Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: dmbarbour

  Date    Post    Topic  
07/17/2012Enso or OMeta.OO type systems and BNFs
07/13/2012SpikeLanguage Implementation 101
07/15/2012Starting at a Higher LevelLanguage Implementation 101
07/15/2012Growing the HeapLanguage Implementation 101
07/16/2012Approaching parsing as aLanguage Implementation 101
07/07/2012Not all things are possibleWhy languages and not systems?
07/07/2012I agree strongly. PL is veryWhy languages and not systems?
07/12/2012I certainly didn't get intoWhy languages and not systems?
07/06/2012The usual difficulty withImmediate mode GUIs
07/06/2012Widget IdentityImmediate mode GUIs
07/06/2012The association betweenImmediate mode GUIs
07/14/2012User Model StateImmediate mode GUIs
07/09/2012manipulating some level ofErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
07/09/2012External DSLs on the otherErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
07/12/2012Embedding a DSL isErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
07/12/2012Expressiveness, as describedErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
07/13/2012Static analysis can be staged, tooErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
06/24/2012Configuring the GenomeEvolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain
06/24/2012SupervisedEvolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain
06/18/2012Bottom is not a value.Null, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012Value vs. Suspended ComputationsNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012We don't need "types" to explain "values"Null, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Arguing SemanticsNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Divergence meets no contractsNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Not all interestingNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Anything we can prove atNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Not treating bottom as aNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012It is true that we can'tNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012What do you mean byNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012DisagreeNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012EverythingNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Provable is not the same asNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012If values are defined by languageNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Values relative to LanguageNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Within a lambda calculus,Null, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Distinguish them as youNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012You can't distinguish \x. xNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012With respect to the subsetNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Domains before valuesNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Lazy performanceNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Whole point of lazinessNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Most control flowNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Speculation on ImplementationNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Operational semanticsNull, bottom, etc.?
06/22/2012Knowing the UnobserveableNull, bottom, etc.?
06/22/2012Non-termination and runtimeNull, bottom, etc.?
06/22/2012I expect we accept differentNull, bottom, etc.?
06/23/2012What may have been part ofNull, bottom, etc.?
06/23/2012the distinction betweenNull, bottom, etc.?
06/23/2012Of course it is dependent onNull, bottom, etc.?
06/25/2012So you are saying one couldNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012Forcing is not Necessarily internal to lazy languagesNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012PS: regarding your pointNull, bottom, etc.?
06/20/2012You have conflated "value"Null, bottom, etc.?
06/18/2012Total functionsNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012Ultrafinitism and ParaconsistencyNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012Sounds likeNull, bottom, etc.?
06/19/2012Programming by Analogy with Parconsistent ModulesNull, bottom, etc.?
06/14/2012Maybe Just Either Left, Right or NothingWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012Conditions with pure functionsWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012I'm assuming you don't haveWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/15/2012ContinuationsWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/23/2012No ExceptionsWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/07/2012Exceptions are not (usually) syntactic shorthandWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/07/2012Hacking the languageWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/07/2012No need for continuationWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012I don't believe "preciseLooking for more info on precise types
06/14/2012I could say more, but itLooking for more info on precise types
06/13/2012Not seeing much motive...Type classes in a dynamic language
06/13/2012Typeclass IssuesType classes in a dynamic language
06/14/2012Scope of definitionsType classes in a dynamic language
06/13/2012Associating Values with TypesType classes in a dynamic language
06/14/2012ConfigurationsType classes in a dynamic language
06/12/2012Lenses, ST, ApplicativeUpdating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative
06/13/2012ApplicativesUpdating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative
06/13/2012Lazy Functional State ThreadsUpdating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative
06/09/2012[meta] Broken linkWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012People think sequentially ?Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012I can't even remember that.Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012Do we read sequentially?Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012Dual arguments...Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012Programming ExperienceWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012You don't need liveWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012Re: ApologiesWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012UI as PLWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012UI with two checkboxes and aWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012Grammar of BlubsWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012RE: Live vs. ModalWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012Well said, Jules. I agreeWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/17/2012The goal of live programmingWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/12/2012TestingWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012Temporal Working SetWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/06/2012pointlessGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/06/2012With point-free programming,Graphical languages of the Russian space program
06/06/2012Programming and User InterfaceGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/06/2012Just a subsetGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/03/2012Talents: Dynamically Composable Units of ReuseTalents: Dynamically Composable Units of Reuse
06/02/2012Types or Something Types ProvideImplementing abstract classes automatically?
05/30/2012Good support for weaklyImplementing abstract classes automatically?
05/23/2012But in a "language withLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/26/2012Not relevant. You areLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/28/2012You seem to be decouplingLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012what interestingLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/28/2012SQL is Turing Complete,Languages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012No refactoring or abstractionLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012easy solutions were the only onesLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012Finding this translation andLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012Your language would just beLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012Why would it be? It isn't asLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/23/2012Performance AbstractionsLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/23/2012Keen Point.Languages with 'unique' programs
05/23/2012Live Programming, Interactive Programming, Gestures and TouchLanguages & Niches
05/24/2012Language design andLanguages & Niches
06/01/2012SIMD parallelism in PLsLanguages & Niches
04/11/2012Are you sure it's anReverend Bayes, meet Countess Lovelace: Probabilistic Programming for Machine Learning
04/10/2012Contributing EditorReverend Bayes, meet Countess Lovelace: Probabilistic Programming for Machine Learning
04/20/2012None vs. NullQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012Phase SeparationQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012Live staged programmingQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/23/2012Inline StateQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/23/2012Dynamic just means behaviorQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012Typeful DynamicQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012InferenceQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/23/2012If you have generic orQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/21/2012Not necessarily Tedious or BrittleQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/21/2012Separate compilation isQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012Take existing populations ofQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012The scientific lab approachQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012We must compare apples to oranges.Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012A lesson on lab results vs.Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012Not Chess StrategyQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012Invention and DesignQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/01/2012Agreed. There is certainly aQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/01/2012Learning CurveQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/09/2012Encryption as AbstractionQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/23/2012Expressive PowerParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Parse as a Stable ModelParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Countering some SkepticismsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012May not ShouldParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Allowances and constraintsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Art of the StateParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012The state in my example isParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/08/2012Stateful SemanticsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/23/2012Synchronous reactiveHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/23/2012Hard Real-timeHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/23/2012Hard Memory Limits do not imply Real-timeHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/29/2012Linear TypedHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/29/2012Conflating real-time and resource controlHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/29/2012Not separate concernsHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/29/2012AnticipationHow to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages?
03/23/2012Type-dependent behavior,Disruptive PLT Revisited
03/24/2012Types by any other nameDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012SMT SolversDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/24/2012NoACID?Disruptive PLT Revisited
03/15/2012Under which conditions doDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/15/2012Remote BatchingDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/15/2012Unum PatternDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/16/2012State ModelDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/26/2012Uni-TeaDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/16/2012Client-Immediate ECDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/15/2012More ResourcesSoftware Cartography and Code Navigation
03/13/2012Persistent Data StructuresReversing operations
03/12/2012Type as a function of what?What work in FRP models programs which can change the type of output and input they have?
03/09/2012Coherent Formal Design?References about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/12/2012Bad ideas can be written inReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/09/2012Formalism and CoherenceReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/10/2012broken linkLanguage mystery: identify the source language to a worm based on its object code
03/05/2012Total semanticsWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/05/2012non-termination isn't anWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/06/2012PurityWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/05/2012C++ has plenty of that.Informed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
02/28/2012Objects and ActorsMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Problems of OO and RMIMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Actor, Object, Agent, NodeMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Web application servers.Massive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012messages that behave likeMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Meh.Massive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Leaky Conceptual ModelsMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Develop and DesignMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
02/29/2012Technology and platform areMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/01/20121. Is there a less vague wayMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/03/2012cell phones will soon haveMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/03/2012Into the CloudMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/03/2012smarts and replicatedMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/04/2012Survivable NetworkingMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ????
03/01/2012Existential Typeswhy first-class functions
03/01/2012Parameterizationwhy first-class functions
02/28/2012Partial TranscriptBret Victor's Inventing on Priniciple
03/03/2012Serving Time in a PL JailBret Victor's Inventing on Priniciple
03/03/2012Why Anticipation?Bret Victor's Inventing on Priniciple
02/24/2012Worrydreams and PrinciplesWhen Formal Systems Kill: Computer Ethics and Formal Methods
02/29/2012Crash-onlyWhen Formal Systems Kill: Computer Ethics and Formal Methods
02/26/2012403When Formal Systems Kill: Computer Ethics and Formal Methods
02/23/2012Self-Certification: Bootstrapping Certified TypecheckersSelf-Certification: Bootstrapping Certified Typecheckers
02/24/2012Futures vs. PromisesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
02/24/2012Reactive vs. FuturesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/07/2012Combining StreamsLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/07/2012Synchrony and CoordinationLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Eliminating Stale UpdatesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012No ChangeLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Partitioned dataflow subgraphsLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012fools and their deadlinesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Soft Armor against GlitchesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Burden from explicit delayLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012you'll just get called againLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012The reasoning required toLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Shared State SynchronizationLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012CompilerLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012RE: Content AddressingLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/07/2012Data fusion is what we doLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/10/2012Deprecating observer patternLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/10/2012Initial event sourceLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/11/2012creating and destroying new event sourcesLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/16/2012Not veryLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/11/2012not naturally event-drivenLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/16/2012meaning of eventLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/17/2012Keyboard stateLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/17/2012model with stateLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/10/2012Events not essentialLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/11/2012Interactive ProgrammingLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/01/2012Consistency with VatsLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/02/2012Cause and Side-effectLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/04/2012Efficiently implementingLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/05/2012Not NecessarilyLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/05/2012Not RelevantLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/06/2012Essential indeterminism andLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
02/23/2012Concept mapsA Concept Design for C++
02/15/2012ArrowsWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/15/2012Point-free style, Tacit programmingWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/15/2012Application as StagingWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/15/2012I am not a stackWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/15/2012Concatenative means moreWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/20/2012EntanglementWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/26/2012Zero and OneWhy Concatenative Programming Matters
02/09/2012Adam ChlipalaTeaching challenge: culturally enriching formulae-as-types
02/08/2012Access OrientedActive Variables in Common Lisp
02/08/2012LensesActive Variables in Common Lisp
02/04/2012Neat IdeaProgramming as collaborative reference
02/03/2012More than oncePeak Abstraction
02/03/2012Abstraction-poorPeak Abstraction
02/03/2012Reusable, Extensible, Modular, Type Safe, StatefulPeak Abstraction
02/04/2012I'm not sure what you justPeak Abstraction
02/03/2012Resent it or notPeak Abstraction
02/03/2012Proper `Interfaces`Peak Abstraction
02/04/2012Abstraction problemPeak Abstraction
02/04/2012Mystique?Peak Abstraction
02/05/2012By means ofPeak Abstraction
02/03/2012Blaming the LanguagePeak Abstraction
02/04/2012Natural level of abstractionPeak Abstraction
02/04/2012Well said.Peak Abstraction
01/30/2012Complexity EstimatesEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/31/2012InteractionEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/01/2012Growing PainsEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/02/2012Complexity PainEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/06/2012Language PropertiesEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/08/2012Complex vs. ComplicatedEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/02/2012Arguments without characterEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/30/2012Brookian BehaviorEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/31/2012Component vs. FrameworkEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/31/2012Components and FunctionalEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
02/05/2012Open System Dynamic ProcessesEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/30/2012the next stepEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms
01/26/2012PLTSyntax Desugaring Algorithm Question
02/13/2012Functions for AnnotationsSyntax Desugaring Algorithm Question
01/26/2012Space sensitive syntaxLastCalc: A web-based REPL for a pure functional programming language with a flexible syntax and parser
02/01/2012Mixfix precedenceSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
01/20/2012Don't Try This At HomeVisual Studio Achievements
01/19/2012DiagramsGraphics primitives?
01/19/2012GPipe, Spark, VertigoGraphics primitives?
01/20/2012Features for Graphics SystemsGraphics primitives?
01/21/20122 entangled things here.Graphics primitives?
01/22/2012Subpixel RenderingGraphics primitives?
01/25/2012LinkGraphics primitives?
01/25/2012Regarding Shape GrammarsGraphics primitives?
01/17/2012So there cannot be any othercrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/17/2012Trait Suppressioncrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/18/2012Somehow Abstract?crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/18/2012It isn't clear to me thatcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/19/2012How is `semantic intent` representedcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/20/2012Where is it marked?crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/19/2012Deriving Usage and Yetcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/20/2012Inference through Attritioncrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/20/2012Ambiguous, Not Abstractcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/20/2012You aren't resolving a namecrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/21/2012No resolution?crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/19/2012Taking `Position`crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/17/2012Interestingcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/18/2012Utopian Pipedreamscrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/18/2012For relevant experiencescrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/20/2012Structured Frustration?crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/21/2012Accessing position has andcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
12/27/2011Replaceable AbstractionsProgrammer Archeologists
12/27/2011What I mean by compositionProgrammer Archeologists
12/28/2011External structureProgrammer Archeologists
12/29/2011No Absolute ReferenceProgrammer Archeologists
12/29/2011Medium of discourseProgrammer Archeologists
12/30/2011Modus tollensProgrammer Archeologists
12/30/2011Temporal and SpatialProgrammer Archeologists
12/31/2011ScopeProgrammer Archeologists
01/02/2012Partial View of the ElephantProgrammer Archeologists
01/02/2012No better positionProgrammer Archeologists
01/03/2012You said the same thing inProgrammer Archeologists
12/29/2011Composition, Entanglement, AbstractionProgrammer Archeologists
12/19/2011Human to HumanCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
12/20/2011Social Models for PLCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
01/03/2012Typestate or Null ObjectDesigning a languge — what theory is a must?
12/11/2011It used to be a pair-a-dimeGeneral purpose as a special case?
12/05/2011Kell Calculus or Concept Oriented or RDPModels for distributed parallelism
09/24/2011CTMRedesigning the Mozart virtual machine
09/18/2011Meh. Not worth reading.What Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/18/2011Composition vs. PurityWhat Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/19/2011Bickering over semanticsWhat Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/20/2011Re: True StateWhat Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/20/2011Use X to do my job betterWhat Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/24/2011Not sufficientWhat Does Functional Programming Mean?
09/20/2011ZUI vs. PhysicsSample applications for programming languages
09/20/2011Iterative solutionsSample applications for programming languages
09/20/2011FRP is statefulSample applications for programming languages
09/20/2011Modeling physicsSample applications for programming languages
09/20/2011FRP is not 'openly' modular.Sample applications for programming languages
09/21/2011Modularity and FRPSample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011Resource DirectoriesSample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011Fresh identifiersSample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011Too concreteSample applications for programming languages
09/23/2011Stable IdentitySample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011Relative pathsSample applications for programming languages
09/19/2011Staging, ConstraintsSample applications for programming languages
09/17/2011I would love to see a goodSample applications for programming languages
09/15/2011Closed designGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/20/2011back on Earth, I vote for aGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/21/2011When seeking revolutionaryGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/21/2011Excitement factorGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/22/2011Standards are for clients, not competitorsGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/22/2011Not the size that mattersGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/22/2011The "lowest commonGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/23/2011Did you even read the leakedGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/23/2011RFCs and ProposalsGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/23/2011Open source does not make aGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/24/2011APIs come withGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/24/2011PeersGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/26/2011I am sorry you feel thatGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/22/2011InterestingGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked
09/09/2011Laziness for RDBMSsWhat needs to be done?
09/12/2011Lazy Implicit StateWhat needs to be done?
09/13/2011I'm unfamiliar with SpineWhat needs to be done?
09/09/2011Reactive Demand ProgrammingWhat needs to be done?
09/10/2011CSCWWhat needs to be done?
09/10/2011Functional optimizationsWhat needs to be done?
09/10/2011Inline virtual method callWhat needs to be done?
09/12/2011MetaprogrammingWhat needs to be done?
09/13/2011Ugly MetaprogrammingWhat needs to be done?
09/12/2011Computer! Earl grey, hot!What needs to be done?
09/12/2011machine languageWhat needs to be done?
09/12/2011Fatuus in machinaWhat needs to be done?
09/14/2011Educational AspectWhat needs to be done?
09/16/2011Graphics is classic Library materialWhat needs to be done?
09/17/2011I consider your vectorWhat needs to be done?
09/17/2011Definition and CouplingWhat needs to be done?
09/18/2011My response isn'tWhat needs to be done?
09/19/2011no need for numbersWhat needs to be done?
09/20/2011Are you missing the meaningWhat needs to be done?
09/20/2011Meh.What needs to be done?
09/14/2011Text in HaskellWhat needs to be done?
09/15/2011An Iteratee is a foldWhat needs to be done?
09/17/2011Language TransformsWhat needs to be done?
09/17/2011RefactoringWhat needs to be done?
09/18/2011BehaviorWhat needs to be done?
09/20/2011Expressing ConstraintsWhat needs to be done?
09/20/2011Constraint ProgrammingWhat needs to be done?
09/12/2011General Purpose BlubThe Trouble with Erlang
09/13/2011Multi-domain programmingThe Trouble with Erlang
09/13/2011NoThe Trouble with Erlang
09/14/2011ill suited for every purposeThe Trouble with Erlang
09/04/2011Typing Abstraction Violations?Behavioral subtyping and errors
09/05/2011Why?Behavioral subtyping and errors
09/06/2011Extending the Extension Languagethe gnu extension language
09/07/2011library vs. extensionthe gnu extension language
09/09/2011no waitingthe gnu extension language
09/12/2011Toil is an optionthe gnu extension language
09/07/2011If it's a parameter orthe gnu extension language
09/08/2011Untrue. Support for macrosthe gnu extension language
09/11/2011A modification to thethe gnu extension language
09/12/2011Metaprogramming is programmingthe gnu extension language
09/08/2011re: macros by valuethe gnu extension language
09/05/2011Hygiene isn't necessarythe gnu extension language
09/06/2011Nothe gnu extension language
09/06/2011All mad scientiststhe gnu extension language
09/07/2011Anarchy and Anti-modularitythe gnu extension language
09/08/2011Rigid constraintsthe gnu extension language
09/08/2011Abstractive Powerthe gnu extension language
09/08/2011Equal Powerthe gnu extension language
09/09/2011Islands bridged by abstractionsthe gnu extension language
09/02/2011JavaScript is an optionthe gnu extension language
09/02/2011JavaScript implementationsthe gnu extension language
09/02/2011High level incompatibilitythe gnu extension language
09/02/2011Performance and Extension Languagesthe gnu extension language
09/03/2011Nice rant. But I don't seethe gnu extension language
09/03/2011Standard Junior Projectthe gnu extension language
09/04/2011OMetathe gnu extension language
09/06/2011A good extension languagethe gnu extension language
09/06/2011Simple minded approachthe gnu extension language
08/31/2011Plaid VerbosityState of objects
09/01/2011Plaid ConcurrencyState of objects
09/01/2011Declarative is not timelessState of objects
09/01/2011DeclarativeState of objects
08/31/2011Typing ProtocolsState of objects
09/01/2011Partial FailureState of objects
09/03/2011Regarding TransactionsState of objects
09/06/2011Explicit Dependencies and Cascading FailureState of objects
09/21/2011Contributing editorsForum Topics and Story
09/21/2011The usual answer is to hideForum Topics and Story
09/22/2011The 'golden years' of LtUForum Topics and Story
09/24/2011Not about meForum Topics and Story
09/24/2011You make some good points. IForum Topics and Story
09/22/2011IndeedForum Topics and Story
08/26/2011More than monadsSide effect tracking in Haskell and D
08/26/2011Opa is interesting. ButOpa
08/26/2011Their choice, of course. ButOpa
08/26/2011Maude standard library codeOpa
08/27/2011I am quite sure there is aOpa
08/26/2011License feedbackOpa
08/26/2011I welcome freedomOpa
08/29/2011Re: FRP vs. PiOpa
09/01/2011Father TimeOpa
09/03/2011Extend vs. StretchOpa
09/03/2011Why should someone say 'whatOpa
09/03/2011root failureOpa
09/03/2011Higher order reasoning isOpa
09/05/2011Sketch e-mail exampleOpa
09/09/2011Litany of RDP questionsOpa
09/01/201199% of web applicationsOpa
09/02/2011Measuring cost-effectivenessOpa
08/24/2011Vat ConcurrencyAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/24/2011Priority PerversionAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/25/2011Security does not need to beAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/26/2011'Reply' LinkAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/26/2011Buggy or MalignAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/26/2011E orderAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/28/2011RPC LayerAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/28/2011Abstraction and CompositionAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/28/2011Event ProgrammingAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/28/2011Not so nastyAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
09/04/2011Inadequate abstraction is nastyAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
09/05/2011Use more abstractionAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
09/05/2011Arguably, the world is flat.Asynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
09/05/2011SimplisticAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/29/2011callbacksAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/30/2011marginal improvementsAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/30/2011Nested Meta-infoAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/28/2011Bandwidth and Stateless CommunicationAsynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language
08/20/2011Term Rewrite SystemsCan somebody help me to understand some basic stuff about programming ?
08/12/2011U Can't Touch `this`The this argument in dynamic programming languages with OO and first-class functions
08/08/2011CurlCandle - a new script language that unifies XML technologies
08/12/2011Referential TransparencyCandle - a new script language that unifies XML technologies
08/22/2011Little Bits of XML RepeatingCandle - a new script language that unifies XML technologies
08/22/2011Design GapsCandle - a new script language that unifies XML technologies
08/11/2011GPipeSpark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware
08/11/2011Rate-qualified typesSpark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware
08/07/2011the problem isn't puttingProgramming and Scaling
08/08/2011Language GlueProgramming and Scaling
08/09/2011Reject 'extensible' syntax in favor of 'user-defined' syntaxProgramming and Scaling
08/09/2011Effective DSLsProgramming and Scaling
08/09/2011DSLs and ExperienceProgramming and Scaling
08/12/2011The problemProgramming and Scaling
08/12/2011Living with LegacyProgramming and Scaling
08/13/2011expose the navigationProgramming and Scaling
08/13/2011Little Bits of History RepeatingProgramming and Scaling
08/14/2011innovation can go faster forProgramming and Scaling
08/15/2011Necessary ComplexityProgramming and Scaling
08/15/2011Second BaseProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Parametric EffectsProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011When you send code as data,Programming and Scaling
08/18/2011Variable numberProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011if I visit some shadyProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Homomorphic cryptographyProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Semi-transparent DistributionProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011Writing it onceProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011Dynamically Scoped EffectsProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011Capabilities as Effect ConstructorsProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011No Role for Effects-as-Signals in SecurityProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011Dynamic EnvironmentProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011Far refs in EProgramming and Scaling
08/20/2011Are you proposing to changeProgramming and Scaling
08/21/2011What doesProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011Wouldn't it be betterProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011Interesting. I've neverProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011I'm blanking on the name,Programming and Scaling
08/23/2011Network ResourceProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011Alternative to embedding cost capsProgramming and Scaling
08/21/2011E reference mechanicsProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011Eventually is not LazyProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011We Dream of ParallelProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011Broken promises and timeoutsProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011Pipelining without PromisesProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Proposed Web Assembly ModelProgramming and Scaling
08/12/2011Orchestration LanguagesProgramming and Scaling
08/02/2011Kleisli ArrowsLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011Wrong problemLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011Composition and DecompositionLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011Capabilities and subsettingLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011Monads and Effects is a bad marriageLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/05/2011First Class SignalsLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/05/2011first class signalsLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
07/25/2011Composition Properties and ParadigmsDeveloper Phenomenology vs. Artifact Attributes in Language Design
07/23/2011F-asterF*: A Verifying ML Compiler for Distributed Programming
07/20/2011The Right StuffIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/25/2011Specification for PuddingIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/25/2011why I should careIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/25/2011Compilers are a (relatively) Easy caseIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/22/2011I'm curious how critics ofIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011Re: Intensionality vs. ExtensionalityIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011LibrariesIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011Somewhat AgreedIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/28/2011Compositional by ConstructionIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/14/2011Compiling with ContinuationsImplementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations?
07/14/2011Feature SpaceThe Last Language?
07/19/2011portable languageThe Last Language?
07/14/2011Composition and Integration before AbstractionThe Last Language?
07/14/2011Composition vs. Abstraction (Terminology)The Last Language?
07/16/2011Modifying Language vs. ProgramThe Last Language?
07/14/2011We've found the last language.The Last Language?
07/14/2011Embrace the Negative Paradigms!The Last Language?
07/15/2011Step Back and See the UglinessThe Last Language?
07/15/2011Cancer of the Signal State MembraneThe Last Language?
07/16/2011Pushing ButtonsThe Last Language?
07/16/2011Signals and YinYangThe Last Language?
07/16/2011Behaviors need SignalsThe Last Language?
07/15/2011Legacy and CompatibilityThe Last Language?
07/15/2011Better AbstractionsThe Last Language?
07/15/2011Separation of Abstraction and PerformanceThe Last Language?
07/08/2011Acts of Desperation?Knockout JS
07/09/2011Web AssemblyKnockout JS
07/09/2011a language in multiple hatsKnockout JS
07/10/2011not javascript's successKnockout JS
07/10/2011JS vs. C++?Knockout JS
07/10/2011Widely Used != EffectiveKnockout JS
07/10/2011Issues of perspectiveKnockout JS
07/20/2011Fog of Software DevelopmentKnockout JS
07/21/2011MIME not usable in <script>Knockout JS
07/21/2011Dreaming OnKnockout JS
07/21/2011Evolving LanguageKnockout JS
07/21/2011Substantial EvolutionKnockout JS
07/10/2011Don't agree with your characterization of developer faultKnockout JS
07/10/2011Tools can be really, really badKnockout JS
07/11/2011Illusion of ChoiceKnockout JS
07/12/2011CoqKnockout JS
07/28/2011Intersection of Classes and PrototypesKnockout JS
07/06/2011Do People think Sequentially?Parallel bars
07/06/2011Giving goalsParallel bars
07/18/2011Express SequentialityParallel bars
07/04/2011Concept of a "Benign Effect"?Of Course ML Has Monads!
07/05/2011hear hear, and howOf Course ML Has Monads!
06/27/2011Re: language extensionWhy Programming Languages?
06/29/2011Language Concurrency vs. Performance?Why Programming Languages?
06/29/2011Optimizability and InteropWhy Programming Languages?
06/30/2011annotating optimizationsWhy Programming Languages?
08/24/2011Thank youInconsistency Robustness 2011 at Stanford
06/27/2011re: incremental algorithmsmodules are anti-modular
06/27/2011Incremental for Job Control and Concurrencymodules are anti-modular
06/27/2011No danger there.modules are anti-modular
06/22/2011ISO/IEC 24772 is off-puttingGuidance to avoiding vulnerabilities in programming languages (ISO/IEC 24772)
06/21/2011Cognitive Dimensions of NotationThe Value Of Syntax?
06/21/2011Parse before syntax?The Value Of Syntax?
06/21/2011Invariants in Grammar DefinitionThe Value Of Syntax?
06/22/2011Not prefix/postfix hiccups.The Value Of Syntax?
06/20/2011InterestingVisual programming for the higher level architecture
06/12/2011VatsAsyncScala: DSL for coordinating asynchronous processes in Scala
06/12/2011Infrastructure LayerAsyncScala: DSL for coordinating asynchronous processes in Scala
06/13/2011Legacy API integrationAsyncScala: DSL for coordinating asynchronous processes in Scala
06/07/2011Parkinson's Law of TrivialityWadler's law of language design
05/27/2011RelatedAdvice for a young researcher
05/28/2011Check out event calculus andAdvice for a young researcher
05/29/2011Behaviors with Lasting EffectsAdvice for a young researcher
05/31/2011Re: Ada failureRob Pike: Public Static Void
06/07/2011winner takes all, eventuallyRob Pike: Public Static Void
07/10/2011re: exceptions overratedRob Pike: Public Static Void
08/02/2011Why is this a problem?Why is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages?
08/02/2011Not 'naturally TCO'Why is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages?
05/16/2011The issue, as I understandWhy is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages?
05/17/2011Ah, but how many of thoseWhy is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages?
05/10/2011garbage collecting immutableOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/10/2011Perhaps 'misleading' wouldOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/10/2011Re: replicationOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/11/2011!pervasive mutabilityOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/16/2011Haskell and Clean do notOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/16/2011What benefit is theOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/16/2011You can prevent generatingOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/16/2011Sure, immutability doesn'tOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection
05/04/2011Cyclic GraphsEnso: William Cook's new programming model
05/23/2011Imperative cyclesEnso: William Cook's new programming model
05/24/2011Re: Transactions at scaleEnso: William Cook's new programming model
05/24/2011Scalable models are compositionalEnso: William Cook's new programming model
05/24/2011Lock-based implementation not relevantEnso: William Cook's new programming model
05/24/2011A Language of Micro DatabasesEnso: William Cook's new programming model
07/04/2012Excellent. Front page.Enso: William Cook's new programming model
04/29/2011Ban on ImportsTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface
04/30/2011Linker as Constraint SolverTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface
05/01/2011Code Search - Semantics vs. IDE featureTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface
05/01/2011Formalizing some of thisTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface
05/03/2011point-free compositionIteration function in lambda calculus
05/03/2011MultiplicationIteration function in lambda calculus
05/05/2011Problematic IntegersIteration function in lambda calculus
04/27/2011ModularityElephants don't play chess
04/27/2011Modularity of SubsumptionElephants don't play chess
04/27/2011Definition of Subsumption Architecture:Elephants don't play chess
05/01/2011Differences from previous architecturesElephants don't play chess
05/01/2011Automata and Language Theory for AgentsElephants don't play chess
04/27/2011Sharing Plans is a Fine Basis for Wait-Free CoordinationElephants don't play chess
04/27/2011Re: 'enhanced' perceptionElephants don't play chess
04/23/2011Procedure as StrategyNomenclature for impure functions
04/23/2011Infinite MemoryNomenclature for impure functions
04/23/2011Allocation and Temporal EffectsNomenclature for impure functions
04/23/2011IdempotenceNomenclature for impure functions
04/21/2011Generalized Arrows are Multi Level LanguagesGeneralized Arrows are Multi Level Languages
08/17/2011Contextual Clipboard!Coding at the Speed of Touch
08/18/2011Contextual ClipboardCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/18/2011Type inferenceCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/31/2011Mess and MergeCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/18/2011temporarily ill typedCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/31/2011Zany DoodleCoding at the Speed of Touch
02/09/2012Chorded KeyboardCoding at the Speed of Touch
03/25/20123D TouchCoding at the Speed of Touch
03/27/2012Speech basedCoding at the Speed of Touch
03/27/2012Interactive LanguagesCoding at the Speed of Touch
04/22/2011ExplainBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/22/2011ThanksBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/22/2011Command and ConsequenceBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/22/2011Word playBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/22/2011If my battalions couldBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011I don't attribute anyBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011Programming with TimeBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011Delay vs. StateBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011The robotics community isn'tBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011How could you be in theBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/23/2011Re: Scalable Programming ModelsBuild Your Own Blocks (BYOB)
04/13/2011Principled Programming Language DesignStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/14/2011No need for PsychologyStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/18/2011an industrial chairStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/18/2011psychology and security?Staking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/18/2011one of the worst mechanismsStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/19/2011Human in a loopStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence
04/05/2011here it isHistory of PL
04/11/2011Useful Algebraic Properties for Programming ModelsAlgebra of Programming
03/28/2011Concept Oriented ProgrammingExtensible nesting of classes
03/31/2011Specification BugsFinding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
04/01/2011Contradictions in theFinding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
04/01/2011a bit fuzzy what aFinding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
03/30/2011x-refProgramming on an iPhone
03/30/2011tablet programming experienceProgramming on an iPhone
03/30/2011Jailbreak!Programming on an iPhone
03/30/2011Developer LicenseProgramming on an iPhone
03/24/2011ST MonadDetermining if a function is effectively pure
03/25/2011IIRC, Bit-C includes aDetermining if a function is effectively pure
03/22/2011OO as ImperativeBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Creative enoughBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Schools of ProgrammingBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Metaphors aren't preciseBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011A roomful of object peopleBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Can you define 'object'?Bob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Not Pop CultureBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Synchronous message passingBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/28/2011Imperative is CharacteristicBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/28/2011If objects are used to modelBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/28/2011Put four 'OO' languageBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/28/2011TypoBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011What relationship are youBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Object the UltimateBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Programming in a multi-object systemBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011Computer scientists are notBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011deceptive intuitionsBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/23/2011There is certainly someBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/29/2011In many cases if we simplyBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/29/2011Strange metaphorsBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/30/2011GradientBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/30/2011In practiceBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/30/2011Consistent ExperienceBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/30/2011inConsistent ExperienceBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/22/2011No more so than concreteBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/28/2012Not disagreeing, but weBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/28/2012Concurrency is not a type ofBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/29/2012Concurrency without ParallelismBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/29/2012Users are concurrent. But,Bob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/29/2012Perl? or Lisp?Bob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/29/2012True. I thought about thatBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/26/2012Bah, Humpty Dumpty DefinitionsBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/28/2012The confusion you describeBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/24/2011UsesContinuations that store the heap?
03/25/2011Opposite problemContinuations that store the heap?
03/20/2011First-class Undo, Backtracking, WorldsContinuations that store the heap?
03/16/2011Uniplate, biplate,Functor is to Lens as Applicative is to Biplate: Introducing Multiplate
03/12/2011'where' is not an expressionVery Quick Question On "where" vs. "letrec", "letfn", "labels", etc.
03/11/2011Non-strict applicationStrict data constructors + non-strict application?
03/14/2011Effectful computationsStrict data constructors + non-strict application?
03/15/2011Under which conditions wouldStrict data constructors + non-strict application?
03/11/2011Protocol buffers offerSchemas for JSON?
03/15/2011Scoped ExtensionsNamespaces for methods?
03/15/2011It depends on why you areNamespaces for methods?
03/17/2011Long namesNamespaces for methods?
03/14/2011Objects as ModulesNamespaces for methods?
03/15/2011Extensions via InterfacesNamespaces for methods?
03/17/2011Explicit interface implementationsNamespaces for methods?
03/09/2011Ambient Oriented Programming (AmOP)Ambient Oriented Programming (AmOP)
03/10/2011HorribleAmbient Oriented Programming (AmOP)
03/10/2011Are you calling me anAmbient Oriented Programming (AmOP)
08/31/2011Classless objectsAmbient Oriented Programming (AmOP)
08/31/2011Service BrokeringAmbient Oriented Programming (AmOP)
03/10/2011Information wants toRule 110 in HTML5 + CSS3
03/02/2011Destructive ReflectionObject capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages?
03/02/2011Not Quite CapabilitiesObject capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages?
03/03/2011Thoughts on the modelObject capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages?
03/04/2011My experience...Object capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages?
03/04/2011we don't have proof that theObject capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages?
03/08/2011small victoryMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011The main problemMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011Vivarium projectMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011Many-core concurrency hasMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011A thesis statement ought to have justification.Middle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011Whether a language scales toMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/09/2011compile times and project sizeMiddle History of Logic Programming
03/10/2011StagingMiddle History of Logic Programming
02/27/2011Frame ProblemCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011I don't really understandCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011Contracts and AuditingCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011I'll check out the book, butCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011EC?Memory Models: A Case for Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware, CACM, August 2010
02/28/2011Scalability of TransactionsMemory Models: A Case for Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware, CACM, August 2010
03/10/2011live programming, dynamic updateInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/26/2011Maybe extend the synopsis aInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/26/2011It Depends on your choice ofInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/26/2011I'm sure there are others.InfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/28/2011ConsistencyInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/28/2011Zero-overhead PrincipleInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
03/01/2011Critiquing language designInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
03/01/2011What is a large system,InfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
03/01/2011how is that different fromInfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go
02/20/2011PerformanceWhat is an Actor?
02/20/2011Okay, I'll grant thatWhat is an Actor?
02/13/2011actors would still fail toMonads vs. Actors
02/13/2011Exactly as written.Monads vs. Actors
02/13/2011Wrong problemMonads vs. Actors
02/14/2011Laziness is not the issueMonads vs. Actors
02/14/2011reasoning about side-effectsMonads vs. Actors
02/15/2011what could you possibly doMonads vs. Actors
02/17/2011that still rules out all theMonads vs. Actors
02/17/2011Capabilities are semanticMonads vs. Actors
02/17/2011Re: ScenariosMonads vs. Actors
02/18/2011No such thing as "one" level of indirectionMonads vs. Actors
02/18/2011if accessing a local valueMonads vs. Actors
02/18/2011E-mailMonads vs. Actors
02/14/2011"purely functional actor"Monads vs. Actors
02/13/2011Abstracting GlueMonads vs. Actors
02/20/2011Concurrency was not relevantMonads vs. Actors
02/20/2011Not relevant to Gilad's argumentMonads vs. Actors
02/20/2011Effect AffectMonads vs. Actors
02/21/2011Strictly speaking, neitherMonads vs. Actors
02/21/2011RidiculousMonads vs. Actors
02/21/2011abstraction violationMonads vs. Actors
02/22/2011Actors can be implemented in lambda calculusMonads vs. Actors
02/22/2011There is no "fairness" inMonads vs. Actors
02/25/2011Fairness AxiomMonads vs. Actors
01/28/2011If a holistic type A refersHolistic types
01/22/2011Generative Grammars, Term Rewrite SystemsPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/22/2011Single Assignment VariablesPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011What is the similarity?Points in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011Single assignment variablesPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011Oz's variables can bePoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011I don't remember exactly,Points in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011logic variables and singlePoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011Why do you insist onPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/25/2011Thanks for clarifying that.Points in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/21/2011A few I've found interestingI've run out of programming languages to study
01/24/2011I like Curl's consistencyI've run out of programming languages to study
01/21/2011NewspeakI've run out of programming languages to study
01/22/2011There's definitely a lot ofI've run out of programming languages to study
01/23/2011POLA isn't a solution.I've run out of programming languages to study
01/24/2011Security and UsabilityI've run out of programming languages to study
01/24/2011Ocaps won't help you solve aI've run out of programming languages to study
01/25/2011Powerful assembly instructionsI've run out of programming languages to study
02/03/2011Access oriented programmingI've run out of programming languages to study
02/04/2011all you need to do isI've run out of programming languages to study
02/04/2011At scale...I've run out of programming languages to study
01/16/2011RepRapQuines and my mad mind
01/16/2011FunLoftParametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements
01/20/2011Reactive spreadsheet-likeguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/20/2011Aqueuemulatorsguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/20/2011i see development teamsguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/21/2011Weak forms of Consistencyguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/21/2011Three stooges Bling?guy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/22/2011Parallel compilationguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/23/2011Incremental?guy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/23/2011if you are making sustainedguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/23/2011A self-fulfilling prophecyguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/23/2011'Linear N' will in a fewguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/24/2011The difference betweenguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/24/2011Parallelism works wellguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/21/2011Root Problemguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/25/2011a language that could modelguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/25/2011Responsibility of a Language Architectguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/25/2011if there is going to be major innovationguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/21/2011I think he means thatguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming
01/10/2011With FRP and stagedScala Team Wins ERC Grant
01/11/2011RelatedScala Team Wins ERC Grant
01/07/2011Edit Compile Test RepeatFast Compilers
01/09/2011At 50 ms...Fast Compilers
01/09/2011UI without lockoutFast Compilers
01/09/2011Yeah, a goal would beFast Compilers
01/09/2011Synch CostsFast Compilers
01/09/2011Sounds architectural, then.Fast Compilers
01/09/2011Interesting document. IFast Compilers
01/08/2011Consistent DelayFast Compilers
01/07/2011Hill of BeansFast Compilers
01/08/2011Moore's end is a realFast Compilers
01/19/2011Bridging extreme domainsFast Compilers
01/19/2011Manifest typing is axed ifFast Compilers
01/12/2011Bootstrap from InterpreterFast Compilers
01/12/2011Re: runtime firstFast Compilers
01/13/2011Why use the target languageFast Compilers
01/14/2011No. A language can have aFast Compilers
01/11/2011I've heard of people using RDBMSFast Compilers
01/05/2011ConfusedRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Partial application andRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011If you define 'staging' suchRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Re: definition of "closure"Runtime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Simple Decision MechanismsRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Predictable of OptimizationRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Interesting. SomeoneRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Objects, in general, are aRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Use of cryptographic URLs isRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/06/2011Language Support is not just Foreign ReferencesRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/06/2011export in the way WaterkenRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/06/2011mobile code again? I don'tRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011Arguments about TerminologyRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011This concept of 'ownership'Runtime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011Please provide even aRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011Semantically, I would sayRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/08/2011But I still don't see whyRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/08/2011Content-Centric NetworkingRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011In some languages, functionRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/11/2011Indeed, it has been aRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011Higher-order functions canRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011I had previously argued thatRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011I attempted to clarify whatRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/05/2011This interpretation is theRuntime code generation for partial application?
01/07/2011I've also used thisThe AST Typing Problem
12/25/2010RelatedType systems for structured languages
12/28/2010In the same vein as TV, youType systems for structured languages
12/28/2010ChallengeType systems for structured languages
01/02/2011Extensible syntax isMemory, Actions and Extensible Syntax
12/29/2010C isn't a very good exampleThe Semicolon Wars
12/29/2010Judging semanticsThe Semicolon Wars
12/30/2010A program may be incorrectThe Semicolon Wars
12/30/2010Language PropertiesThe Semicolon Wars
01/01/2011A standard libraryInteresting Standard Libraries to Study
01/07/2011Nobody uses ACIDStressed by Distributed Programming? Well, CALM Down.
01/07/2011Posting an ItemStressed by Distributed Programming? Well, CALM Down.
01/07/2011Stateless appsStressed by Distributed Programming? Well, CALM Down.
01/07/2011UsefulStressed by Distributed Programming? Well, CALM Down.
12/09/2010Desiderata for a remote batch processing languageSemi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/09/2010Distributed GC or Bandwidth costs?Semi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/12/2010Sending code to the serverSemi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/12/2010Side effectsSemi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/12/2010Self-contained...Semi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/14/2010efficiencySemi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging
12/06/2010Huh?Reference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/06/2010Not relevant.Reference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/02/2010I'm really disappointed thatHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/02/2010Just avoid the four letterHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/02/2010I will notHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/02/2010I have reddit if I'm lookingHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/02/2010Spewing poison with perfumedHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/04/2010"gives a beep"Haskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/04/2010Where is your logic?Haskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/04/2010I am not offended orHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/17/20106NF enoughTolerant vs. Demanding Software
12/17/2010My last experience workingTolerant vs. Demanding Software
11/26/2010Nice links. Thank you, Josh.Inconsistency Robustness 2011 at Stanford
11/25/2010A text summary was"Future of Programming Languages" panel
12/09/2010Practical languages today"Future of Programming Languages" panel
12/13/2010performance"Future of Programming Languages" panel
11/24/2010Real world of concurrent systems...What is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/24/2010In many-core concurrentWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/26/2010Component failures areWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/24/2010Closed Actors System?What is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/25/2010Choice vs. ConcurrencyWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/25/2010Simultaneity exists.What is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/16/2010Interactive LanguageThe Free-Form Linguistics Revolution in Mathematica
11/15/2010Expression Problem minus Static Type SafetyClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/15/2010many ways to make this problem difficultClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010In contextClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010Nope.Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/17/2010It should also include MOO,Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010Multiple DispatchClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/17/2010I've not seen any papers onClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/22/2010Always a tradeoff?Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/23/2010Expressiveness vs. TractabilityClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010Programmers rise to meet the problems.A Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/16/2010Talents are not equal. NotA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/17/2010OMG!A Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/16/2010Grasshoppers and GurusA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/17/2010Standard ErrorA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/18/2010Feature Competition and ConsistencyA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/08/2010Grammar-based ComputationLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/09/2010I disagree with yourLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/10/2010Partial expansions fromLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/11/2010Indeed.Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/11/2010Under the rug.Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/12/2010Right.Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/12/2010Single assignment variablesLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/14/2010I see. You aren't saying theLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/14/2010I understand your goals, butLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/13/2010If the technical argumentLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/14/2010Ethos, Pathos, LogosLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/13/2010Humility still in orderLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/27/2010I disagree. Calculation andLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/27/2010I consider any argumentLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/27/2010Category MistakeLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/24/2010"Work for"?Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/24/2010Re: CPSLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/27/2010FP view of timeLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/29/2010I know what Actors modelLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/29/2010Indeed.Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/30/2010Indeterminism is unnecessary for ConcurrencyLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
12/01/2010The real questionLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
12/01/2010Separation of ConcernsLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/25/2010Could you please work onLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/17/2010Exponential code explosivesClosures without function pointers
11/17/2010You'd probably need lambdaClosures without function pointers
11/13/2010HumorousComputation Abstraction: Going Beyond Programming Language Glue
11/06/2010Ercato Manifesto and an Anti-manifestoyet another paradigm
11/04/2010Reversibility and SokobanConservative Logic
11/01/2010CoconutAccelerating Haskell Array Codes with Multicore GPUs
10/29/2010RelatedAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/29/2010ResponsivenessAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/31/2010Improving ValuesAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/31/2010Re: just use futures+threadsAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/28/2010Grand Theft WumpusLand of Lisp
10/29/2010YeahLand of Lisp
10/29/2010'Lazy' guildLand of Lisp
10/29/2010Dedicated TopicProgramming Languages Panel Streaming Live Today (10/28/2010 16:30 PST GMT-7)
10/30/2010Thanks for the SummaryProgramming Languages Panel Streaming Live Today (10/28/2010 16:30 PST GMT-7)
10/30/2010Full Service Computing & Evolvable SoftwareProgramming Languages Panel Streaming Live Today (10/28/2010 16:30 PST GMT-7)
10/30/2010City on a SwampProgramming Languages Panel Streaming Live Today (10/28/2010 16:30 PST GMT-7)
10/27/2010I'd direct the question atComprehensive overview of security models?
10/29/2010Secure Interaction DesignComprehensive overview of security models?
10/27/2010Object Capability DisciplineThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/28/2010Message passing has poorThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010Message passing.The Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010The above author wasThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010Interesting. I wonder whatThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010Protocol BuffersThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010synchronicity is mostly aThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010E languageThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/27/2010Functional ObjectsThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/28/2010Re: PhilosophyThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/01/2010Pick One: 'Baked in' Modularity vs. Monolithic AppsThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/01/2010Standard Libraries and Core LanguagesThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/02/2010Just Another Problem Domain?The Myths of Object-Orientation
11/02/2010Modularity and ArchitectureThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010A dozen different linearThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010Modularity doesn'tThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010ConfigurableThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010Modularity isn't about theThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/04/2010Modular Languages on the MindThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010Layering and InteroperabilityThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/03/2010Not HopelessThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/24/2010Something everyone can object toanother new language, Chomsky hierarchy Type-0
10/15/2010Omega by Tim SheardProgramming languages with higher kinds?
10/12/2010Glasgow, Coconut, Sse compiler run...Intel's Array Building Blocks (was Rapidmind) : What do the purists and pragmatists think?
10/11/2010Many other barriersThe barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/12/2010Exercise of a concept - raw,The barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/13/2010Naming and ReasoningThe barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/14/2010quality of design willThe barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/26/2010RE: JavaScriptThe barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/09/2010Functional Reactive ProgrammingA functional-programming view of time
10/09/2010Explicit delay, IntegrationA functional-programming view of time
10/09/2010Reactive allows it easilyA functional-programming view of time
10/15/2010Physical ConstraintsA functional-programming view of time
10/15/2010Integral in Reactive meansA functional-programming view of time
10/16/2010on the inside, their shouldA functional-programming view of time
10/16/2010Relative Efforts for Relative BenefitsA functional-programming view of time
10/09/2010In real life events occur inA functional-programming view of time
10/15/2010your problem is with how OSsA functional-programming view of time
10/07/2010Reify Runtime or RegionsIs cloning independent of message-passing
10/08/2010Quite SoIs cloning independent of message-passing
10/06/2010Languages friendly to memory and cachingDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/07/2010High Level Programming Language ImplementationsDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/15/2010Temporal Semantics and Latency RequirementsDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/07/2010Has what you say about theDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/08/2010Interesting WorkDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/08/2010Ropes (in the regular B-treeDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/08/2010Region-based GCDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/11/2010Many other reasons, too. IfDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/12/2010Reference counts don't work,Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/12/2010As an alternative, considerDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/13/2010GPPL and DSL symbiosisDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/12/2010Be WaterDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/13/2010Re:alisticDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/14/2010Incremental GCDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/14/2010any serious implementationDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/14/2010The original assertion IDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/14/2010Re: original assertion and contextDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/14/2010Cycles and SyntaxDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/15/2010AcceptedDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
09/30/2010User-definable KindsWorking around limitations of whole-program monomorphization
09/26/2010StagingOmega - Language of the Future
09/27/2010ErrataOmega - Language of the Future
09/18/2010Sounds like SilkOoO Java
09/18/2010NiceDistributed Transactional Memory
09/17/2010.Thyrd at Emerging Languages Camp
09/17/2010SLIME won't work.Programming with touch?
04/08/2011Wouldn't it be feasible toProgramming with touch?
04/08/2011I didn't say anything aboutProgramming with touch?
09/18/2010Other CostsFunLoft reactive, concurrent programming language
09/19/2010Context SwitchingFunLoft reactive, concurrent programming language
09/21/2010Finite time, Finite MemoryFunLoft reactive, concurrent programming language
09/16/2010[meta] FormattingNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/16/2010Which Brand of Dataflow?New Dataflow Programming Language
09/16/2010Arbitrary PrecisionNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/16/2010Dataflow Language DesignNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/17/2010Dataflow as electronicNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/20/2010FBPNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/17/2010Typed DataflowsNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/21/2010Pub/sub buses, at a veryNew Dataflow Programming Language
11/28/2010Always adapt first. A goodNew Dataflow Programming Language
11/28/2010Imperative HaskellNew Dataflow Programming Language
11/29/2010Do you mean that in the sameNew Dataflow Programming Language
11/29/2010Why not?New Dataflow Programming Language
11/29/2010Insane LanguagesNew Dataflow Programming Language
09/14/2010dynamic GADTsGADTs in a dynamically type-checked language?
09/14/2010Dynamic Typing?GADTs in a dynamically type-checked language?
09/14/2010.GADTs in a dynamically type-checked language?
09/14/2010Similar ThoughtsGADTs in a dynamically type-checked language?
09/14/2010No. That doesn't seemGADTs in a dynamically type-checked language?
09/13/2010Every top-level module andprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/14/2010Language Sandboxingprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/14/2010Stagingprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/14/2010RE: Permissionsprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/17/2010Re: class vs. componentprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/17/2010Both.principle of least authority and programming languages
09/14/2010Papers and Websites and Mailing Lists...principle of least authority and programming languages
09/13/2010Monads vs. Capabilities for Reasoning about Effectsprinciple of least authority and programming languages
09/10/2010STM is the worst possibleIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/10/2010I like how it fills out theIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/08/2010It depends on what we meanIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/08/2010Concurrency vs. ParallelismIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/08/2010Randomized + SIMDIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/08/2010Performance was not a metricIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/08/2010Simple ExpressionIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/09/2010Re: MotivationIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/07/2010Orchestration with TransactionsIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/07/2010Transactional Console.WriteLineJoe Duffy: A (brief) retrospective on transactional memory
09/04/2010Objects as ModulesDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/04/2010Waterbed TheoryDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/07/2010Re-editable Configurations and Parameterized ModulesDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/08/2010Re: BenefitsDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/08/2010Elusive ContextDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/01/2010Maudeling the LanguageChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/02/2010Usability and Ergonomics? Computer Science Fiction.Choosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/02/2010Lightweight ModelingChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Modeling a language get's you absolutely nowhereChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010languages to solve problems are interesting and usefulChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/02/2010Not so; measurement is arbitraryChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Ergonomicists object to hand-waving; strains wrist...Choosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Language ToolboxChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Lessons of OS's and the InternetChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Value of metrics without requirementsChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Different Schools?Choosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/03/2010Goto StartChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/04/2010Clojure-CLRChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/08/2010Scalable ConcurrencyChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/08/2010Conflating concurrency withChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
09/09/2010I did consider adding anChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
08/30/2010Nested Receive/React?Unifying Actors and Objects?
08/23/2010E orderUnifying Actors and Objects?
08/23/2010Join CalculusUnifying Actors and Objects?
08/23/2010Tea TimeUnifying Actors and Objects?
08/23/2010I think it's better toThe Grafwegen Hi Compiler named Hic release 0.1
08/16/2010Abstract-only ImportsMod sys with external binding of mods to mod sigs, where all mod imports must be sigs only
08/16/2010Relative BenefitsMod sys with external binding of mods to mod sigs, where all mod imports must be sigs only
08/17/2010My strong impression wasMod sys with external binding of mods to mod sigs, where all mod imports must be sigs only
08/17/2010Little Pockets of SolitudeMod sys with external binding of mods to mod sigs, where all mod imports must be sigs only
08/13/2010ReviewThe ideal style/system for namespaces.
08/11/2010[no longer relevant]Synchronic Computaion
08/11/2010Hyperlinks and AbstractsSynchronic Computaion
10/20/2010Sarcasm carries so wellCompiler Design Q&A Site
03/17/2011Concurrency and MMdoes your language need a memory model?
08/06/2010Done beforeLexical Analysis with Extended Identifiers and Disambiguation by Table Look-up.
08/09/2010Moderately RelatedLexical Analysis with Extended Identifiers and Disambiguation by Table Look-up.
08/02/2010I'm still unclear what youIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/02/2010As I understand it, DirectIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Spatial or Context-Sensitive PropertiesIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Eventual Consistency and Information HidingIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Any sane system has to haveIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Re: Purpose of LogicIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010I'm quite aware you're moreIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010SuppositionIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010No Meta-level ReasoningIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Variable Scope ExampleIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/05/2010Paraconsistent LogicsIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Insane AssumptionsIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Your Haskell example doesn'tIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Lifted types can violateIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010really should be A →Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Curry-Howard EquivocationIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010You claim malignIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010"Overzealous hair-splitting"Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Hewitt's presentation leavesIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Other ExamplesIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Quibbling 'Inconsistent'Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Distribution does require logical inconsistencyIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Direct Logic is a subset of Classical LogicIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010That doesn't sound likeIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Distribution vs. ConcurrencyIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Whether logic programmingIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/02/2010Direct Logic is for Cloud ComputingIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/06/2010Toy ProblemsIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/09/2010Liberating ConstraintsIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/09/2010Monkey and the WeaselIncompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
08/09/2010Localizing Inconsistency?Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency
09/28/2010Glitch-freedom between VatsDeprecating the Observer Pattern
08/05/2010Once we have embracedDeprecating the Observer Pattern
08/05/2010Glitch ControlDeprecating the Observer Pattern
08/06/2010Glitch = Transitory InconsistencyDeprecating the Observer Pattern
08/07/2010A Glitch in a ForestDeprecating the Observer Pattern
08/07/2010Trivialized by Assumptions?Deprecating the Observer Pattern
08/07/2010Re: MemoizationDeprecating the Observer Pattern
07/27/2010Systems ProgrammingThe Clay language
07/23/2010Java WildcardsContainers and Inheritance
07/24/2010C++ ConceptsContainers and Inheritance
07/23/2010No Runtime Dependency?The Mirah Language
07/25/2010Thank you for explaining. ItThe Mirah Language
07/21/2010FirefoxScribble: Closing the Book on Ad Hoc Documentation Tools
07/23/2010Browser Developer, eh?Scribble: Closing the Book on Ad Hoc Documentation Tools
07/17/2010Still OTIs mathematics invention or discovery?
07/12/2010Generative Grammar-based ComputationGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Re: NotationGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010RE: CFGsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Semantics and SyntaxGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Re: Language tells no liesGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Why not Conventional PipelinesGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/14/2010UncommittedGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Re: Context Sensitive GrammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/13/2010Re: Hmpf (grumpy coalgebras?)Generative Grammar-based Computation
07/14/2010PrologGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/15/2010Re: TradeoffsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/20/2010RE: extended sets, spacesGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/20/2010Re: the 'point' behind xsetsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/24/2010Point-free Composition and Partial GrammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/26/2010Re: Partial Grammars as a MonoidGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/26/2010Algebraic properties of partial grammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/27/2010Thank you for theGenerative Grammar-based Computation
10/09/2010Temporal Generative GrammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
11/11/2010DomainGenerative Grammar-based Computation
11/11/2010Re: temporal grammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
11/19/2010Not for ParsingGenerative Grammar-based Computation
10/09/2010Infinite Arity Partial GrammarsGenerative Grammar-based Computation
07/12/2010"NO programming knowledge"App Inventor: Programming for non-programmers... again
07/13/2010Environments that can TeachApp Inventor: Programming for non-programmers... again
07/08/2010Rust will eat your laundryThe Rust Language
07/08/2010Re: Ur/WebThe Rust Language
07/19/2010Interest from the communityA proof engine for Eiffel
07/19/2010Suggestions for OrganizationA proof engine for Eiffel
07/07/2010The most important expressiveness issue of our timeUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/07/2010Oh. I apologize for thatUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/03/2010ThanksAn intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle
07/03/2010Really?An intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle
07/03/2010Thanks for that insight.An intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle
07/05/2010Not Trivial in Intuitionist logicsAn intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle
07/06/2010Markov's principle in essenceAn intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle
07/02/2010Some ReferencesSimulation language ideas?
07/01/2010SuggestionsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010Naming and GraphsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010Limited DAGsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010Naming those WidgetsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010You've made the confusion clearer.Logic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010So you're saying that theLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010Rebuild from StateLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010roll your own widget set andLogic programming based GUI framework
07/03/2010doesn't really solve theLogic programming based GUI framework
07/26/2010Natural UndoLogic programming based GUI framework
07/29/2010Word playLogic programming based GUI framework
07/29/2010MashupsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/29/2010For undo, you need some sortLogic programming based GUI framework
07/30/2010Solve the Exercise by Letting the Dog Eat ItLogic programming based GUI framework
07/29/2010Parr developed a set ofLogic programming based GUI framework
07/30/2010Safe Templating EnginesLogic programming based GUI framework
07/30/2010Ur/WebLogic programming based GUI framework
07/30/2010BlameLogic programming based GUI framework
07/01/2010Re: Interface InjectionCompiling Structural Types on the JVM
06/29/2010Reflection and Higher Order ProgramsSF-calculus
06/30/2010Re: 'External' InterpretersSF-calculus
06/30/2010Illegal moves, CaseySF-calculus
06/30/2010Re: The Basics and DeterminismSF-calculus
06/30/2010Re: Definition of "Deterministic"SF-calculus
07/01/2010Re: a different approach?SF-calculus
06/30/2010Re: Now you have two problemsSF-calculus
06/30/2010Those commentsSF-calculus
06/29/2010Not individual conditionalsSF-calculus
06/29/2010Re: Computational EquivalenceSF-calculus
06/27/2010Expressive Power of Programming LanguagesSF-calculus
06/27/2010Subsumption in LanguageSF-calculus
06/30/2010Shutt's Kernel LanguageSF-calculus
06/30/2010Link LinkSF-calculus
06/25/2010Axiom schema of specificationA lambda calculus with arbitrary set primitives
06/25/2010Express vs. DoA lambda calculus with arbitrary set primitives
06/28/2010Just Do ItA lambda calculus with arbitrary set primitives
06/25/2010Term RewritingA lambda calculus with arbitrary set primitives
06/24/2010Flat NamespaceHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Discoverability, LanguageHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Backtracking ParsersHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Not so orthogonalHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Naming conflicts are still possibleHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/30/2010Namespaces and MobilityHow important is language support for namespace management?
07/12/2010Namespaces and Mobility and Security :)How important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Import/Export ControlsHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Fully qualified namesHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Import ControlsHow important is language support for namespace management?
06/25/2010Teach CTM?Why Undergraduates Should Learn the Principles of Programming Languages
06/25/2010CnC is for Parallelism (despite name)Intel Concurrent Collections for Haskell
06/25/2010Doubt it...Intel Concurrent Collections for Haskell
06/20/2010I look forward to reading aA Theory of Typed Hygienic Macros
06/20/2010Thanks. That's ten timesA Theory of Typed Hygienic Macros
06/12/2010Tagless Staged InterpretersInterpreter to compiler generator?
06/08/2010Clojure is an invention of ManRacket Released
06/08/2010Does Not ComputeRacket Released
06/09/2010I begin toRacket Released
06/05/2010Repost!A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
06/08/2010Vacuous ParametricityAdding Type Constructor Parameterization to Java
06/08/2010Which resulting theorems?Adding Type Constructor Parameterization to Java
05/27/2010Big Ideas and Broad StrokesAlan Kay's 70th
05/27/2010Models and RevolutionsAlan Kay's 70th
05/28/2010Incremental Leaping indistinguishable from excited WalkingAlan Kay's 70th
05/31/2010Site OrganizationAlan Kay's 70th
05/31/2010KayiaAlan Kay's 70th
05/31/2010Kayia CommentsAlan Kay's 70th
05/31/2010Evaluation Actions?Alan Kay's 70th
05/21/2010Hidden ProcessThe Glasgow Haskell Compiler and LLVM
05/17/2010No IndexThe War on Spam
05/18/2010Really?The War on Spam
05/13/2010AgileWiki Blog; and RolonsAgileWiki theory/tool outline
05/13/2010Mutable InitializationMeans to Limit or Constrain Side Effects
05/13/2010Substructural OptimizationMeans to Limit or Constrain Side Effects
05/13/2010Optimizations and ModelsMeans to Limit or Constrain Side Effects
05/11/2010Off TopicStrange function
05/12/2010AliasingStrange function
05/12/2010For prior art, I wouldStrange function
05/09/2010It dependsComputing complexity
05/14/2010Mutable CollectionsA solution to the catcall problem in Eiffel
05/14/2010RE: Inheritance can be useful without subtypingA solution to the catcall problem in Eiffel
05/08/2010Universal Temporal Concurrent Constraint ProgrammingUniversal Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming
05/08/2010FRP plus Parameterized DemandUniversal Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming
04/27/2010Horton's "Who Done It?"Capability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010AccountabilityCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010Identity of the MalefactorCapability-based security; how does it work?
05/01/2010Distinguishing Transmission of Data and AuthorityCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010Revocation PatternsCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010Identity and ownership areCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010Capabilities are not always UnforgeableCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/27/2010128-bit numbers are guessable 1/2^128 of the timeCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/28/2010Re: OS-based capability systemsCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/29/2010Distributed Systems Security without a TCBCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/29/2010already walkin'Capability-based security; how does it work?
04/30/2010Encapsulation vs. Confinement in App ModelsCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/30/2010Confinement is a crutch.Capability-based security; how does it work?
05/01/2010Suspicious Collaborators also Shun ConfinementCapability-based security; how does it work?
05/01/2010Interpretation of data is behavior.Capability-based security; how does it work?
05/03/2010Liveness is a Security PropertyThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
05/04/2010Physical SecurityThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
05/04/2010Wireless Phones, Foreign Phones, Red Phones, Green PhonesThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
05/04/2010Security is about Risk Management, not Expectations ManagementThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
05/06/2010resource accounting and SoAThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
04/21/2010The Paradigms for DummiesSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/22/2010Pudding SamplersSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/22/2010Reactive Demand ProgrammingSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/22/2010Functional Islands need BridgesSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/23/2010Not about lambdas.Seeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/24/2010RE: Infinite regressSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/25/2010right software to the right device at the right timeSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/25/2010the point of purity isn'tSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/25/2010Pervasive Monadic Style devolves to Language PrimitiveSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/25/2010Monads vs. Capabilities for Reasoning about EffectsSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010Real-world scenarios areSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/25/2010I do not see how your pointSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010I still don't see anySeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010RE: same problem in any languageSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010You imagine a specificSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010Pervasive Monadic Style devolves to Language Primitive, ctd.Seeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/27/2010Meaning of EffectsSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010RE: "encapsulate authority"Seeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/20/2010Implicit Configuration ParametersSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/22/2010False DichotomySeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/22/2010If logging is required at aSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/22/2010Being "explicit" is aboutSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/23/2010When it comes to logging, anSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/23/2010Purity with Implicit ParametersSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/23/2010You either pass theSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
06/11/2010Pure and Non-deterministic?Seeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
06/11/2010NDFA-like computesSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
06/11/2010Confusing Referential Transparency vs. PuritySeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
06/11/2010Referential Transparency DefSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/27/2010How rather than WhatSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/27/2010Constraint programming canSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/28/2010Programming at higherSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/17/2010Clearly, such artistic works can't be formalized...Visual programming for movies, games
04/17/2010Programming Paradigms for Artistic WorksVisual programming for movies, games
04/19/2010O(10^2)=O(1)More iPhone PL lockdown... Goodbye Scratch!
06/22/2010Bit-rotseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/22/2010Define 'Program'seL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/22/2010Specification, Context, CorrectnessseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Specification vs. AssumptionseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Hair-washing decapitation chairsseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Power and ResponsibilityseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Time Varying SpecificationsseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Non-distinctionseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Boolean Reliability?seL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/24/2010SpecificationseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/24/2010ReliabilityseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010CourtseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Formal Specs and ProductivityseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010Never met a formal specseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/24/2010Ignore client's spec and substitute your ownseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/24/2010Great Strides and Initial SpecificationsseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/25/2010Ideally, specificationsseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/25/2010Yeah, it's a false dichotomyseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/25/2010Dichotomy of PracticeseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/23/2010A specification is, like aseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
04/17/2010Higher Level Code and Failure ModesHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/17/2010Sensible handling of failureHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/17/2010Error RecoveryHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/21/2010Inference of Exception TypesHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/21/2010Optimize HOF Type Syntax for the Default CaseHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/21/2010Monadic exception handling...How can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/17/2010If we can't secure the OSHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/20/2010Singularity OS is the sortHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/21/2010Language influence on HardwareHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/22/2010More than this...How can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/22/2010High Confidence OSHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/10/2010Legalese is a terrible programming languageiPhone PL lockdown
04/11/2010A scruple of truth in every myth...iPhone PL lockdown
04/12/2010That pretty much defines aiPhone PL lockdown
09/09/2010Code and DataiPhone PL lockdown
03/30/2010Dylan's model has bothGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
03/30/2010Didn't I just say that?Go's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
03/30/2010TIMTOWTDIGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/08/2010RE: still don't get itGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/08/2010all of your questions haveGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/09/2010simple and satisfactory answersGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/09/2010Except there isn't anythingGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/10/2010Re: structured syntax extensionGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/10/2010Guaranteed termination wasGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/10/2010Scale of Language ExtensionGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/10/2010Judging Dylan's condition systemGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/11/2010Saying nothing aboutGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/03/2010Error Handling PatternsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/06/2010Utility of Resumable ExceptionsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/07/2010RE: Performance of passing error/event handlersGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/07/2010Combining Futures and ExceptionsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
04/07/2010RE: Passing error/event handlersGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/04/2012Even checked exceptions areGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/04/2012Sum typesGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/04/2012So your problem is theGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/05/2012some of the properties ofGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012Checked exceptions +Go's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012Feature interaction and intersectionGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012What am I proposing? I don'tGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/07/2012You cannot define problemsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
03/31/2010Just to be clearCan functional programming be liberated from the von Neumann paradigm?
03/25/2010Issues more Algorithmic than MechanicalWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/25/2010A trillion times faster...Will data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/25/2010Job of Linkers in context of Distributed Data and ServicesWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/26/2010Match-makers under the hood.Will data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/25/2010Distributed Data Fusion, Command and ControlWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/22/2010Code Transformations for Effectful CodeEffectful Code Transformations
03/22/2010Hardly a comprehensive listEffectful Code Transformations
03/23/2010Analysis is InsufficientEffectful Code Transformations
03/20/2010Thomas, missing </code>First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/20/2010Thank you.First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/27/2010Why MacrosFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/27/2010Local Syntax Extension vs. FexprsFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/28/2010awful lot like Christiansen Grammars...First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/28/2010First-class ProceduresFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/28/2010Re: fexprs and trustFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/29/2010Encapsulation possible, and useful.First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/29/2010relying on language-levelFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010Threat Model or Application Model?First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010If a problem is impossible...First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010K.I.S. for S.First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010RE: Missing Abstraction? General Purpose?First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010positing the potentialFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010commonly used term with aFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010MiscommunicationFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/31/2010Application: It's Obvious!First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/31/2010RE: particular owners, central control, non-peer nodes, et. al.First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010Projecting too much EFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/30/2010to maintain encapsulationFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/29/2010"Schemes at every node" fails ScalabilityFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
03/28/2010One man's misunderstanding is another man's miscommunication...First-class environments. Discuss. ;)
06/19/2010Funhouse MirrorsOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
06/18/2010NP-slowOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
06/19/2010Very fair points. It hasOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
03/12/2010That - CodeBubbles - is aCode Bubbles
03/09/2010Betting on JITHave tracing JIT compilers won?
03/09/2010ProfilingHave tracing JIT compilers won?
03/12/2010Futamura ProjectionHave tracing JIT compilers won?
06/10/2010What is Bytecode?Have tracing JIT compilers won?
03/07/2010That looks painful...Alternative method for defining statically typed variables
02/28/2010Purity offers its mostAdvantages of Purity
02/28/2010I disagree. Using the stateAdvantages of Purity
03/01/2010Every Turing Machine Program is PureAdvantages of Purity
03/01/2010I didn't call it impure.Advantages of Purity
03/01/2010the monadic value must beAdvantages of Purity
03/01/2010RE: composition at function boundariesAdvantages of Purity
03/03/2010BitCAdvantages of Purity
03/16/2010Premature Generalization?Advantages of Purity
03/17/2010I would consider the exampleAdvantages of Purity
03/17/2010Oh, there seems to be aAdvantages of Purity
03/18/2010exceptions in pureAdvantages of Purity
03/18/2010Short-circuitingAdvantages of Purity
03/19/2010Problem?Advantages of Purity
03/19/2010Effect SubtypingAdvantages of Purity
03/17/2010Partial AnnotationsAdvantages of Purity
03/16/2010Prior discussionsAdvantages of Purity
03/24/2010RE: Purity and SecurityAdvantages of Purity
02/28/2010Service Marketslarge-scale programming systems inspired by ecological and market systems
03/01/2010Is there any reason tolarge-scale programming systems inspired by ecological and market systems
03/01/2010Redundancy and Feedbacklarge-scale programming systems inspired by ecological and market systems
03/02/2010a fair bit at sea...a "thank you" to You
02/26/2010Relatedfunctional equivalance?
03/16/2010RE: Quick Explanationfunctional equivalance?
03/11/2010Though distributed systemsfunctional equivalance?
02/26/2010Before the flames begin,letCan a Biologist Fix a Radio?
02/25/2010RE: Programming tool theoryplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
02/24/2010Distributed Programmingplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/11/2010RE: Principlesplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/12/2010RE: But you can model that on a UTM!plt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/12/2010RE: Overturning Modelsplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/14/2010RE: Fundamental Mathematical Abstractionplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/15/2010The fundamental task ofplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/14/2010Hand-waving -> Biology -> Chemistry -> Physics -> Mathematicsplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/14/2010Re: Meatyplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/15/2010RE: Fundamental Modelsplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/15/2010Re: Reductionismplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/15/2010RE: Other Useful Modelsplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
02/25/2010Multiple Models and Perspectivesplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
03/02/2010PLT (meta)plt vs. something else for programming in the large?
02/22/2010Confused Deputy Problem?Testing release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/22/2010Compilation and DistributionTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010Rejecting the PowerboxTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010Agreed.Testing release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010I would contend that aTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010PerhapsTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010UI SecurityTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010No, asking for the OS toTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010The relevant question is: ifTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010Who says we want to be ridTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010It isn't separateTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/25/2010Any command that the userTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/25/2010So I shouldn't be able toTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/26/2010Isolation is the ExceptionTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/26/2010MashupsTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/26/2010Forms ExampleTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/26/2010Should we be able to share aTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/16/2010Neat.A Lambda Calculus for Real Analysis
02/17/2010DecompilerJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
02/17/2010Taming the LibrariesJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
02/08/2010O'HaskellMutable objects with monadic methods
02/09/2010Reactive ObjectsMutable objects with monadic methods
02/07/2010Meh.Why prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/08/2010RE: 'making a mistake'Why prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/09/2010printed upside down...Why prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/10/2010Re:flectionWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/09/2010RE: TRS for LogicWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/09/2010Program layer and Service layer Logic ProgrammingWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/10/2010Semantic WebWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/11/2010'Pure' Prolog?Why prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/01/2010That programming languageWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/01/2010Reactive Demand ProgrammingWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/02/2010Assume agent F is confinedWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/02/2010Languages as DatabasesWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
02/05/2010Not at all!Continuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010No.Continuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010RE: 'inspect every digit'Continuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010Irrelevant.Continuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010This seems to be the heartContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010I've reworded the above toContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/05/2010Even the formal definitionContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/06/2010For emphasis: being closedContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/06/2010Even of integers one cannotContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/06/2010If they aren't comparableContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/06/2010I agree: no knownContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/06/2010Also, I think it's easyContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/09/2010Observational InequalityContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/09/2010Constructive LogicContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/09/2010Truth is determined byContinuity Analysis of Programs
02/02/2010is snotDepends on what "is" is
02/11/2010RE: impossible to have tuples containing tuplesBabel-17 v0.2 spec is out
02/11/2010How many needBabel-17 v0.2 spec is out
02/11/2010Lazy ~Babel-17 v0.2 spec is out
12/10/2010Val and Def?Babel-17 v0.2 spec is out
02/02/2010Upgrade patterns, too,What data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/17/2010[format] Z-boWhat data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/17/2010Semantics-based Code Search / Service SearchWhat data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/17/2010Design Patterns or Implementation Patterns?What data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/17/2010You shouldn't presume thatWhat data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/18/2010Too broad and vague?What data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/18/2010ProgressWhat data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
02/20/2010You keep readingWhat data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design?
01/29/2010Reactive expressions for key and table identifier?Declarative reactive tables
01/29/2010Doesn't answer...Declarative reactive tables
01/29/2010More clarification; Change propagationDeclarative reactive tables
01/29/2010R is undefined if TableADeclarative reactive tables
01/30/2010representing thingsDeclarative reactive tables
01/30/2010RE: Order and IsomorphismDeclarative reactive tables
01/30/2010Not "Sufficiently Smart"Declarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Opportunity, Not OnusDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Human beings aren't thatDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Each case where a primitiveDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Primitives subject to VariationDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Can't IterateDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Perhaps, though that seems aDeclarative reactive tables
01/31/2010Is an RT PrimitiveDeclarative reactive tables
01/28/2010Fexprs, First-Class 'Macros'more consistent macros?
01/29/2010I share this opinion. I ammore consistent macros?
01/31/2010See No Eval, Hear No Eval, Speak No Evalmore consistent macros?
01/31/2010Emacs Example?more consistent macros?
01/31/2010What you tell me is thatmore consistent macros?
01/31/2010in over 20 years of history...more consistent macros?
01/31/2010Argh! that stubborn Sandbox Security myth...more consistent macros?
02/01/2010Firewalls are themselves amore consistent macros?
02/01/2010Trust can be made a non-issue.more consistent macros?
02/01/2010Stable sandboxes whitelistmore consistent macros?
02/01/2010Dualmore consistent macros?
02/01/2010So what you're sayingmore consistent macros?
02/02/2010I think you underestimatemore consistent macros?
02/01/2010Capabilities don't require Sandboxesmore consistent macros?
02/02/2010execution of certainmore consistent macros?
01/25/2010They're Goodare rewrite systems really the bee's knees
01/26/2010TRS and Logic Programmingare rewrite systems really the bee's knees
01/26/2010A Matter of Perspectiveare rewrite systems really the bee's knees
01/27/2010Access control listsare rewrite systems really the bee's knees
01/25/2010Reactive, Live ProgrammingGraph processing
01/24/2010Aliasing Calculus vs. Implementation HidingThe Theory and Calculus of Aliasing
01/26/2010Software Is CompositionThe Theory and Calculus of Aliasing
01/21/2010Memory Addressed IDsSyntax of Literal Tables (Assocative Collections) and Auto-generated fields
01/20/2010Opaque Identity and Referential TransparencySyntax of Literal Tables (Assocative Collections) and Auto-generated fields
01/21/2010cryptic map@list \(X Y Z)--Syntax of Literal Tables (Assocative Collections) and Auto-generated fields
01/21/2010run-of-the-mill programmersSyntax of Literal Tables (Assocative Collections) and Auto-generated fields
02/02/2010Missing the context, atDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/27/2010'Open' Functions with FRPDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/27/2010RE: SuperGlue comparisonDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/27/2010If you can somehow make theDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/28/2010Ha.Declarative binding vs. composition
01/28/2010Maintained RelationsDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/15/2010Scalable CompositionDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/15/2010IndexingDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/15/2010RE: MDADiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/19/2010Dual Security Models?Discoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/20/2010SSO vs. O-CapsDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
02/01/2010Now the only thing left toDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
02/01/2010I do not think it means what you think it means...Discoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/15/2010scoping with flat namespacesDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/15/2010Realtime FeedsDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/28/2010Aren't virtual eventsDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/28/2010Synchronous ExecutiveDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/30/2010ConsiderationDiscoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition
01/08/2010Acknowledging a weaknessRapid Prototyping tools & environments from academia
01/15/2010Design Trade-offsRapid Prototyping tools & environments from academia
01/15/2010Technical Contradiction is Opportunity for InnovationRapid Prototyping tools & environments from academia
01/07/2010Huh?does anybody want to fix wikipedia?
01/07/2010I don't agree with much ofdoes anybody want to fix wikipedia?
01/01/2010TwitterThe year in review, and What's to come
01/01/2010Granted.The year in review, and What's to come
12/30/2009Related DiscussionOpen wiki-like code repository
12/30/2009Repaired inline.Open wiki-like code repository
12/30/2009WikiWiki wouldn't work ifOpen wiki-like code repository
12/31/2009is it worthwhile?Open wiki-like code repository
12/31/2009there is no such thing asOpen wiki-like code repository
01/04/2010Systems and LanguagesOpen wiki-like code repository
01/05/2010Experiment? How?Open wiki-like code repository
01/05/2010RE: many hammersOpen wiki-like code repository
12/30/2009SandboxesOpen wiki-like code repository
12/31/2009Capability LinksOpen wiki-like code repository
12/31/2009What if I want to grant aOpen wiki-like code repository
01/01/2010Feel free to learn <ul> andOpen wiki-like code repository
05/30/2011Code CatalogOpen wiki-like code repository
05/30/2011public code repository without namesOpen wiki-like code repository
12/24/2009Blending of Viewpoints...Ward's Wiki
12/31/2009Robust error handling and good modularityUnfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!)
12/31/2009Handling Partial FailureUnfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!)
12/31/2009Not a comment on CLUUnfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!)
01/01/2010Service Layer ModularityUnfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!)
01/01/2010Seems useless...Unfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!)
12/14/2009Symbolic and type-basedHaskell and logic
12/11/2009MotivationImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/11/2009Records and ObjectsImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/11/2009Records as ObjectsImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/12/2009Generic Programming on RecordImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/12/2009ThanksImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/11/2009Haskell recordsImplementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/11/2009Why "Polymorphism"Implementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems?
12/06/2009Open or Distributed SettingIs Small Still Beautiful?
12/07/2009Small runtimeIs Small Still Beautiful?
12/09/2009Error Recovery vs. LocalizationDifferentiating Parsers
12/04/2009Clarification RequestPragmatic declarative event abstraction
12/03/2009What does Tail Call Optimization mean to you?Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/04/2009Semantic TCOWhy Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/08/2009ClingerWhy Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/04/2009Not so obvious...Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/04/2009Granted.Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/04/2009Early GCWhy Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/04/2009RE: Why not Goto?Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/08/2009Blub Paradox?Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls
12/02/2009Recombination is InnovationEleven Theses on Clojure
12/02/2009Implementation vs. ModelEleven Theses on Clojure
12/03/2009Isolation LevelsEleven Theses on Clojure
12/03/2009Oops.Eleven Theses on Clojure
12/03/2009I convertedEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009RE: Predicate DispatchingEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009Eliminating ModularityEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009Complex Domain-Object CodeEleven Theses on Clojure
12/07/2009Rules Based + Domain ObjectsEleven Theses on Clojure
12/08/2009Rules-based and Domain ObjectsEleven Theses on Clojure
12/03/2009One Extensible LanguageEleven Theses on Clojure
11/19/2009Example?Connections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/19/2009Reversals and AnswersConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/19/2009Kay's "Worlds"Connections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/20/2009Post-commitConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/20/2009Examples of Post-Commit and DecayConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/21/2009In your example, Z isConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/21/2009Transactions don't guarantee DeterminismConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/23/2009Detailing your exampleConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/24/2009Not a LimitConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/24/2009Upgrading the Cell to support TransactionsConnections between Transactions and Promises/Futures?
11/25/2009Development and Distribution ArchitecturesThe perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer
11/27/2009ConsistencyThe perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer
11/27/2009Layered LanguagesThe perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer
11/27/2009Hidden concept of TimeThe perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer
01/05/2010Bits are not NumbersExplanation of Computer Theory for Lawyers
11/10/2009Bullets of Very Shiny MaterialsJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/11/2009Boilerplate CodeJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/12/2009Language Expressivity and Abusing Type SystemsJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/13/2009Expressing Constraints in the Term LanguageJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/16/2009RE: Rich Type SystemsJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/17/2009Why the focus on the type system?John Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/17/2009Types as InterfacesJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/18/2009Types as Interfaces IIJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/18/2009No Greenspunning HereJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/19/2009My question remains: how canJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/19/2009De-facto and Implied Type SystemsJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/20/2009Not Generally EquivalentJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/20/2009Open Systems ComponentsJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/21/2009Refer to Informal DefJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/22/2009Static Analysis != Type SystemJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/22/2009Library binaries should notJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/22/2009Not a real problemJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/18/2009Program Behavior and TypesJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/18/2009Well typing proofs are not "static"?John Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/03/2009Begging the Question; ImpostorsOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
11/05/2009Pessimism fully warrantedOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
11/06/2009Natural Divisions do not Exist outside our MindsOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
11/06/2009Composites vs. Composite PatternOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
11/06/2009Composite Pattern and UIsOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
11/07/2009RE: What is internal composition?On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
10/29/2009LP perspectiveLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
10/27/2009It DependsWhat is a Type?
10/28/2009'Subsets' confuses too manyWhat is a Type?
10/23/2009C++ Concepts, Haskell Type ClassesType constructors based on capabilities of type arguments?
10/24/2009I used 'derived' inType constructors based on capabilities of type arguments?
10/20/2009Based on 'Inspirations'The design process for Zimbu
10/22/2009"Applications"The design process for Zimbu
10/22/2009Not 'OOP' inheritanceThe design process for Zimbu
10/22/2009Disruption tolerance, Security principlesThe design process for Zimbu
10/22/2009RevocationThe design process for Zimbu
10/22/2009Largely pointless =The design process for Zimbu
10/18/2009Flexibility is nice, but...Lisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language
10/18/2009Simplicity?Lisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language
10/20/2009"Fascist with a read only mind"Lisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language
10/20/2009(restoration of ref)Lisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language
10/22/2009Actors / OO Concurrency + TransactionsSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Global?Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Messages and Replies are Global StateSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Global state and ConcurrencySeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Transaction Deadlock is not 'Fatal'.Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Breaking Deadlocks SafelySeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Atomic TransactionsSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Don't Need Mutexes; Have TransactionsSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Rollback more than DeleteSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009You are assuming yourSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Commutative UpdatesSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Re StarvationSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009Non-Transactional FFIs, Hardware, ProtocolsSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009AXIOM: transactions shouldSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Transaction BarriersSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/24/2009Composition with Transaction BarriersSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/22/2009Shared Nothing?Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/15/2009A few parallel designs...Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/16/2009Most Elegant Threads...Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/23/2009totally agreedSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/22/2009I suspect when Sandro saidSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/22/2009Map/ReduceSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/22/2009What I'd really like...Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/25/2009FBP and FuturesSeeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms
10/01/2009Objects are Data...Swarm now based on Scala 2.8, uses delimited continuations
10/01/2009The Swarm video makes itSwarm now based on Scala 2.8, uses delimited continuations
10/02/2009Synchronizing distributedSwarm now based on Scala 2.8, uses delimited continuations
10/02/2009Ambient Authority for Distributed ComputationSwarm now based on Scala 2.8, uses delimited continuations
09/30/2009This sounds like horizontalShould method names be (module-) scoped?
10/05/2009Languages that Learn...Why Pseudo-Code?
09/04/2009Public exposure of another APIProper Library Versioning no longer NP-Complete
09/01/2009Rules governing memoryApple "adds closures to C" in Mac OS X 10.6
09/01/2009Const bindingApple "adds closures to C" in Mac OS X 10.6
09/02/2009Good implementation...Apple "adds closures to C" in Mac OS X 10.6
08/31/2009TM + Explicit Memory ManagementTransactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study
09/01/2009ThanksTransactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study
09/01/2009Cilk++Transactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study
08/25/2009I'm concernedReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/27/2009If your library's clientsReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/28/2009Blaming customers is wrongReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/28/2009Whatever is not forbidden,Review NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/29/2009Touché.Review NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
09/02/2009Spin the finger...Review NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/26/2009Not a cyclic dependency problemReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/26/2009Wording was confusingReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/29/2009You are confusing...Review NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
09/02/2009ClarificationReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
09/02/2009Objection to RealismReview NP-complete Library Versioning Problem
08/24/2009Expressive Modes?Expressive Modes and Species of Language
08/25/2009Debunking the "expensiveWhy determinism matters in language design.
08/22/2009Laziness and LenienceWhy determinism matters in language design.
08/24/2009Not Practical YetTheoretical Foundations for Practical Totally Functional Programming, by Colin Kemp
08/26/2009Does the totally functionalTheoretical Foundations for Practical Totally Functional Programming, by Colin Kemp
08/18/2009Forthbest superset language...
08/18/2009That's another way ofbest superset language...
08/18/2009There are many paths beforesomething strange happened after implementing a first interpreter
08/17/2009LinksThe Discrete Event Calculus as a Programming Language
08/19/2009Multiple Causes for a FluentThe Discrete Event Calculus as a Programming Language
08/17/2009I preferfunctions vs procedures..
08/17/2009Unwisefunctions vs procedures..
08/17/2009Thanks for the reference.functions vs procedures..
08/16/2009Inconsistent...Categories, the homemade object system
08/15/2009Unknown valueKinds of Null
08/12/2009Coupling and DelegationReceiver knowing the sender?
08/12/2009Reflection is a design bugReceiver knowing the sender?
08/13/2009Something that can look atReceiver knowing the sender?
08/13/2009Poorly definedReceiver knowing the sender?
08/13/2009Good meta-object protocol?Receiver knowing the sender?
08/23/2009Second class I/OReceiver knowing the sender?
08/24/2009I/O based compositionReceiver knowing the sender?
08/25/2009Distributed programmingReceiver knowing the sender?
08/25/2009I've encountered this inReceiver knowing the sender?
08/11/2009Conal Elliot's VertigoThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/13/2009Data and CodataThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/12/2009Total functionalThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/16/2009Regardless of graphics APIThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/16/2009Not just now...The End of the GPU Roadmap
08/16/2009PerformanceThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/16/2009Graphics APIThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/17/2009Immediate-mode Scene-graphsThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/12/2009I don't even know where toThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/20/2009I don't agreeThe End of the GPU Roadmap
08/15/2009The ability to proveObservational Equality, Now!
12/22/2009Services vs. ModulesObjects as Modules in Newspeak
12/23/2009Dependency InversionObjects as Modules in Newspeak
08/08/2009While hardly bleeding edgeseeking help: approaches to model based development?
07/28/2009terminology discussion off-topicDefinition of Functional Programming Language
07/28/2009Elaborating vocabulary for CS...Definition of Functional Programming Language
07/29/2009Please ElaborateEvaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU)
08/16/2009EffectivenessEvaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU)
07/24/2009Kind of...(Very) Simpleminded kind question
07/24/2009Unicode IDsResolved Debates in Syntax Design ?
08/12/2009Problems typing them seems aResolved Debates in Syntax Design ?
07/20/2009Invalidation...Iterators Must Go
07/24/2009PreferenceIterators Must Go
07/21/2009Dead endsConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/22/2009Who's heard of 'Bling'?Concepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/22/2009IncrementalConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/22/2009Nice when done rightConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/23/2009escaping the languageConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/22/2009Please clarifyConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/22/2009One-dimensional analysisConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/23/2009No simpler than possibleConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/27/2009Abstract base classes can'tConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island
07/20/2009360 ReviewSimplicity
07/21/2009GC must often integrate withSimplicity
07/20/2009Simple vs SimplisticSimplicity
07/20/2009Not so simple a distinctionSimplicity
07/21/2009OS is abstract machineSimplicity
07/22/2009OS isn't simpleSimplicity
07/20/2009Erlang, Oz, Clojure,Simplicity
07/21/2009Max/MSP/Jitter is aSimplicity
07/21/2009Worked for meMunkres' Topology
07/21/2009Funny...Munkres' Topology
07/10/2009Clearly not popular enough...Phosphorous, The Popular Lisp
07/09/2009(\x.(x x) \x.(x x))Oh no! Animated Alligators!
07/07/2009Lengthwise and Depthwise SecurityTrade-offs with abstraction
07/07/2009RE: Abstract Silver Bullet FactoryTrade-offs with abstraction
07/07/2009Design "Trade Offs"Trade-offs with abstraction
07/08/2009Relative to "Problem"?Trade-offs with abstraction
07/07/2009Systems of AbstractionTrade-offs with abstraction
07/07/2009Inventor's ParadoxTrade-offs with abstraction
07/08/2009I would say all of thoseTrade-offs with abstraction
07/09/2009Problem with Problem DomainsTrade-offs with abstraction
07/10/2009Dataflows and PipelinesTrade-offs with abstraction
07/10/2009Web and IDETrade-offs with abstraction
07/08/2009Software SecurityTrade-offs with abstraction
06/30/2009Portability...Modern dynamic linking infrastructure for PLT
06/30/2009Live Service LayersModern dynamic linking infrastructure for PLT
06/27/2009That's because we aren'tsubjective but hopefully less flamebaid-lame
06/26/2009It's a valid pointMost powerful terminating semantics?
06/26/2009Finding LMost powerful terminating semantics?
06/27/2009Not an oracle.Most powerful terminating semantics?
06/26/2009Not quite, MarcMost powerful terminating semantics?
06/27/2009...Most powerful terminating semantics?
06/26/2009It does not...Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/09/2009Composition? Symmetry? bah!Most powerful terminating semantics?
06/26/2009Language with self-evaluation:Most powerful terminating semantics?
06/27/2009Thank you, Charles.Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/01/2009State SpaceMost powerful terminating semantics?
06/30/2009I mean that program in C areMost powerful terminating semantics?
07/01/2009... those needless, petty detailsMost powerful terminating semantics?
07/01/2009I apologize...Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/01/2009you could define a kind ofMost powerful terminating semantics?
07/14/2009Terminate 'up to input'Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/14/2009Which language?Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/14/2009That's a very interestingMost powerful terminating semantics?
07/14/2009Restricting CompositionMost powerful terminating semantics?
07/15/2009Which size?Most powerful terminating semantics?
07/15/2009Wrong issueMost powerful terminating semantics?
06/25/2009Many allow this...Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Maybe rephrase your question...Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Instance EncapsulationFully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009What means "module"?Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Modules implement abstractions.Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Different Universes?Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Capability-driven encapsulation vs. LoDFully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/28/2009www.erights.orgFully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/29/2009Thank you.Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
06/26/2009Disagree with LoDFully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
07/01/2009Deep freeze...Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there?
07/02/2009'Closures' good for AOP?Peter Van Roy: Programming Paradigms for Dummies
06/15/2009For something "not evil",GRS vs LTRS
06/15/2009Oops...GRS vs LTRS
06/15/2009still static...GRS vs LTRS
06/16/2009Gatekeeping to prevent badGRS vs LTRS
06/15/2009All successful software becomes mission-critical.GRS vs LTRS
06/16/2009Engineers using ourGRS vs LTRS
06/16/2009Extent of KnowledgeGRS vs LTRS
06/17/2009No need for the impossible...GRS vs LTRS
06/23/2009Seeming isn't BelievingGRS vs LTRS
06/23/2009"Elegant" SolutionGRS vs LTRS
06/01/2009Actors Model "Time"Computing Needs Time
06/01/2009Time as a Side EffectComputing Needs Time
06/01/2009Temporal Reactive DisplaysComputing Needs Time
06/02/2009Strongly TimedComputing Needs Time
06/01/2009Computing needs EnergyComputing Needs Time
06/01/2009Not Turing CompleteComputing Needs Time
06/01/2009Once you start down theComputing Needs Time
06/01/2009Turing whisper...Computing Needs Time
03/05/2012Neither does global timeComputing Needs Time
05/29/2009ComposabilityQuestions Five Ways
05/29/2009Merely an application...Questions Five Ways
05/30/2009No true Scotsman...Questions Five Ways
05/30/2009Capabilities AbstractionQuestions Five Ways
05/30/2009Not an Application until InvokedQuestions Five Ways
05/30/2009Am I part of a language?Questions Five Ways
05/29/2009RE: Extensions to kernel languageQuestions Five Ways
06/02/2009RE: Direction of LayersQuestions Five Ways
05/30/2009PL is man's own Babel. TheQuestions Five Ways
05/20/2009Correct LinkAcknowledging the cosmic bonk/oif balance
05/20/2009Yeah... that aboutAcknowledging the cosmic bonk/oif balance
05/15/2009Random TopicsRandom Topics
05/13/2009Still correct...Obscure question about a remark in "A Tutorial on (Co)Algebras and (Co)Induction".
05/16/2009You've missed somethingC++ Frequently Questioned Answers
05/06/2009Call it discrimination on aStatic typing may require runtime type checking?
05/01/2009Programming ChrestomathyLooking for list of programming problems to thoroughly test a language
04/30/2009ThoughtsYAPL - yet another programming language
05/02/2009"Network oriented" is howYAPL - yet another programming language
05/02/2009A step back from distributed agents.YAPL - yet another programming language
04/23/2009The web as we know itAndrej Bauer on PLD
04/23/2009If you agree with theAndrej Bauer on PLD
04/17/2009Object Capability ModelHow to ensure safety when millions of users inject scripts into a running system?
04/15/2009Composition of Concernsmultidimensional abstraction?
04/16/2009To visualize duality, youmultidimensional abstraction?
11/17/2010OO "works" because there isWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/12/2009reference to Kay's commentWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/16/2009Listen to your 'ma'Why are objects so unintuitive?
04/16/2009Encapsulation is not a badWhy are objects so unintuitive?
07/09/2009Nonetheless...Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/17/2010Harmful IntuitionsWhy are objects so unintuitive?
11/17/2010I agree that you don't needWhy are objects so unintuitive?
11/18/2010Codebase InertiaWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009failings of OOPWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009Why would modeling theWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/09/2009Being poor at modeling is essential to OOPWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/10/2009What I am defending is theWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/12/2009No.Why are objects so unintuitive?
06/22/2009Naked Objects and OO ModelingWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/12/2009The suggestion that we "useWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/12/2009In general, to code aWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/14/2009Language self abuseWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/14/2009Don't forget context and actorWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/15/2009Simple?Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/18/2010Which gets me to think,Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/18/2010OOps.Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/18/2010A model of GUI elements isWhy are objects so unintuitive?
11/19/2010Application level.Why are objects so unintuitive?
11/18/2010I wouldn't qualify a bufferWhy are objects so unintuitive?
04/07/2009Creating a competing productJonathon Shapiro Wraps Up BitC
04/09/2009I've never seen an agreementJonathon Shapiro Wraps Up BitC
04/01/2009OpinionsSeeking succnict thoughts on pros/cons of hl language styles
03/20/2009Many languages have tiers,Tiered approaches to higher order programming?
03/11/2009Offline Security and MoreLanguages and security: a short reading list
03/11/2009... and moreLanguages and security: a short reading list
03/11/2009libraries bringing ocaps toLanguages and security: a short reading list
03/08/2009Social models more relevantInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/08/2009"Libraries" written by and for just a few people?Influence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009Most programming tasksInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009It sounds like you'reInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009Indeed.Influence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/10/2009First, do no harm.Influence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/26/2009When "whipping up somethingInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009Saying you built your houseInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009Is there an example ofInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009What it explains today isInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/09/2009do end-user programmingInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/10/2009SOA, COM/DCOM, Unix PipesInfluence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/10/2009Thanks for the suggestion.Influence of cognitive models on programming language design
03/08/2009Well, it does mean theDao, the official 1.0 version is released
03/08/2009Saying that "OOP has beenDao, the official 1.0 version is released
03/06/2009Limited FuturesC++ Futures
03/07/2009Inability to resume/reset aC++ Futures
03/08/2009Couldn't you define theC++ Futures
03/08/2009I may be swimming in a Turing tarpit but ...C++ Futures
03/08/2009Calling it 'ProgrammingThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009Not literal enough.The Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009It seems your understandingThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009I'd agree with the relativeThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009Those questions are notThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/10/2009MonsterQuest: Well-floggedThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009'design' discussions getThe Meta-LtU Thread
03/08/2009I get the feeling that allThe Meta-LtU Thread
02/12/2009Language Extension...Parameterized Notions of Computation
02/08/2009Other forms of obfuscation...On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/08/2009The value of steganographyOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/08/2009The OP notes thatOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Consider Capability SecurityOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Non-issueOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009I don't see why that isOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/10/2009This approach is exploitableOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/10/2009Yeah, I suspect Matt'sOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/10/2009PLT is about achievingOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/11/2009No longer supporting stated goals...On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/10/2009I do not even mention aOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Dongle is different issueOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Trusted Computing...On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Steganography/Crypto LinksOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009Obfuscators solve wrong problemOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009SPKIOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/08/2009IO Error: 0xDEADBEA7 stack dump... (Blork!)What is the dual of { } ?
02/08/2009I don't think I've seen anWhat is the dual of { } ?
02/04/2009Please read the PolicyHow best to add a record type to my typed Scheme variant?
02/04/2009BitC Tail CallsHow best to add a record type to my typed Scheme variant?
02/04/2009Data Space RefmapsTagged Arithmetic Optimization
02/04/2009Thanks for the GC links.Tagged Arithmetic Optimization
02/04/2009Static mapTagged Arithmetic Optimization
02/02/2009Silly ProblemsRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/02/2009First you need to grok codata...Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/02/2009Turner's NotationRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/02/2009Usable, but never UsefulRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/02/2009Divergent InhabitantsRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/02/2009Analogy needs explanation...Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009In C++, 'void' is a Unit,Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009CardinalitiesRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009'Data' has a denotation inRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009ParamaterizationRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009I roughly consider "type"Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009That's fair.Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009The test is "does it carryRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009Agreed, optimize out is the way to go...Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
01/31/2009The distinction you makeI'm from china and I'm working on a new programming language "Zero"
02/02/2009Change functionPL Grand Challenges
02/03/2009Only perceived pain matters...PL Grand Challenges
02/03/2009CS very youngPL Grand Challenges
02/06/2009Apples and ApplesPL Grand Challenges
02/06/2009I mean Apples vs. OrangesPL Grand Challenges
02/06/2009The fact that you can eatPL Grand Challenges
02/08/2009Again... Do I need to remindPL Grand Challenges
02/10/20092 3 + 8 *PL Grand Challenges
01/22/2009Forgive my ignorance but...Tony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/23/2009You're confusing abstractions...Tony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/23/2009It is my impression that theTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/24/2009The list above is to make itTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/24/2009That also seems to implyTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/24/2009it's even preferable that itTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/25/2009Dumb compilers that can follow suggestionsTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/23/2009Two mistakesTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
01/21/2009PREwhat causes really wide pages?
01/22/2009John meant shared stateNested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed?
01/22/2009Missing the PurposeNested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed?
01/22/2009Nesting Level IrrelevantNested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed?
01/22/2009I see.Nested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed?
01/21/2009Depth Limit vs. Cactus StackNested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed?
01/22/2009Just grab a promise that itUsing Promises to Orchestrate Web Interactions
01/17/2009I've never worked with aMacro systems
01/22/2009macros walk code with two left feetMacro systems
01/20/2009Non-communication Side EffectsMacro systems
01/16/2009Undecidable...Weird computability problem relating to state + lambda calculus
01/17/2009Collections and Static Structural TypingCompilation/method resolution with structural subtyping
01/15/2009Ah, I thought they were cuteCWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
01/15/2009Finite Linear Flows Only?Introducing Dawn - yet another new language
01/16/2009To the contrary...Introducing Dawn - yet another new language
01/13/2009Anonymous Functor Objects...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/13/2009If it needs that much explanation...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/13/2009Here's a few:What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
02/12/2009String Representation not resolved...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Unicode not just a RepresentationWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Unicode support should noWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009I think you're beingWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Abstract Syntax Only?What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009What means 'unicode support'?What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/16/2009UTF-8 reading, writing, andWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/17/2009If you point at theWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/13/2009XPath?What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/14/2009Wow, you must be blessed...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Continuations to be deserved to be resolved...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Compiling and LinkingWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Not talking about JITWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Separate Compilation will Die Another DayWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Again... not talking about JITWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/16/2009Agreed.What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/17/2009First Class LocalityWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/14/2009Code cleanup...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Not a problem.What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/16/2009BuriedWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009InD'd it does...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Not always decomposable.What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009at the only goto targetWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009ClojureWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/16/2009You'll be waiting...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009"I" am confused...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/15/2009Avoid Language-specific ResolutionsWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/20/2009Is Formal Semantics a Resolved Debate?What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/21/2009Formal Semantics UnresolvedWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/21/2009No language expressiveWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/21/2009Agreed, but...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/21/2009Not in general, no...What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/20/2009Language defined in LanguageWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design?
01/11/2009In the lenient-evaluationUsing coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily
01/11/2009A 'field' is a record ofUsing coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily
01/11/2009No, I never considered doingUsing coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily
01/11/2009Translation to LazinessUsing coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily
01/28/2009C/C++ good examples2008 In Review - What Happened with Programming Languages?
12/18/2008Representations for taggedAny problems with true union types if all values are tagged? (like in a dynamically typed system, Lisp, etc.)
12/19/2008Some NothingAny problems with true union types if all values are tagged? (like in a dynamically typed system, Lisp, etc.)
12/14/2008I am hard pressed to believePracticality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing
12/15/2008the human merely has toPracticality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing
12/15/2008I have not advocatedPracticality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing
12/15/2008don't know how to do thatPracticality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing
12/14/2008Excepting typefulFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/14/2008Project ZapFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/14/2008Pluggable and Optional systems missing.Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/14/2008Contextually inferredFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/14/2008Value JudgementsFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/15/2008Example ways to attachFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/15/2008To your first fourFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/16/2008Commuting Common SenseFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/19/2008Not just about assurancesFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/20/2008Limitations of Typeful ProgrammingFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/19/2008Types vs. Type DescriptorsFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/20/2008RE: Bruce's question to MeFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/21/2008Types and Type DescriptorsFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/21/2008Type is a TypeFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/21/2008First Class GarbageFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/22/2008Over the heads of ChildrenFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/08/2009While the ability to handleFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/08/2009Can you cite even oneFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/08/2009you once again allege toFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/09/2009types not representation, eitherFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/09/2009Then you should surely beFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/09/2009Apples to apples was theFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/10/2009"Better" is too difficult toFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/10/2009Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type SystemsFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/10/2009Your supposition seems to beFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009As a practical matter, typeFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009This is all rather vague. AFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009CodecsFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009Coder-DecoderFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009Soft Control, AbsolutelyFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/12/2009Optimizable implies Soft ControlFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/13/2009The language is...Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/15/2009Criterion stated in following sentenceFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/09/2009What is needed is aFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
01/08/2009I don't disagree that memoryFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/17/2008Computing every compositeThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/17/2008Think LazierThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/17/2008Lower BoundThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/17/2008Point granted. I didn'tThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/18/2008Operation CostThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/23/2008Flaw in TestThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
12/11/2008SuperMetaOffTopicIs it ok...
12/11/2008I wouldn't have thought itIs it ok...
12/10/2008This can be done...How to load/interpret STATIC libraries at runtime.
12/11/2008I hope my first statementHow to load/interpret STATIC libraries at runtime.
12/12/2008Programming Languages all the way downHow to load/interpret STATIC libraries at runtime.
12/05/2008Daily WTF supports jobFP Jobs
12/02/2008Versioned STMRemembering everything - a new(?) idea for a new PL
12/02/2008RacesFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/03/2008STM RacesFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/03/2008Not Actor ModelFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/04/2008Transactor ModelFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/05/2008Every Erlang process has allFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/03/2008Vocabulary for State ManagementFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/03/2008Bad StrategyFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/04/2008Parry Parry ParleyFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/05/2008Top Level TransactionsFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/04/2008Racing to the Set!Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/04/2008Not the Compiler's JobFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/05/2008Huh?Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/03/2008Threads in a declarativeFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/04/2008Not a Race ConditionFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/05/2008function f() may return a point for Declarative ConcurrencyFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
11/29/2008What you describe may beFunctional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/02/2008A Wiki type system would,Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
12/02/2008Kamaelia does not directly support declarative concurrency.Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
11/29/2008By completeness, no...Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
11/29/2008"Complete" backtraces...Clojure: Trampoline for mutual recursion
11/21/2008Open Systems SurvivabilityCurrent "hot" topics in parallel programming?
02/10/2009Make it a community task...First-Class Patterns
11/10/2008Is there a reason...Extensible tuples?
11/13/2008Attacking a Fly with a SledgehammerExtensible tuples?
11/14/2008The loss of 'completeness'Extensible tuples?
11/14/2008Types reflect operators. IfExtensible tuples?
11/14/2008Unsoundness would requireExtensible tuples?
11/14/2008Consistency is relevant. IExtensible tuples?
11/15/2008No. 666#((3,4)#()) =Extensible tuples?
11/15/2008Alex' intention was having aExtensible tuples?
11/15/2008Explicit injection isn'tExtensible tuples?
11/15/2008But it does make aExtensible tuples?
11/15/2008It doesn't. AmbiguityExtensible tuples?
11/15/2008Because...Extensible tuples?
11/17/2008Only with the much weakerExtensible tuples?
11/12/2008Typeclass usually refers toThe Origins of the BitC Programming Language
11/13/2008RE: marcoThe Origins of the BitC Programming Language
11/08/2008Dependent Soft Typing?Question concerning parameterization over literals
11/01/2008Safety vs. SecurityAutomated Code Review Tools for Security
11/02/2008Eavesdroppers would includeAutomated Code Review Tools for Security
11/02/2008Clients...?Automated Code Review Tools for Security
11/02/2008What is a 'server' and whatAutomated Code Review Tools for Security
11/03/2008Re: gatekeepersAutomated Code Review Tools for Security
11/03/2008Trivially solved: don't leakAutomated Code Review Tools for Security
10/24/2008You wouldn't gainWhy do OOPLs type objects as classes?
10/20/2008It is nice to see theory andA bit of Scheming
10/12/2008Not just an ImpressionNo more tail calls in Javascript?
10/13/2008RE: Problems with impure languagesNo more tail calls in Javascript?
10/13/2008Emphasis on the dynamicNo more tail calls in Javascript?
10/17/2008Important CasesNo more tail calls in Javascript?
10/12/2008Static Typing and FlexibilityOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/16/2008The need to "think straight"On the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/12/2008The Price of a MetaLanguageOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/12/2008Wouldn't it be possible forOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/12/2008Expressive vs. ComputableOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/12/2008Go for it!On the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/13/2008Insufficient InformationOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/13/2008Who is missing the point?On the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/13/2008ContradictoryOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/13/2008DisagreeOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/14/2008Frank's retraction was quiteOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/14/2008The practical upshotOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/18/2008Trivial BugsOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/18/2008RE: d/r is the ultimateOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/18/2008You claimOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/18/2008"one up" and one downOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/31/2010This seriously deserves itsBeyond FRP: physics-inspired programming abstractions?
03/16/2009The idea of leveragingBeyond FRP: physics-inspired programming abstractions?
10/22/2010Does it Compose?Concurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
10/25/2010Deadlocks not so easy to find and fixConcurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
10/25/2010Concurrency as basis for Scalable ParallelismConcurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
10/26/2010Viewed the right wayConcurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
01/31/2010New LinkTagless Staged Interpreters for Simpler Typed Languages
02/01/2010One would think differentTagless Staged Interpreters for Simpler Typed Languages
07/28/2009programming is all the same:Microsoft's new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)
03/18/2010What program propertiesTypes vs classes: what is the difference?
01/14/2010Reactive Programming and Delta PropagationReactive Programming
01/16/2010Implement w/o Weak RefsReactive Programming
01/16/2010bidirectional relationshipReactive Programming
01/16/2010I tried coming up with someReactive Programming
01/17/2010Now lose the reference to B.Reactive Programming
01/17/2010Yep. That's good.Reactive Programming
01/18/2010what really loses me is theReactive Programming
01/18/2010Compound Signal SamplersReactive Programming
01/18/2010RecomputingReactive Programming
01/16/2010Weak ref performanceReactive Programming
01/15/2010FRP Physics Hybrid UIsReactive Programming
01/18/2010RE: Exceptions with SignalsReactive Programming
01/19/2010Signal constructorsReactive Programming
01/19/2010Disposed Signals, Last Value, Information Carrying FailuresReactive Programming
01/19/2010Ordered Choice, Finalization and DisposalReactive Programming
01/20/2010Disposable SignalsReactive Programming
01/19/2010Extra Error ChannelReactive Programming
01/20/2010Ah.Reactive Programming
02/04/2009I want my 2pcPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/23/2009Massively Parallel WorldsPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/23/2009Rules, Actors, and STMPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/23/2009Deadlocks and Memory TransactionsPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/23/2009I am not privy to thePatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/23/2009Dodging feral catsPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/25/2009RE: STM RisksPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/25/2009RE: STM RisksPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
10/26/2009RE: STM RisksPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
03/20/2009collocation used when availablePatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
02/04/2009Actor TransactionsPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
12/06/2008Erlang / Actor Model + STMPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
02/04/2009Transactions in Actor ModelProcess calculi for transactions
02/04/2009I'm rather curious...Process calculi for transactions
02/05/2009Process CompositionProcess calculi for transactions
02/05/2009Orc and Pie (calculi)Process calculi for transactions
02/05/2009Killer Orcs - Asynchronous TerminationProcess calculi for transactions
02/06/2009Generality and Desiderata for 'Orc'hestrationProcess calculi for transactions
02/06/2009Orc != Orc Primitive CombinatorsProcess calculi for transactions
02/06/2009They don't specify that theProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009Any other site calls areProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009requires only that any valueProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009I wouldn't call any newProcess calculi for transactions
02/08/2009Isn't this [appeal toProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009More work for CompositionProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009Very similar.Process calculi for transactions
02/07/2009Plan?Process calculi for transactions
02/07/2009Parametricity is indeed moreProcess calculi for transactions
02/07/2009Agreed. So the questionProcess calculi for transactions
03/06/2009Looks promising. I'mProcess calculi for transactions
12/13/2009Message Ordering SemanticsOracles
12/14/2009Isn't all actor programmingOracles
12/28/2009Re: Stateful.Oracles
12/28/2009ToonTalk is stateful.Oracles
12/28/2009Single Assignment VariablesOracles
01/07/2010Selectively Added ConceptsOracles
01/08/2010Huff and PuffOracles
01/08/2010Old FablesOracles
01/08/2010Mr. RobotoOracles
01/03/2010Stateful LanguageOracles
01/04/2010Your linear types (oracleOracles
01/05/2010Turing Equivalent != StatefulOracles
01/06/2010Direct Interpretive RuleOracles
01/07/2010Thank you.Oracles
01/02/2010Reactive Widgets OverviewOracles
01/03/2010Retained Mode is One Difference.Oracles
01/07/2010Re: 'Quantum Encyclopedia' digOracles
01/07/2010Neither SideOracles
01/07/2010RE: Delay CombinatorsOracles
01/07/2010Shared ObjectsOracles
01/08/2010FRP without binding?Oracles
01/06/2010Loose UI <-> Service Coupling in Reactive UIOracles
01/06/2010FRP is widely useful.Oracles
01/07/2010Cats and CarrotsOracles
01/07/2010What purpose has a User Interface?Oracles
02/03/2010And where does 'Hello World'Oracles
01/08/2010FRP, Oracles, and Non-determinismOracles
01/08/2010Top Level IOOracles
01/12/2010FRP 'protocols'Oracles
01/12/2010FRP ResourcesOracles
01/21/2010RE: Locking Strategy and STMOracles
05/15/2009RE: HarrumphJoshua Bloch: "Nearly All Binary Searches Broken"
06/24/2012Text merge as cooperative workFunctional Relational Programming: Out of the tar pit
05/19/2009Live Object LayerWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/19/2009Stigmergy in ProgrammingWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/19/2009JavaScript before Orc?What do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/20/2009Non-Web2.0 Stuff(?)What do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/20/2009Live Documents will trump Web ApplicationsWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/21/2009Inventor's ParadoxWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/21/2009A grand unified theory ofWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/23/2009it took a lot of effort inWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/22/2009Perhaps so, but I bet thatWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
05/23/2009It would be much sadder ifWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))?
04/03/2010Only if others adopt it. :-)Vacation
04/12/2011cf. ArrowsMulti-Return Function Call
12/01/2008Unreachable code and MetaprogrammingShoot-out: most annoying compiler error message
12/14/2008If you're aiming to be truly frustratingShoot-out: most annoying compiler error message
12/16/2008True... especially if itShoot-out: most annoying compiler error message
07/13/2010Infinite Languages and GrammarsQuestions about Semantics.
05/13/2012Auto complete; CapabilitiesHigher order versus Object order
05/13/2012Isn't the core of "object"Higher order versus Object order
05/13/2012First class procedures andHigher order versus Object order
05/14/2012When a file descriptor ocapHigher order versus Object order
05/15/2012Secure Tokens vs. CapabilitiesHigher order versus Object order
05/16/2012Impure CalculusHigher order versus Object order
05/16/2012Essential DifficultyHigher order versus Object order
05/16/2012HmmHigher order versus Object order
05/17/2012Open systems are essential.Higher order versus Object order
05/17/2012Custom architecture is not a crisisHigher order versus Object order
05/17/2012They only look internal toHigher order versus Object order
05/17/2012Interesting. You are sayingHigher order versus Object order
01/16/2012Datalog, DedalusEmbedding Prolog in Haskell
01/16/2012I've used Datalog as a basisEmbedding Prolog in Haskell
01/17/2012What features would be mostEmbedding Prolog in Haskell
01/17/2012One of my implicit premisesEmbedding Prolog in Haskell
01/17/2012SerializationEmbedding Prolog in Haskell

LtU Topic Index Sorted by Date LtU Topic Index Sorted by Topic LtU Index of Post Authors Zipped LtU Archive

Chris Rathman/