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CHESS IQ Event 7 .. by IM Conrad Goodman

problem #192: forsyth:
pcs: wKa4,Bd5,Na6,Nc6;

Fill in the blanks against all best defenses.
1. White wins/mates in ____ ( moves worth 2 pts )
2. Starting with 1. ________ ( key move worth 3 pts )
3. Followed by 1 .. ________ ( variations worth 5 pts )

If you find more than one solution, list all you find.
1 pt deduction for each incorrect fill; 3 attempts allowed  

EMail your solution to #192 ( ended June 30th, 2004 )
#192: find white's best continuation
a perfect solution is worth 10 pts
go to: #190 #191 #193 #194 #195 #196 #197 #198 #199 / main page / top scores / translate