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Welcome To Martha's Home Page

My Favorite Things To Do

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Former 1/5 Bobcat
Past Region President LAMOH
Bosque County, BBQ Capitol of Texas
Find out what's going on in Bosque County
Ladies Auxiliary Unit 4077, Military Order of Purple Heart
Military Order of Purple Heart (National)
The Norwegian Capital of Texas

My name is Martha. I enjoy spending time with my large family, of 9 brothers and 4 sisters, seeing that my son enjoys life to the fullest,and going fishing and camping. I also enjoy photography and I guess any outdoors activities. My family means a great deal to me and I enjoy spending as much time with them as possible. I'm just a tiny bit proud of my son and all of my nieces and nephews. Recently two of my Photographs were picked to be published in books presented by the International Library of photography called "Wandering Spirits" and "Spirits of the Night"

I am a life member of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary 8230 in Gatesville, Texas. I am also the President of the Bosque Valley Ladies Auxiliary Unit 4077, Military Order of Purple Heart in Waco, Texas. I enjoy travelling and going to the different Conventions hosted by the VFW and MOPH. I am very passionate about POW/MIA issues and fully support the idea that the government should push for a full accounting of all MIA's.

This website contains various links that I think people will like. Hope you enjoy them and if you have a webpage you think I'd like please email it to me.If you would like further information about the Military Order of the Purple Heart or the Veterans of Foreign Wars please email me at the address below.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Feel free to come back and visit again. Don't forget to drop me a line or sign m guest book.

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