Ashley heard her stomach growl and headed toward the kitchen. While on her way, she passed by the guys in the living room. “Nice shirt Ash. Time you finally admitted it,” Nick said while chuckling to himself. “Whatever Nick. You really need to come up with some new lines. Anyone want something to eat. I’m pretty sure I have cereal, eggs, biscuits…” she kept rattling food names off and Nick, Howie, A.J., and Kevin all looked at each other, their eyes huge. “Ummm, Ashley. Can you come here for a second?” asked Howie. “Why?” she responded. “Just because.” “Sorry, not until I get some food into my stomach. I’m starving. Brig, Tris, ya’ll want anything?” she said while moving towards the swinging kitchen door. “Ash, don’t go in …” yelled Kevin. But it was too late. “Ahhhh. What did you do to my kitchen?” Ashley yelled at the top of her lungs. “there” Kevin finished his sentence. Tristan and Brigitte just stood there with their mouths hanging open. There was cheese sauce all over the floor and the walls, along with flour and some other food she couldn’t even identify. “I knew this would happen,” Ashley said out loud, “how could I have been so dumb to leave Nick in care of my apartment?” “Ash we are so sorry. We thought you weren’t going to be home until late afternoon so we could pick it up later,” explained Nick. “Well I guess the plan didn’t go so well, did it Nicky?” said Ashley as she stalked out of the kitchen and slammed the door to her room. “I’m guessing she’s mad at us guys.” Brigitte smacked him upside the head and said, “Really? I hadn’t noticed. You are going to wish that you had cleaned it up last night. But I must admit that it is pretty hilarious. What were ya’ll trying to make anyways?” “First we tried making a cake and that didn’t exactly work. We accidentally started a food fight and somehow the cheese made it’s way into the ammunition,” explained A.J. Brigitte and Tristan started to crack up and couldn’t stop laughing. “Hey where is Brian?” inquired Tristan. “He went off to his room a little while ago. We haven’t seen him since. Hopefully Ashley doesn’t blame him for anything that happened in the kitchen because he had nothing to do with it. He went to bed early last night,” said Kevin. Changing the subject Brig said, “Do ya’ll want to go get something to eat? I’m starved and I want to let Ash cool off for a little while. We can write her a note and tell her we’ll be back later.” “Sounds good, let’s get goin’,”said Nick eagerly. He wanted some time to be with Tristan. “But what about Brian?” asked Tristan. “He’ll be okay by himself. He’ll probably just sit in his room and write some song lyrics even though we’re on break. We’ll call him later. So let’s go,” said Howie. With that they left a note and walked out the door to go to IHOP. 10 minutes later… Brian walked out of his room and noticed that there was no one around the apartment. ‘Wonder where they are?’ He noticed that Ashley’s door was closed so he went to go investigate. Brian opened the door and saw Ashley lying on her bed sleeping. He walked over to her and pulled the covers up over her body and kissed her softly on the forehead. Silently he walked out of her room and closed the door softly. ‘I hope she’ll like the concert tickets I got her’ Brian thought to himself and smiled. ‘Man I’m hungry. I’ll go see what’s in the kitchen.’ As the swinging door was pushed open his jaw dropped. “Whoa, what happened here?” he said aloud. He walked further in and saw the note on the kitchen table. …Dear Ashley, Once again we are really sorry about the mess. We’ll clean it up when we get back. Sincerely, Nick, Howie, A.J., and Kevin. ‘I can’t believe they just didn’t stay and clean it up’ Brian thought getting angry. He put the note down and started to search for the washrags and mop. 45 minutes later (10:00)… Brian put the dirty towels and washrags in the dirty clothes and decided to work on some of his song lyrics. He brought them into the living room and sat down on the couch. When he opened up his notebook something fell out. He then remembered he had put the tickets in there. He leaned over and picked them up and put them on the coffee table. ‘I need to put the backstage passes away in my drawer the next time I go into the room.’ Even though he had went to bed early the night before he was still tired. Before he knew it he fell asleep on the couch.
