Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 02/04/2011

Posts By: Lee Chou

  Date    Post    Topic  
04/08/2009Why are objects so unintuitive?Why are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009how would you do that?Why are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009is the 1978 one okay?Why are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009Is this a problem with OOD or the OOPL's we have?Why are objects so unintuitive?
04/10/2009relationships between objects stay constantWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/11/2009Knowledge representationWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/11/2009Ya, I agreeWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/14/2009same motivation, different implementationWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/16/2009cool, thanks!Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/04/2008New Programming Language IdeaNew Programming Language Idea
11/04/2008generic solution for anNew Programming Language Idea
11/04/2008I'm still looking into theNew Programming Language Idea
11/04/2008Right, that's the part thatNew Programming Language Idea
11/04/2008sorry, i don't understandNew Programming Language Idea
11/05/2008Hmmm, maybe I need to rewordNew Programming Language Idea
11/06/2008Thanks allNew Programming Language Idea
11/06/2008The secret it out!New Programming Language Idea
11/06/2008No, I agreeNew Programming Language Idea

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Chris Rathman/