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Chapter 9


Three days after Fiesta... Ashley was starting to trust Brian more and was starting to like him as more than a friend. Nick didn't even know about it because she was afraid he would become way over protective of her. She had decided to keep it from him for as long as possible. Heck, she didn't even know if Brian felt the same way. She highly doubted it because guys always thought of her as friends and nothing went further than that. Coming around the corner, Ashley heard shouting and yelling. She looked into the living room and saw the guys watching the Olympic basketball game. She laughed to herself as Brian jumped up. "Come on, that was a foul!" he shouted at the screen. Nick was on the edge of the couch about to fall off. Kevin was sitting in the love seat next to A.J. intently watching the game. Howie was on the floor reading a book not even paying attention to the screen. ' I honestly don't know how he can concentrate with all this noise I thought to myself.' I sat down next to Nick and tuned into the game. About two minutes into it I started yelling too. USA was winning 45-29 in the second quarter, but the referees weren't calling any fouls. The buzzer sounded for halftime and A.J. turned towards me. " I didn’t know that you were a basketball fan," he stated. "Oh, I watch all kinds of sports. I mostly watch softball, basketball, football (GO DALLAS COWBOYS!), sometimes baseball, and I also watch NASCAR racing," I answered matter of factly. "Well thank you 'Miss Thang'." "Well at least I'm not 'Mr. I dye my hair orange and yellow because I think it looks cool', thank you very much," I fired back. "Whoa, feisty aren't we?" A.J. and I both started cracking up at our conversation while the others just stared at us. They finally ended up joining in. You're mouth is still the same Ash," commented Nick. "Always has been and always will be 'Nicky'," I said with a small smile forming. I knew he hated being called that, but I just had to say it. "I remember one time when... Hey! Did you just call me Nicky?" he asked with mock anger. All I did was nod my head and smile. He then answered,” You are so gonna get it!" He jumped up off the couch as I did the same. We ended up running around the house a few times with Nick chasing me at first and then Brian took over. While I was running around the couch, I tripped over the rug underneath it and fell to the floor. Brian also fell down and started to tickle me. After I begged for mercy he finally let me up. I then collapsed on the couch. "Hey guys. I'm staying over at Brig and Tris' apartment tonight. Will ya'll behave by yourselves, or do I need to hire a babysitter?" I asked in a motherly tone. "No mother!" they all replied in childish voices. "Ok. I'll be back tomorrow sometime in the afternoon." I went back to my room and grabbed my overnight bag that I always took to their apartment. I put all the essentials that I needed into it and headed out of my room. I told the guys bye and walked out the door. I backed my car out of the garage and headed towards Brig and Tris' apartment.
