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IECC-26h vs ICCF-Scotland-1 1997 Team Championship
Started Sept 1st, 1997; ended June 1st, 1998
4 boards; 1 game each; 10/40 cumulative speed

game # IECC-26h                     ICCF-Scotland-1              end date
T2618B Goodman, Conrad usa 2200 1/2 Falconer, Jim ..... sco 2200 11/24/97
T2628W Schutt, Ray ... usa 2200 1-0 Harkins, Mike ..... sco 2200 06/16/98
T2638B Smithers, Steve usa 2200 1-0 McEwan, Neil ...... sco 2200 03/01/98
T2648W Camper, Don ... usa 2200 1/2 Flockhart, Hugh ... sco 2200 01/28/98
====================== === ==== === =================== === ==== ========
T26H 4 gms: We scored 3.0 pts; Scotland scored 1.0 pt; no games cancelled.

Reading the score chart: 
Game#'s ending in W mean IECC plays white, B means IECC plays black.
_._ indicates game is in progress. 
_*_ indicates cited lateness, overstep or forfeit. 
_#_ indicates board addition or replacement. 
_@_ indicates game is being adjudicated. 
1-0 indicates player to the left won. 
1/2 indicates game ended in a draw. 
0-1 indicates player to the right won. 
xxx indicates game was cancelled. 

[Event "T2618B"]
[Site "IECC"]
[Date "1997.11.28"]
[White "Falconer, Jim"]
[Black "Goodman, Conrad"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B06"]

1.d4 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.Qe2 Nc6 6.c3 Bg4 7.Nbd2 O-O 8.h3 
Bxf3 9.Nxf3 e5 10.dxe5 Nxe5 11.Nxe5 dxe5 12.O-O h6 13.Rd1 Qe7 14.f3 Rfe8 
15.Be3 a6 16.b4 Red8 17.Bc5 Qe8 18.Bb3 Nh5 19.Be3 Nf4 20.Qc4 Qe7 21.a3 Ne6
22.Rd5 Rxd5 1/2-1/2

[Event "T2628W"]
[Site "IECC"]
[Date "1998.06.16"]
[White "Schutt, Ray"]
[Black "Harkins, Mike"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2456"]
[ECO "D20"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 e5 4.Nf3 Bb4+ 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Nxe5 b5 7.f3 Nfd7 8.Nxd7 
Qxd7 9.Be2 O-O 10.O-O c6 11.Be3 Qb7 12.Qc2 Nd7 13.b3 cxb3 14.axb3 Nb6 15.
Bd3 Re8 16.Ne2 Bd7 17.Bd2 Bf8 18.Rfc1 g6 19.Ra5 Bg7 20.Bb4 Kh8 21.Kh1 Bf8 
22.Bxf8 Rxf8 23.Qd2 Rad8 24.Rca1 Nc8 25.b4 Rfe8 26.Ra6 Kg8 27.Qg5 Qc7 28.
e5 Be6 29.Qc1 Bd5 30.Bxb5 Qb7 31.Bxc6 Bxc6 32.Rxc6 Qxb4 33.Rb1 1-0

[Event "T2638B"]
[Site "IECC"]
[Date "1997.09.01"]
[White "McEwan, Neil"]
[Black "Smithers, Steven"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C02"]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bd7 6.Be2 Nge7 7.Na3 cxd4 8.cxd4 
Nf5 9.Nc2 Qb6 10.O-O Rc8 11.b3 Nb4 12.Nxb4 Bxb4 13.Bb2 O-O 14.Rc1 Bb5 15.
Bxb5 Qxb5 16.Rxc8 Rxc8 17.Qb1 h6 18.Rc1 Rxc1+ 19.Qxc1 Qe2 20.h3 b5 21.Qc8+
Kh7 22.Qc1 Ba5 23.Qb1 Kg8 24.Qc1 Bb6 25.Qc8+ Kh7 26.Qc1 Qd3 27.Qc3 Qb1+ 
28.Kh2 Qxa2 29.Qc2 g6 30.Qc1 Qxb3 31.Ba3 Qc4 0-1

[Event "T2648W"]
[Site "IECC"]
[Date "1997.08.26"]
[White "Camper, Don"]
[Black "Flockhart, Hugh"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B01"]

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Bg4 4.f3 Bf5 5.Bb5+ c6 6.dxc6 Qa5+ 7.Nc3 Nxc6 8.
Bd2 O-O-O 9.a4 Qb6 10.a5 Qxd4 11.Nge2 Qc5 12.Qc1 e5 13.Be3 Nd4 14.Ba4 Nd5 
15.Nxd5 Qxd5 16.Ng3 Bg6 17.O-O Bc5 18.b4 Be7 19.c3 Nb3 20.Bxb3 Qxb3 21.
Bxa7 Rd3 22.Qe1 f6 23.a6 bxa6 24.Rxa6 Qxc3 25.Qxc3+ Rxc3 26.Bd4 exd4 27.
Ra8+ Kc7 28.Rxh8 d3 29.Rd1 1/2-1/2

Time controls ( ETL means exceeds time limit ):
10/40 speed means we play 10 moves within 40 used days.
Clocked time starts from date an incoming move is viewed 
to the date your outgoing reply is postmarked. Moves rcvd 
after 8 pm may be dated as having arrived the next day.
Unused days from 1st time control can be used in the 2nd, etc.
Playing less than 10 moves within 40 used days or using 
more than 40 days to play 10 moves are etl's ( oversteps ).
Using more than 30 days to answer any one move or getting 
two documented etl oversteps will result in game forfeiture.

Team Captain: Steve Smithers
Arbiter: ICCF
Organizers: Steve Smithers & ICCF