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CHESS IQ Event 3 .. by IM Conrad Goodman

tiebreaker #5
White to play .. is this a win or draw ?
worth 10 pts ( or 2 pts for an incorrect attempt )

Free event. Open to all. Nothing to buy.
All entries get a chance to solve 10 problems:  
1st place receives $75 worth of chess stamps; 
2nd place receives $50 worth of chess stamps;
3rd place receives $25 worth of chess stamps.
Email solution ( ended July 30th, 2002 )

This non-profit site is hosted by ConradSTAMPS.
chess topicals & postal stationary, errors & varieties.  
correct solution is worth 10 pts

go to:  150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 / main page / top scores / translate