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Museum front doorWe had a great time on

Saturday, January 18, 2003
for the

CSWM Museum Grand Opening!!

at 4:00 pm, the guest of honor, Roy Lee Brown and CSWM founder and President, Gary Beaver, cut the Ribbon, before an excited crowd drawn to 222 West Exchange Avenue, in the fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District.

pictured at right: Leon Rausch celebrates
with Cathi Parsons and AJ Lockett.

Below, from left to right: Heroes include Mike Woodard, George Uptmor,
Bob Boatright, Bob Cobb, Frankie Miller, Jerry Elliott.

Carl & Diane Vaughan

Carl & Diane Vaughn enjoy the afternoon.

Inside the museum, Live Music was presented by Leon Chambers, Ronny Dale Schultz, JD 'Boogie' Barham, Tommy Perkins, with special guest vocalists including Hawkeye Henson, Roy lee Brown, Maria Schultz, Devon Dawson, Carl Vaughn . . .

The Boys in the Band!

Refreshments ‘n stuff keep the crowd happy, as present and future CSWM Heroes mingled with their friends & fans, admiring the displays, swapping memories, and sharing a tune.

                                          2003 CSWM Hero, JD Barham takes a fine fiddle lead, as Roy
Lee waits for
the top of the melody to swing round again . . .

in the crowd, Bill Gilbert finds lots
friends to catch up with.


The Museum is open 10am-5pm, five days a week at 222 W. Exchange Ave.
in the historic  Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District

CSWM is soliciting your western music MEMORABILIA
for the CSWM Museum!

for more info, call