PLAYING GUIDELINES FOR RATED 10/30 CORRESPONDENCE GAMES PLAYED BY OUR COMRADES USING STANDARD EMAIL. 10/30 speed means we must each play at least 1 move within a 30-day time period. Using more than 31 days is considered an overstep lateness. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1: Required PGN Headers 2: Required Algebraic Notation 3: 10/30 Playing Speed 4: Required Time Controls 4a: Your opponent's sent date 4b: Your received date 4c: Your answered date 4d: Time zone difference 5: Repeating a Move 6: Overstepping ( exceeding )the Time Limit 6a: Using more than 30 days to answer a move 6b: Playing less than 10 moves within 30 used days 6c: Using more than 30 days to answer any one move 6d: Receiving two documented oversteps 7: If (conditional) Moves 8: Illegal Moves 9: Altered Moves 10: Excused Time Out 11: Silent Abandonment 12: Player Substitution 13: Chess Engines 14: Finished Games 15: Rated Results 16: Contacts Guideline 1: REQUIRED PGN HEADERS Using data that is specific to you and this match, when playing by email, we must include this proper 6-line PGN header on each note. For example: [Event "T130xxxX"] Enter full T130 game number including W or B. [Site "XXXX vs XXXX"] Enter names of teams playing white vs black. [Date "11.01.2015"] Enter starting date ( month, day, year ) [White "Last name, First"] Enter name of person playing white. [Black "Last name, First"] Enter name of person playing black. [Result "???"] Enter game result: 1-0 or 1/2-1/2 or 0-1. Guideline 2: REQUIRED ALGEBRAIC NOTATION Right below the required 6-line PGN header, we must always include all moves of our game in English short Algebraic Notation: K=King, Q=Queen, R=Rook, B=Bishop and N=Knight which should look something like this: [Event "T130xxxX"] [Site "XXXX vs XXXX"] [Date "11.01.2015"] [White "Last name, First"] [Black "Last name, First"] [Result "???"] 1.Nh3 e5 2.e4 Nf6 3.g4 Nxe4 4.c4 Qh4 5.Ng1 .. Enter all game moves Guideline 3: 10/30 PLAYING SPEED This means we must play 10 moves per 30 used day periods. 10/30; 20/60; 30/90; 40/120 etc. Put simply, we must reach move 10 in each game within 30 used days; then reach move 20 in each game within 60 used days, etc. NOTE: Unused days from one time control can be used in the next time control just like a regular game of clocked chess. For example, let's say you only used 5 days to reach move 10. You have saved 25 days in your 1st time control and you now have 25+30=55 days remaining on your clock to reach move 20 in your 2nd time control, but we cannot use more than 10 days to answer any one move! Guideline 4: REQUIRED TIME CONTROLS Right below the Algebraic game moves, we must always include the time controls, even if our opponent does not. Let's clarify what 'used days' means. Most games are won by position .. not the clock: 4A: Your opponents sent date Your opponent's clock stops on the calendar date that his/her outgoing email is actually postmarked by the Internet provider. This date may not always be the same date that your opponent claims to have sent the move. If the postmark is a day or so later than your opponent claimed, simply adjust your opponents expected sent date to reflect the true sent date and carbon copy the Director so it's on the record. 4B: Your received date Your clock starts on the calendar date you see the opponents unopened incoming move has arrived in your email box. This date may not always be the same date that your opponent expected you to receive that move. If your opponent claims differently and the difference is less than 2 days, you can change your received date to accommodate your opponent or request he accept the date you sent and carbon copy the Director. 4C: Your answered date Your clock stops on the calendar date your outgoing email is actually postmarked by the Internet provider. This date may not always be the same date you answered that move. If your opponent claims your move was postmarked a day or so later than you claimed, simply adjust your answered date to the true sent date and carbon copy the Director. NOTE: Answering a move the same date it was received counts as 'zero time used' for that move! 4D: Time zone differences To compensate for differences in time zones, moves received after 8:00 pm (20:00 hours) can be dated as having arrived the next morning. If you are playing two games with the same opponent and are ready to reply in one game but need more time in the other game, just send separate emails. We are not required to send both moves in the same email. Each game has its own time controls that must always go below the Algebraic moves which should look something like this example ( using actual dates): [Event "T130xxxX"] [Site "XXXX vs XXXX"] [Date "11.01.2015"] [White "Last name, First"] [Black "Last name, First"] [Result "???"] 1.Nh3 e5 2.e4 Nf6 3.g4 Nxe4 4.c4 Qh4 5.Ng1 .. 10/30 Time controls: Enter the words 10/30 time controls. Sent: Nov 15th Enter date opponent's note was postmarked. Rcvd: Nov 16th Enter date you opened your opponent's note. Ansd: Nov 17th Enter date your reply should be postmarked. White used +1 day totals 7 of 30 allowed days to reach move 10;Total days used. Black used +1 day totals 8 of 30 allowed days to reach move 10.Total days used. NOTE: Change 30 to 60 allowed days at move 11; then change 60 to 90 allowed days at move 21; then change 90 to 120 allowed days at move 31; etc. Guideline 5: REPEATING A MOVE If an opponent's move is due, send a friendly repeat on the 5th day to make sure some email was not lost. If you still have no word from your opponent within 10 days, send another repeat on the 10th day and carbon copy the Director. The Director will send your 10th day repeat to your opponent to help get that game resumed. If your opponent exceeds the time control, submit a time complaint to the Director and include repeat dates to support your time complaint for Arbitration. NOTE: If you have properly sent sent "5th day plus 10th day repeats" and it is obvious that your opponent used "more than 10 days" to answer your move, without having requested time out days, the Arbiter can "double" the number of days ( after day 10 ) that your opponent used. Guideline 6: OVERSTEPPING (EXCEEDING) THE TIME LIMIT There are FOUR ways that you or your opponent can exceed the 10/30 time limit: 6A: Using MORE than 30 days to play 10 moves automatically results in a 5-day penalty! Let's say you used 35 days to play 10 moves. This means you have exceed the 10/30 time control by 5 DAYS. This is considered an overstep! 6B: Playing LESS than 10 moves within 30 used days also results in an automatic 5-day penalty! Let's say you only reached move 8 in 30 used days. This means you have exceeded the 10/30 time control by 2 MOVES. This is also considered an overstep! 6C: Using MORE than 30 days to answer any ONE move will result in an automatic 5-day penalty and could easily result in game forfeiture by the Arbiter. ( see silent abandonment ) 6D: Receiving TWO documented oversteps usually results in game forfeiture. Guideline 7: If (CONDITIONAL) MOVES You may include 'if' moves when you feel the reply is obvious .. or when you simply want to put some time pressure on your opponent. However, whenever we include a legal 'if' move that is accepted, that move is binding .. even if it is a blunder. Sending email moves is the same as playing touch move chess, we cannot take that move back! Guideline 8: ILLEGAL MOVES If you send or receive an illegal or an ambiguous move that has several different interpretations, or if you fail to include your move, you or your opponent should quickly send that note back for clarification. There is an automatic 5-day penalty for each illegal, ambiguous or forgot-to-include move. If you or your opponent send more than two illegal, ambiguous or forgotten moves in one game, that game can be subject to forfeiture by Arbitration. This is why we strongly recommend including your intended move in your email's Subject line. Here is an example of what this should look like: Subject: Moves 5.c4 Qh4 5.Ng1 .. NOTE: If the Subject line move differs from your opponent's actual sent move, quickly ask the sender to clarify which of the two different moves is the intended move. Also carbon copy the Director so a 5-day penalty request can be made against your opponent. Reminders: En-passante: must contain "ep" symbol. Example: cxd6ep Castling: must contain "-" symbol. Example: O-O or 0-0-0 Capture: must contain "x" symbol. Example: Nxf3 Check: must contain "+" symbol. Example: Rxd8+ Guideline 9: ALTERED MOVES Frequently check all moves that were played to make sure no moves were altered. If you receive an altered move, quickly forward that note to the Director. NOTE: If your opponent "accidentally or deliberately alters" a move that was already played or alters the total number of days that were actually used and no penalty or corrective action was enforced by the Tournament Director, you will be declared the winner of that game on this website. Guideline 10: EXCUSED TIME OUT We each may request up to 42 excused time out days, per game, per year. These days must be notified in advance. Failure to notify your opponent plus the Director can result in game forfeiture. If you send your move and go on an announced leave, your clock stops until you return; your opponent's clock works from the day he/she opened your sent move, up to the day that his/her outgoing reply is postmarked. If a person sends a move while supposedly being on vacation, his/her clock restarts on that day. Guideline 11: SILENT ABANDONMENT We cannot use more than 30 days to answer any one move. If you go silent for 31 or more days and your opponent has sent you at least one repeat with a carbon copy to the Director, your silent withdrawal will most likely be cited as a forfeit by the Director and it will be submitted for Arbitration. Guideline 12: PLAYER SUBSTITUTION If both players have not yet reached move 3, substitution can be made whereby both players begin a new game. Once 3 or more moves have been played, substitution can be made, but only if both players continue the already started game/s to prevent any player who made an opening mistake from withdrawing. Guideline 13: CHESS ENGINES Since it is impossible to prevent anyone from seeking help ( kibitzing, data bases, computers, on-line analysis, end-game programs, etc ) the use of chess engines for Individual Challenges "is permitted" in order to be competitive with international chess clubs that allow the use of chess engines during their international matches. Guideline 14: FINISHED GAMES Send completed games to the Director so they can be be reviewed for typing errors. Your finished game will be rated and become viewable on 'ConradCHESS' move-by-move chess boards. It should look something like this: [Event "T130xxxX"] [Site "XXXX vs XXXX"] [Date "11.01.2015"] [White "Last name, First"] [Black "Last name, First"] [Result "0-1"] 1.Nh3 e5 2.e4 Nf6 3.g4 Nxe4 4.c4 Qh4 5.Ng1 Qxf2# 0-1 Guideline 15: RATED RESULTS All games played in this event will be rewarded as follows: Earn +10 rating points per win, +5 rating points per draw and lose only -5 rating points per loss. It's a very fair system! Guideline 16: Contacts Director: Conrad Goodman ------ Arbiter & Web Assistant: Rainer Tavenrath ---- Assistant Team Captain: Philippe Heyvaert --- Finished Game Reviewer: Mirko Djuric -------- Finished Game Reviewer: Eduardo Mayer ------- ASIAS Team Captain: Fernando Besozzi ---- Pasquale Colucci ---- Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these Playing Guidelines. On behalf of all participants and our Staff .. we wish you enjoyable games! |