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CHESS IQ Event 5 .. by IM Conrad Goodman

problem #173:
Is this a win, draw or forced checkmate ?
forsyth: 8/8/1p2PQ2/k1pN4/8/2PK2pq/PP2P1np/8
pcs: wKd3,Qf6,Nd5,Pa2,b2,c3,e2,e6,

Fill in the blanks against all best defenses:
1. White _______ ( correct assessment is worth 2 pts )
2. Starting with 1. ________ ( key move/s worth 3 pts )
3. Followed by 1 .. ________ ( variation/s worth 5 pts )

If you find more than one solution, list all you find.
1 pt deduction for each incorrect fill; 3 attempts allowed  

Email your solution to #173 ( ended June 30th, 2003 )
#173: white to move .. find the best result.
a perfect solution is worth 10 pts

go to: #170 #171 #172 #174 #175 #176 #177 #178 #179 / main page / top scores / translate