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Our country was attacked on September 11th, 2001. What do we do now?


We will remember the dead. The sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. The brothers, sisters, friends, wives, and husbands. The children. They died on board four airliners, at the Pentagon, and in the World Trade Center. These were innocent people, going about their business, doing their jobs. Most probably did not know of the cause of these trained killers who launched these attacks or would have cared if they did. What did these individuals do to deserve this? We will mourn, we will bury our dead, but we will not forget.


We will remember our heroes. The firefighters, the paramedics, the police, the EMTs who responded to the disasters in New York City and Washington D.C. and risked their lives to save others. All too many of them lost their own lives when the twin towers collapsed, lost in the line of duty. We now believe, based on cell phone calls from the plane, that the passengers on board United Flight 93 realized that the hijackers intended to use the aircraft to hit yet another target. We may never know exactly what took place aboard the plane, but instead of hitting a skyscraper or a monument the aircraft struck an empty field in Pennsylvania. We will never know how many Americans tried to defeat these cowards flying the four airliners.


We will remember the cowardly organization responsible for this attack. Have no doubt: this was organized. We must resolve ourselves to attack the members of this organization, no matter what corner of the planet they hide in. There can be no "safe haven" for these people. Membership in the organization responsible must be a death warrant for EVERY member, whether they are a trained killer or a clerk. If it takes 10, 20, or 30 years, we must exterminate them with the same relentless momentum we used to find Nazi war criminals. There can be no parole, no pardon, no statute of limitations. And that must go for those who try to protect them from justice.


We will remember the Fault Finders, the Excusers, the people who say that this was somehow OUR fault. "If we did not support Israel" "If we did not fight the Gulf War" "If we did not depend so much on foreign oil" then, these people say, this would not have happened. Perhaps if we Americans did not breathe, THAT, might satisfy them. Even more horrendous are the cowards on the internet who try to somehow tie this to our President. They would not dare say this out loud, but they will type such lies in anonymity.


We will remember our leaders when they say they will act. There were words of fire and brimstone after the Khobar Towers bombing, after the attack on our embassies in Africa, and after the tragedy of the USS Cole. There were acts of "retaliation" but no punishment for the people responsible, indeed, the same people in all liklihood responsible for these attacks. We will throw our support to our President and behind Congress, but they should know that we expect more than rhetoric and empty gestures. We will hold our leaders accountible for effective action. We will not tolerate "politics as usual."


We will remember our armed forces. We will remember the many sacrifices they make every day in order to keep this country free, in spite of the budget cuts made in the spirit of "Can't we all just get along?" Despite the efforts made to weaken our armed forces, based on false promises of security made by certain politicians. We allowed our military strength to be frittered away and our forces scattered, from Kosovo to East Timor, from Somalia to Macedonia. We have sent our Army out to be policemen in countries most people have never heard of when we should have been defending places EVERY American knows ... like Washington D.C. and New York City.


We must take up our shield, in defense of our country. This is the least we can expect of our government, indeed, it is the primary reason for the existence of our government. And we must take up the sword, in swift retribution for this barbaric act. Justice demands no less.

When you see an American flag, remember the men and women who died for it. Remember the struggle many others went through for its cause.


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