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CHESS IQ Event 4 .. by IM Conrad Goodman

problem #167 ( difficulty 2)
forsyth: 8/p7/bp5P/P2PBk2/3K4/8/8/2b5
pos: wKd4,Be5,pa5,d5,h6/bKf5,Ba6,c1,Pa7,b6
White to play ..
Find best ending ( ended Dec 31st, 2002 )

Fill in the blanks against all best defenses:
1. White ____ ( wins / draws ) this ending ( worth 2 pts ) 
2. Starting with move 1. ________ ( worth 3 pts )
3. Followed by variations 1 .. ________ ( worth 5 pts )
1 pt deduction for each incorrect fill; 3 attempts allowed  

Your name: _________________
Your email: _________________

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then email your solution to: problem #167
#167 white to move .. find the best result.
a perfect solution is worth 10 pts
go to: #160 #161 #162 #163 #164 #165 #166 #168 #169 / main page / top scores / translate