Score chart for team match #132: COMRADES vs DESC 2015 Team Championship. Welcome to VM2015 "semi-final round 2" which starts on May 1st, 2016 and ends on April 15th, 2017.We will each play 1 game simultaneously vs five different opponents including our own team members at 10/30 speed. Here are the PLAYING GUIDELINES for this match which shows the required 9-line pgn format to follow, plus RECAP of all finished team games since match #22. Send finished team games to for rating & web publishing. You can also view these games by simply scrolling down the score chart below and clicking the "view" links to the right of each entry .. which makes game viewing very easy to do on move-by-move chess boards. Here is current score chart T132 that was updated by Rainer Tavenrath and myself on . All games are listed by Group in numerical sequence. xxxx indicates this game was either cancelled or forfeited. Enjoy the match and please tell us if you see any errors or have questions. Group 5: "Comrades-3” vs “MAPEJK-2” VM2015.501-504 pairings are the same as Comrades T132501-504. Comrades-3 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-3 ntn res MAPEJK-2 end date T132501W 01 Milan Vujadinovich --- scg 1-0 Kristyna Pechova ------ 07/01/2016 view T132502B 02 Roberto Ducci -------- ita 1-0 Matej Pech ------------ 05/29/2016 view T132503W 03 Mark Adams ----------- wal 1-0 Jaroslav Pech sen. ---- 02/04/2017 xxxx T132504B 04 Dennis Cravens ------- usa 1-0 Jan Pech -------------- 07/12/2016 view Comrades-3 scored 4.0 pts; MAPEJK-2 scored 0.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "Comrades-1” vs “Comrades-3” VM2015.505-508 pairings are the same as Comrades T132505-508. Comrades-3 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. Comrades-1 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-3 ntn res Comrades-1 end date T132505B 01 Milan Vujadinovich --- scg 1/2 Conrad Goodman -------- 05/18/2016 view T132506W 02 Roberto Ducci -------- ita 1/2 Hilmar Krueger -------- 07/04/2016 view T132507B 03 Mark Adams ----------- wal 0-1 Eduardo Mayer --------- 11/04/2016 view T132508W 04 Dennis Cravens ------- usa 1/2 Mirko Djuric ---------- 05/22/2016 view Comrades-3 scored 1.5 pts; Comrades-1 scored 2.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "Comrades-3” vs “Die Original Schachkatzen” VM2015.509-512 pairings are the same as Comrades T132509-512. Comrades-3 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-3 ntn res Die Original Schachkatzn end date T132509W 01 Milan Vujadinovich --- scg 1/2 Roger Mislin ---------- 05/23/2016 view T132510B 02 Roberto Ducci -------- ita 1/2 Raymund Stolze -------- 09/12/2016 view T132511W 03 Mark Adams ----------- wal 1-0 Albrecht Arnhold ------ 12/14/2016 view T132512B 04 Dennis Cravens ------- usa 1-0 Steffen Schubert ------ 06/28/2016 view Comrades-3 scored 3.0 pts; Die Original scored 1.0 pt with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "DESC Europe” vs “Comrades-3” VM2015.513-516 pairings are the same as Comrades T132513-516. Comrades-3 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-3 ntn res DESC Europe end date T132513B 01 Milan Vujadinovich --- scg 1/2 Peter Grott ----------- 05/18/2016 view T132514W 02 Roberto Ducci -------- ita 1/2 Gerd Wichert ---------- 10/24/2016 view T132515B 03 Mark Adams ----------- wal 1/2 Detlef Schott --------- 12/01/1016 view T132516W 04 Dennis Cravens ------- usa 1/2 Herman Van de Wynkele – 08/06/2016 view Comrades-3 scored 2.0 pts; DESC Europe scored 2.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "Comrades-3” vs “Keres Kumpels” VM2015.517-520 pairings are the same as Comrades T132517-520. Comrades-3 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-3 ntn res Keres Kumpels end date T132517W 01 Milan Vujadinovich --- scg 1/2 Michael Schirmer ------ 08/15/2016 view T132518B 02 Roberto Ducci -------- ita 1/2 Josef Semmler --------- 08/22/2018 view T132519W 03 Mark Adams ----------- wal 1/2 Ralf Mulde ------------ 06/26/2016 view T132520B 04 Dennis Cravens ------- usa 1/2 Gert Keller ----------- 07/18/2016 view Comrades-3 scored 2.0 pts; Keres Kumpels scored 2.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "MAPEJK-2” vs “Comrades-1” VM2015.521-524 pairings are the same as Comrades T132521-524. Comrades-3 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-1 ntn res MAPEJK-2 end date T132521B 01 Conrad Goodman ------- usa 1-0 Kristyna Pechova ------ 07/03/2016 view T132522W 02 Hilmar Krueger ------- ger 1-0 Matej Pech ------------ 06/11/2016 view T132523B 03 Eduardo Mayer -------- chi 1-0 Jaroslav Pech sen ----- 07/20/2016 view T132524W 04 Mirko Djuric --------- ser 1-0 Jan Pech -------------- 06/08/2016 view Comrades-1 scored 4.0 pts; MAPEJK-2 scored 0.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "Comrades-1” vs “Die Original Schachkatzen” VM2015.537-540 pairings are the same as Comrades T132537-540. Comrades-1 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-1 ntn res Die Orig Schachkatzen end date T132537W 01 Conrad Goodman ------- usa 1/2 Roger Mislin ---------- 06/24/2016 view T132538B 02 Hilmar Krueger ------- ger 1/2 Raymund Stolze -------- 06/30/2016 view T132539W 03 Eduardo Mayer -------- chi 1-0 Albrecht Arnhold ------ 12/28/2016 view T132540B 04 Mirko Djuric --------- ser 1/2 Steffen Schubert ------ 05/25/2016 view Comrades-1 scored 2.5 pts; Die Orig Schach scored 1.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "DESC Europe” vs “Comrades-1” VM2015.541-544 pairings are the same as Comrades T132541-544. Comrades-3 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-1 ntn res DESC Europe end date T132541B 01 Conrad Goodman ------- usa 1/2 Peter Grott ----------- 05/20/2016 view T132542W 02 Hilmar Krueger ------- ger 1/2 Gerd Wichert ---------- 10/22/2016 view T132543B 03 Eduardo Mayer -------- chi 1/2 Detlef Schott --------- 07/20/2016 view T132544W 04 Mirko Djuric --------- ser 1-0 Herman Van de Wynkele - 09/22/2016 view Comrades-1 scored 2.5 pts; DESC Europe scored 1.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 5: "Comrades-1” vs “Keres Kumpels” VM2015.545-548 pairings are the same as Comrades T132545-548. Comrades-1 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-1 ntn res Keres Kumpels end date T132545W 01 Conrad Goodman ------- usa 1/2 Michael Schirmer ------ 07/02/2016 view T132546B 02 Hilmar Krueger ------- ger 1/2 Josef Semmler --------- 05/20/2016 view T132547W 03 Eduardo Mayer -------- chi 1/2 Ralf Mulde ------------ 08/01/2016 view T132548B 04 Mirko Djuric --------- ser 1/2 Gert Keller ----------- 07/22/2016 view Comrades-1 scored 2.0 pts; Keres Kumpels scored 2.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-4 vs “MAPEJK-1” VM2015.601-604 pairings are the same as Comrades T132601-604. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-4 ntn res MAPEJK-1 end date T132601B 01 Jose Luis Llorente --- fra 1-0 Jaroslav Pech --------- 07/12/2016 view T132602W 02 Philippe Heyvaerte --- bel 1-0 Stepan Pech ----------- 07/02/2016 view T132603B 03 Craig Brophy --------- usa 1-0 Hana Pechova ---------- 04/22/2017 view T132604W 04 Heinrich Basson ------ rus 0-1 Josef Zmolil ---------- 02/26/2018 **** Comrades-4 scored 3.0 pts; MAPEJK-1 scored 1.0 pt with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-2" vs "Comrades-4" VM2015.605-608 pairings are the same as Comrades T132605-608. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. Comrades-2 play white on boards 1 and 3; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-2 ntn res Comrades-4 end date T132605B 01 Harry Ingersol ------- ger 1/2 Jose Luis Llorente ---- 08/06/2016 view T132606W 02 Andy Wosch ----------- ger 1/2 Philippe Heyvaert ----- 02/04/2017 view T132607B 03 Nelson Alvarez-Villar arg 1-0 Craig Brophy ---------- 08/25/2016 view T132608W 04 Jose Luis Ojeda ------ ita 1-0 Heinrich Basson ------- 09/23/2016 view Comrades-4 scored 1.0 pt; Comrades-2 scored 3.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-4” vs “IQ-Chess Club” VM2015.609-612 pairings are the same as Comrades T132609-612. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-4 ntn res IQ-Chess Club end date T132609B 01 Jose Luis Llorente --- fra 1-0 Frank Malewicz -------- 11/08/2016 view T132610W 02 Philippe Heyvaerte --- bel 0-1 Reiner Jung ----------- 02.04.2017 xxxx T132611B 03 Craig Brophy --------- usa 1/2 Vincenz Petzold ------- 06/19/2016 view T132612W 04 Heinrich Basson ------ rus 0-1 Johann Rau ------------ 02/04/2017 view Comrades-4 scored 1.5 pts; IQ-Chess Club scored 2.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "DESC Heurka" vs "Comrades-4" VM2015.013-016 pairings are the same as Comrades T132013-016. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-4 ntn res DESC Heurka end date T132613B 01 Jose Luis Llorente --- fra 0-1 Ulrich Kuempers ------- 09/12/2016 view T132614W 02 Philippe Heyvaerte --- bel 1/2 Dieter Radek ---------- 07/26/2016 view T132615B 03 Craig Brophy --------- usa 0-1 Lars Balzer ----------- 07/16/2016 view T132616W 04 Heinrich Basson ------ rus 0-1 Heinz-Roland Send ----- 08/12/2016 view Comrades-4 scored 0.5 pt; DESC Heurka scored 3.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-4” vs “DESC-1” VM2015.617-620 pairings are the same as Comrades T132617-620. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-4 ntn res DESC-1 end date T132617B 01 Jose Luis Llorente --- fra 1-0 Dietmar Glotz --------- 12/04/2016 view T132618W 02 Philippe Heyvaerte --- bel 0-1 Herbert Zapf ---------- 02/04/2017 xxxx T132619B 03 Craig Brophy --------- usa 1/2 Lutz Baer ------------- 05/31/2016 view T132620W 04 Heinrich Basson ------ rus 0-1 Robert Boehm ---------- 02/04/2017 view Comrades-4 scored 1.5 pts; DESC-1 scored 2.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "MAPEJK-1" vs "Comrades-2" VM2015.021-022 pairings are the same as Comrades T132021-022. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-2 ntn res MAPEJK-1 end date T132621B 01 Harry Ingersol ------- ger 1-0 Jaroslav Pech --------- 07/17/2016 view T132622W 02 Andy Wosch ----------- ger 1-0 Stepan Pech ----------- 06/16/2016 view T132623B 03 Nelson Alvarez Villar arg 1-0 Hana Pechova ---------- 06/25/2016 view T132624W 04 Jose Luis Ojeda ------ fra 1-0 Josef Zmolil ---------- 7/12/20164 view Comrades-2 scored 4.0 pts; MAPEJK-1 scored 0.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-2” vs “IQ-Chess Club” VM2015.637-640 pairings are the same as Comrades T132637-640. Comrades-2 play white on boards 1 and 4; black on boards 2 and 4. gamenmbr bd Comrades-4 ntn res IQ-Chess Club end date T132637W 01 Harry Ingersol ------- ger 1-0 Frank Malewicz -------- 08/09/2016 view T132638B 02 Andy Wosh ------------ ger 0-1 Reiner Jung ----------- 11/23/2016 view T132639W 03 Nelson Alvarez Villar arg 1/2 Vincenz Petzold ------- 07/10/2016 view T132640B 04 Jose Luis Ojeda ------ fra 1/2 Johann Rau ------------ 03/21/2017 view Comrades-2 scored 2.0 pts; IQ_Chess Club scored 2.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "DESC Heurka" vs "Comrades-2" VM2015.641-642 pairings are the same as Comrades T132641-642. Comrades-4 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-2 ntn res DESC Heurka end date T132641B 01 Harry Ingersol ------- ger 1/2 Ulrich Kuempers-------- 02/26/2018 T132642W 02 Andy Wosh ------------ ger 1/2 Dieter Radek ---------- 10/02/2016 view T132643B 03 Nelson Alvarez Villar arg 1/2 Lars Balzer ----------- 12/16/2016 view T132644W 04 Jose Luis Ojeda ------ fra 1/2 Heinz-Roland Send ----- 09/19/2016 view Comrades-2 scored 2.0 pts; DESC Heurka scored 2.0 pts with 0 gms in play. Group 6: "Comrades-2" vs “DESC-1” VM2015.645-648 pairings are the same as Comrades T132645-648. Comrades-2 play white on boards 2 and 4; black on boards 1 and 3. gamenmbr bd Comrades-2 ntn res DESC-1 end date T132645W 01 Harry Ingersol ------- ger 1/2 Dietmar Glotz --------- 10/10/2016 view T132646B 02 Andy Wosh ------------ ger 1/2 Herbert Zapf ---------- 11/23/2016 view T132647W 03 Nelson Alvarez Villar arg 0-1 Lutz Baer ------------- 01/20/2017 view T132648B 04 Jose Luis Ojeda ------ fra 1/2 Robert Boehm ---------- 08/04/2016 view Comrades-2 scored 1.5 pts; DESC-1 scored 2.5 pts with 0 gms in play. Notes to match: _._ indicates game is in progress. _*_ indicates cited lateness or overstep. _#_ indicates board addition or replacement. _@_ indicates game was adjudicated. 1-0 indicates player to the left won. 1/2 indicates game ended in a draw. 0-1 indicates player to the right won. xxx indicates board was canceled Contacts: ConradChess: Conrad Goodman --- Simply close this page to return to the page that you were previously viewing. |