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Chapter 6


Entrance of Fiesta Texas... "Guys, just look for a set of twins. It shouldn't be that hard ok?" I said becoming annoyed by the constant questions about my friends from Nick, Brian, and A.J. "Sorry, we just want to know what they look like. I didn't know that was a crime," answered Nick with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. That was one thing that we had in common. Sarcasm came naturally to us, and sometimes that's what would create a fight between us. It was rare though. "I'm sorry Nick. I didn't mean to be rude. I'll be nice from now on, Scout's honor," I said while holding up two fingers. At that Nick laughed and everything was fine once again. I looked at my watch. It was already 10:10. Just like Brigitte and Tristan to be fashionably late especially when there are guys involved. I couldn't wait to see their faces when they recognized the guys. Boy, are they in for a surprise. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two figures approaching us. I immediately recognized them as Brig and Tris. Brigitte was wearing khaki shorts and a dark green tube top. Tristan had on white shorts and a blue Old Navy shirt. I waved to them as I had a huge smile on my face. Here it goes I thought. "Hey Brig, Tris," I greeted. "This is my cousin Nick and his friends Brian and A.J." Guys, this is Brigitte and Tristan." They said their hellos and we went inside the park. Surprisingly, Brig and Tris hadn't fainted earlier. Maybe they actually hadn't recognized them. They were after all wearing hats and sunglasses. Once we were inside Brigitte pulled me aside. "Why didn't you tell me that Nick Carter was your COUSIN!” she whispered loudly into my ear. "Oops. I forgot?" I said while hiding a small smile. "How could you have forgotten?" "I just did until he told me that he was going to take a vacation and wanted to come to San Antonio. It's always been normal to me. We have kept in touch through all the years though." "Wow, this is too much. Ashley, you have some explaining to do when we get back to your house tonight." "Ok, I'll explain later. But I thought ya'll would have already guessed. I mean, my last name is Carter and I do have blond hair and blue eyes, but then again this is you I'm talking to." She gave me a look saying to quit while I was ahead, and I realized that I was starting to become sarcastic. "Sorry, it just comes out," I apologized. With that we continued walking through the park. The whole day I became closer to Brian and A.J. I was glad Nick decided to bring his friends along, and I didn't realize just how much I had missed having him around. I suddenly became sad and thought about all of my friends that I had left behind in Ruskin. I looked up and noticed that I was lagging behind. I pasted on a smile and caught up with the group. Little did I know that Brian had seen me behind them. He made a mental note to ask me what was wrong later.
