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(English Version)

Presijidi Koskov
Speechment of President Koskov, 12-12-02

Morania is very great country. It is applied better in things of field and factory than any country in immediate vicinity of Morania. Morania is also very much in peace with countries it is not fighting.

We despise the Slobovians with discretion. When we were mastering the arts of goat herding they were still eating weeds. Despite our lack of care for our Slobevian next-door people we believe we can live in non-conflict with them.

We therefore cordially suggest American aid in providing safety from Slobovian cat-stealers. America and Moronia share more than four letters in Latin alphabet; they have great friendship and notice of each other. During the Second Great War Moronia kept many Naziite divisions in constant business through brave People's Partisan Army in guerrilla conflict. America helped Morania by dropping many many cans of spam from high-altitude aircraft and suggest we shoot nazis with guns.

Bless and continance for Morania!


Speechment of General-Feldmarschal Slaughter

Moronia loves peace but loves dead Slobonians better.

Bannje su Morania







General-Feldmarschal Slaughter