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score charts:

              Ratings of our "most active" Comrades as of .  
        Select the desired team match "score chart" from the vertical side bar 
         at left to view finished games on easy-to-view interactive chess boards.

                                          == COMRADE RESULTS === plus CHALLENGER = COMBINED
               columns 1               2   3    4   5    6    7          8   9     10  11  12
            first and last names      ntn rtng gms won drew lost  plus  pts gms = rtng gms  %
IGM*       Eliecer CRUZ RAMIREZ ------ CUB 7840 785 439  284   62  plus  380  9  = 8220 794 73%
IGM*       Giraldo MENENDEZ RODRIGUEZ  CUB 6245 629 206  400   23  plus  600 14  = 6845 643 63%
IGM*        Conrad GOODMAN ----------- USA 6275 515 417   86   12  plus  180  3  = 6455 518 89%
IGM         Dennis CRAVENS ----------- USA 2680  81  50   31    0  plus  720 10  = 3400  91 79%
IGM*        Hilmar KRUEGER ----------- GER 2755 127  29   93    5  plus  480  7  = 3235 134 59%
IGM    Juan Felipe KAMANEL ZAMORA ---- CUB 2740  53  35   18    0  plus  475 20  = 3215  73 74%
IGM*          Andy WOSCH ------------- GER 2765 123  49   69    5  plus  420  5  = 3185 128 68%
IGM        Michele DE LILLO  --------- ITA 2755  76  17   46    1  plus  400  6  = 3155  82 60%
IGM*       Eduardo MAYER ------------- CHI 2835 150  53   89    8  plus  180  2  = 3015 152 65%
IGM*         Harry INGERSOL ---------- USA 2730 103  56   45    2  plus  240  3  = 2970 106 76%
IGM       Matthias RUEFENACHT -------- SWI 2230  19  11    8    0  plus  665 13  = 2885  30 66%
GM           Craig BROPHY ------------ USA 2520  54  26   19    9  plus  220  7  = 2740  61 62%
GM*         Rainer TAVENRATH  -------- GER 2190 104  35   48   21  plus  500 10  = 2690 114 56%
IM             Rod MACDONALD --------- HAW 1980   7   6    1    0  plus  635 12  = 2615  19 70%
IM           Frank ROJAS CRUZ -------- CUB 2115  20   8    7    5  plus  460  8  = 2575  28 61%
IM          Herman VAN DE WYNKELE  --- BEL 1960  10   4    5    1  plus  495 15  = 2455  25 48%
IM       Jose Luis OJEDA ------------- PER 2030  49  21   24    4  plus  400  5  = 2430  54 68%
NM            Fred HENDERSON --------- CAN 2595  39  30    4    5  plus -215 13  = 2380  52 65%
            first and last names      ntn rtng gms won drew lost  plus  pts gms = rtng gms  %
               columns 1                2   3    4   5    6    7          8   9     10  11  12
   Column  1 is your user playing name in this club.                     
   Column  2 is your nationality.                                        
   Column  3 is your 1200 start rating plus pts you earned as a Comrade. 
   Column  4 is your total number of games that you scored as a Comrade. 
   Column  5 is your total number of wins  that you scored as a Comrade. 
   Column  6 is your total number of draws that you scored as a Comrade. 
   Column  7 is your total number of losses that you scored as a Comrade.
   Column  8 is your added bonus points that you earned as a Challenger. 
   Column  9 is your added bonus games that you played as a Challenger.  
   Column 10 is your combined Comrade plus Challenger rating.            
   Column 11 is your combined Comrade plus Challenger games.             
   Column 12 is performance ( wins + 1/2 draws ) / divided by total gms. 

Ratings below 1400 are usually due to playing too few games
    PR represents provisional rating with less than 10 results    
      below 1399 are C4 = Class 4 player                          
        1400-1599 are C3 = Class 3 player                         
         1600-1799 are C2 = Class 2 player                        
          1800-1999 are C1 = Class 1 player                       
           2000-2199 are CM = Candidate Master                    
            2200-2399 are NM = National Master                    
             2400-2599 are IM = International Master              
              2600-2799 are GM = Grand Master                     
               2800-3199 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master             
                3200-3599 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master I          
                 3600-3999 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master II        
                  4000-4399 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master III      
                   4400-4799 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master IV      
                    4800-5199 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master V      
                     5200-5599 are IGM = IntnL Grand Master VI    
                      5600-5999 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master VII  
                       6000-6499 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master VIII
                        6500-6999 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master IX
                         above 7000 are IGM = Intnl Grand Master X
* signifies Lifetime title achievement requiring +99 finished results.

These were the most recent game results that were submitted for rating. 
Check here to see the rating of every COMRADE or CHALLENGER that participated 
in any of our team matches since 1997 who is currently listed in our database.

Rating systems in chess clubs can greatly vary. Here is how our system works.
All unrated Comrades and Challengers start with a provisional rating of 1200.
During your first 10 games, you will earn +120 rating pts per win, +60 rating
pts per draw, and drop -20 rating pts per loss. Starting with your 11th game:
you'll earn +10 rating pts per win, +5 rating pts per draw, and drop -5 rating
pts per loss. I will arrange some games for you; other games you can arrange
for yourself and simply tell me about them. Challengers we play who become a
Comrade can combine their pts for a higher rating! It is as simple as this:
"The more tournament games you play by email or on-line servers that are
in our data base, the higher rating you can achieve in this chess club"
Note: Remember, rapid "blitz games" do not qualify for rating points.

View the 2019 chess bio of Giraldo Menendez Rodriguez
We regret the loss of Harold Moye who passed away on March 4, 2018

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