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 Here are the instructions for one of my
 favorite self working card tricks which
 can be performed on several people at the
 same time. It is easy to do and will work
 every time regardless of any chosen card:

 1. Have one or several people each randomly select NINE cards 
    from a deck of playing cards.

 2. Have each of them select one of those 9 cards as their chosen 
    card and ask them to place their chosen card face down on top  
    of the other 8 face down cards, then square up all 9 cards.

 3. Have each person remove one card from the middle of their stack 
    and place it "face down" on top of their face down chosen card. 

 4. Have each person remove the bottom card of their stack and place
    it "face down" on top of the other 8 cards so that their chosen 
    card is now the THIRD card from the top.
 5. Have each person deal off 1 card at a time on top of one another
    to spell out their chosen card in 3 words. Example: "JACK" and 
    move those 4 cards to the bottom of their stack. Then "OF" and 
    move those 2 cards to the bottom of their stack. Then "HEARTS" 
    and move those 6 cards to the bottom of their stack.

 6. Each person's chosen card will now always be FIFTH from the top,
    so have each person remove one card from the top of their stack, 
    then one card from the bottom .. etc until only one card remains 
    and that face down card will always be the chosen card. 
PS: If the choosen card is a Joker, simply spell "WHAT" "IF" "JOKER" !
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