Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: Jules Jacobs

  Date    Post    Topic  
07/06/2012In some sense UIs are moreWhy languages and not systems?
07/09/2012Why are interpreters moreErik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages
06/26/2012Unfortunately C# only allowsLess is exponentially more: Rob Pike on Go and Why C++ Programmers Aren't Flocking to it.
06/27/2012No longer true, C# supportsLess is exponentially more: Rob Pike on Go and Why C++ Programmers Aren't Flocking to it.
07/01/2012You might get moreLess is exponentially more: Rob Pike on Go and Why C++ Programmers Aren't Flocking to it.
06/24/2012Perhaps you were looking forEvolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain
06/25/2012Such techniques are not usedEvolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain
06/24/2012Simulating just one neuronEvolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain
06/18/2012In a lazy language, allNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012Not treating bottom as aNull, bottom, etc.?
06/21/2012I see that I posted myNull, bottom, etc.?
06/14/2012Because if you haveWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012Indeed, non-termination isWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012You don't even need fullWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012Well, continuations aren'tWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/15/2012I think you mean "ByWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/07/2012Is this really the case? IfWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/08/2012Yes, like in RepresentingWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
07/08/2012YesWhy are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'?
06/14/2012I remember discussion aboutType classes in a dynamic language
06/14/2012The phase where theType classes in a dynamic language
06/14/2012I think I vaguely rememberType classes in a dynamic language
06/14/2012Yes, that was was I wasType classes in a dynamic language
06/15/2012Interesting!Type classes in a dynamic language
06/12/2012Updating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperativeUpdating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative
06/13/2012Hmm, I think you're right.Updating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative
06/09/2012It also needs care not toWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/13/2012Perhaps dmbarbour meansWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/15/2012Explicit schema migration isWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/15/2012I don't think anybody isWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/11/2012This is a great paper. JustWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/11/2012Choosing how to compose stateWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/11/2012I'm not sure if there reallyWhy Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
06/07/2012Lisp is only doing thisGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/07/2012I don't understand what youGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/08/2012I don't know how else to putGraphical languages of the Russian space program
06/08/2012Take Common Lisp'sGraphical languages of the Russian space program
05/31/2012Related: Gamifying algebraInteractive Tutorial of the Sequent Calculus
06/15/2012Why does it look fishy toInteractive Tutorial of the Sequent Calculus
06/17/2012Logics are just formalInteractive Tutorial of the Sequent Calculus
06/08/2012Here is a (draft?) paper onWat
06/08/2012"Science progresses one funeral at a time" -- Max PlanckWat
05/22/2012This is not possible becauseLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012Turing complete yes. If theLanguages with 'unique' programs
05/23/2012I don't think that's true.Languages with 'unique' programs
05/22/2012For the forseeable futureLanguages & Niches
06/01/2012Right, in general getting anLanguages & Niches
05/21/2012I think it's because itReducers - A Library and Model for Collection Processing
05/08/2012I wonder how much of theOn the Naturalness of Software
05/08/2012You could easily do someOn the Naturalness of Software
05/08/2012It depends on the situation.On the Naturalness of Software
05/07/2012What is the current statusFeather: A Heapless Functional Programming Language
05/08/2012Perhaps in a couple of yearsCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
05/11/2012Separate compilation a red herring?Common Lisp: The Untold Story
05/11/2012You can fake it to someCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
05/04/2012Things that other languagesCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
05/06/2012Translate the following toCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
05/06/2012A nice illustration of "HowCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
05/06/2012Why CL wasn't successful isCommon Lisp: The Untold Story
04/21/2012According to the aboveWhy and How People Use R
04/21/2012Right, I actually agree thatWhy and How People Use R
04/23/2012You can do this in Ruby likeWhy and How People Use R
04/23/2012Right, it was just a joke,Why and How People Use R
04/23/2012Pythons decorators is simpleWhy and How People Use R
04/24/2012fmemo is returned from memo.Why and How People Use R
04/24/2012You can also do this:letWhy and How People Use R
04/14/2012Symmetry in type systemsSymmetry in type systems
04/14/2012Thanks for your answer. ISymmetry in type systems
04/14/2012That is exactly what I wasSymmetry in type systems
04/15/2012Thanks! That looks verySymmetry in type systems
04/15/2012Thanks. I have not finishedSymmetry in type systems
04/08/2012The recent developmentsReverend Bayes, meet Countess Lovelace: Probabilistic Programming for Machine Learning
04/20/2012Presumably the dynamicQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/23/2012Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/24/2012Why not just write what's inQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/24/2012Eval is a very powerful andQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/24/2012A good eval doesn't haveQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/26/2012Bad evals are not okay, butQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/26/2012I don't know why JS wasQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/24/2012I didn't claim that is wasQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012On the units: you mentionQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012If you're selecting the codeQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/23/2012Did you choose the optionQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012Right, I did not mean thatQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/22/2012Magpie's type system wasQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012There are similarQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012statistically it's best toQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012I agree, programming is veryQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012I think an intelligentQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012Off topicQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/02/2012ML typing does not includeQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/02/2012Right, if you extend ML withQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/06/2012Ah, I didn't think about theQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/06/2012I'm not saying that phantomQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/06/2012You can redefine theQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/06/2012Can you give an example withQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/07/2012Thanks!Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/07/2012Ah, I see. Actually I thinkQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/11/2012Racket's speed & practicalityQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/02/2012On the bugs of SquadronQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/03/2012Types do provide bug findingQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
04/03/2012Testing for the type in unitQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
06/21/2012It's not even clear thatQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
06/21/2012I agree, it was a bit of aQuantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing?
03/31/2012Interesting paperEscaping the Maze of Twisty Classes
06/18/2012The idea that part of types'Escaping the Maze of Twisty Classes
03/24/2012Specialization seems to workRetrospective Thoughts on BitC
04/09/2012You seem to be thinking of aRetrospective Thoughts on BitC
04/18/2012You can have a quickRetrospective Thoughts on BitC
03/23/2012From an expressiveness pointParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/23/2012Expressiveness in the humanParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Left recursion is easilyParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Parsing can be describedParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Sure, there is a differenceParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012I'm not sure what you meanParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Alright, let me ask you outright thenParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Then obviously we meanParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Of course recursive descentParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Sorry, I should have saidParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/28/2012In the unoptimized versionParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/23/2012Pratt parsing is IMO theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/25/2012Is there a reason why youParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012I agree somewhat. On the oneParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Obviously when we're talkingParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012That's an advantage of PEGs,Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012In theory I agreeParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Can you perhaps define theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012Why would '.4' hide '...'?Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012So you're saying that you'dParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012Representing code as an ASTParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012Right, though those thingsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012The middle approach seemsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/04/2012What you can do is insteadParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/04/2012There is:Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/05/2012I'm not sure about theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Clean characterization ofParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Memo functions are a generalParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Your last sentence in yourParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Yes, so that's not just whatParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012If I understand itParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Also related: Two for theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Is Imperative Self-AdjustingParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/15/2012Can you point me to aParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/05/2012Right, you often can't slapParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/05/2012Well, you can slapParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Why does the parsing need toParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012Why does doing errorParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/06/2012I see. That does seem like aParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012You could do the same in anParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012See edit :)Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012Depends on what you want. OnParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012Cool! I also think languageParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012I wouldn't consider textualParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012What makes this easier thanParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012I'm not so sure it's theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012Sure, but you dodge all theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012What kind of incorrectParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/03/2012Things you want to do willParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/22/2012Killer features of typeDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012Disruptive things that haveDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012Yup, that's what I meantDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012Actually, it's even moreDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012For connected devices, IDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012I considered includingDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/22/2012Link to video of the talkDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012Unfortunately, for theDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012I think we are in agreement,Disruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012Yes, exactlyDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012What you're saying is trueDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012Who'd have thought thatDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/24/2012In this case the problem isDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/23/2012We're already almost there!Disruptive PLT Revisited
03/24/2012Funny, a world with ACIDDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/31/2012Instead of adapting aDisruptive PLT Revisited
03/15/2012Distributed capabilities versus network latencyDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/16/2012The programmer specifiesDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/16/2012Batching & promiseDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/16/2012This is really close to whatDistributed capabilities versus network latency
03/17/2012This is very interesting.Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers
03/21/2012That would be great!I haveProgramming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers
03/20/2012If by "effect system" youProgramming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers
03/13/2012I think that what Sean isReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/16/2012The aim of the paper itselfReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/17/2012We are not in disagreementReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/19/2012For something to be aReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/20/2012LinkReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/20/2012The above links are theReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/22/2012Can you give a sneak peek ofReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/21/2012What are you basing theReferences about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/06/2012Definite clause grammars canParametric Grammars
03/05/2012What do you gain byWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/05/2012fact -1 is a computationWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/06/2012I can answer the questionWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/06/2012So you're saying that youWhat does focusing tell us about language design?
03/06/2012Do you believe with 100%Research in Programming Languages
03/04/2012It seems that the discussionInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/05/2012Probably in almost half theInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012Certainly almost all workInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012Is there type inference inInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012F# requires explicitInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012Simple OOInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012You're right I should haveInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/23/2012Yes, you're right:Informed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012If you take the view thatInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/22/2012I agree completely with youInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
03/05/2012As far as I know, delimitedAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/05/2012Well, you're probably rightAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/05/2012It's not a runtime problem,Adding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/05/2012I don't think I understandAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/06/2012Yes, this paper does addressAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/07/2012That is a good thing. You'reAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/14/2012I looked at Seaside and itAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/15/2012Interesting. Why do youAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/19/2012You can do many of the sameAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/05/2012Not all callback styleAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/05/2012Can you give an example ofAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/06/2012Can you explain whyAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/06/2012Yes, I agree thatAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/07/2012Perhaps you can give a realAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/07/2012Allowing backtracking is theAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/06/2012Adding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming EnvironmentAdding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment
03/02/2012Will the talks be available online?Lang.NEXT 2012 - Session Videos Coming Online
03/02/2012AwesomeLang.NEXT 2012 - Session Videos Coming Online
02/28/2012You might get better answers for these kind of questions onwhy inheritence in OOP?
02/23/2012This is well known, forLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
02/24/2012That's a good reason, butLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
02/24/2012That's just a matter of theLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Can you expand on how STMLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012So if you change the orderLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012Breadth first doesn't workLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012You can keep exactly theLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/08/2012That's another way, thoughLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/11/2012As far as I know all FRP GUILong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/12/2012You could look at theLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/12/2012It's not just uniqueLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
03/07/2012Wouldn't it be easierLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension
02/22/2012At its heart templates are aA Concept Design for C++
02/23/2012I'm not very familiar withA Concept Design for C++
02/10/2012Actually you can define mapEffective Scala
02/03/2012The thing that most causedPeak Abstraction
01/26/2012Here's my playing with it,LastCalc: A web-based REPL for a pure functional programming language with a flexible syntax and parser
01/26/2012I'm not entirely sure whatLastCalc: A web-based REPL for a pure functional programming language with a flexible syntax and parser
04/26/2012There are some individualSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
04/27/2012The fact remains that theySTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
04/27/2012It may be unique thatSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
04/28/2012Tiny DSLs. The particularSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
04/28/2012That's what I thought atSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
04/28/2012Sorry, I did not mean toSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC)
01/21/2012Primitives are dictated by hardwareGraphics primitives?
03/24/2012Actually, the only case Icrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
03/25/2012Isn't that an instance ofcrazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
03/26/2012How do you detect recursion?crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
03/26/2012What I do is the following:crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference
01/04/2012Your paper seems primarilyRegister Allocation By Model Transformer Semantics -- need for early comments
01/05/2012How does your algorithm workRegister Allocation By Model Transformer Semantics -- need for early comments
12/21/2011I'm having a hard timeCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
12/22/2011Math is just precise, orCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
12/22/2011I don't understand how youCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
12/24/2011Academia is one model inCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages"
12/25/2011Interview with Simon Peyton Jones & John HughesInterview [Video] -> Simon Peyton-Jones - Closer to Nirvana
12/26/2011I love watching these videosInterview [Video] -> Simon Peyton-Jones - Closer to Nirvana
12/26/2011Well, being interviews, youInterview [Video] -> Simon Peyton-Jones - Closer to Nirvana
12/06/2011Usually it's pretty clearGeneral purpose as a special case?
12/07/2011C++ is indeed monstrouslyGeneral purpose as a special case?
11/30/2011I have no idea what thisAbstraction Driven (MDA++)
11/29/2011Self-adjusting REPLREPL-schmepl?
11/25/2011Message passing?Models for distributed parallelism
11/15/2011I think he's saying thatIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/15/2011As always, it's a trade-offIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/15/2011If you redefine "error",Is the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/15/2011Where are the actual methodsIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/15/2011How do you reconcile thatIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/16/2011interfaces and type classesIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/16/2011What I mean isIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
11/16/2011Perhaps I'm notIs the Expression Problem Fundamental?
10/30/2011What's a good introductionExtensible Programming with First-Class Cases
11/01/2011n00b questionsExtensible Programming with First-Class Cases
11/02/2011Thanks for you explanation.Extensible Programming with First-Class Cases
11/05/2011I've implemented somethingExtensible Programming with First-Class Cases
11/02/2011As I read that sentence,Extensible Programming with First-Class Cases
10/30/2011I suspect that this is aThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
10/30/2011This dispenses with Rich'sThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011The paper relatesThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011Then as far as I can seeThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011Exactly. As programmersThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011YesThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011The whole point is thatThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/01/2011Sure, nobody is denying thatThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/02/2011You're right. Rich wouldThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/02/2011Reduce that cost andThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/02/2011Take mergesort in Coq, aThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
11/02/2011I'm not sure that IThe Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof
10/28/2011Not at all. He's just saying"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/28/2011Sorry, I added the second"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/28/2011Please do go there, but add"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/28/2011The sides of the box are"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011I don't think, however, that"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011Way to ignore what was said"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011As soon as you add the"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011One problem I have with"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011Instead, we want to start"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011At point 2 the contract DAG"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011Another requirement is that"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/19/2011I don't know of any sources"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011C is to Haskell as Haskell is to what?"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011(I'm not sure what you're"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/30/2011I haven't read the paper"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011The specific problem I was"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/01/2011Right, I've run into these"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011Sorry, I don't think that's"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011I have trouble seeing how"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011Right, that terminology was"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011Am I right that you mean"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/10/2011Why is wrapping not possible"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/10/2011That's what wrapping is,"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011It's not arbitrary at all,"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011True, but in practice, there"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/01/2011But the fact that it has"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/01/2011Extensibility"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/01/2011We could execute cases in"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/02/2011In a pure language like"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/02/2011Again, this has nothing to"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/02/2011Why so? Languages like ML"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/02/2011Where did I say that"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/31/2011Indeed. First class patterns"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011The IDE did not come out of"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/29/2011Constraint solving is just"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011Note that genetic algorithms"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011They don't work in the sense"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/11/2011It is well known that no"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011Here's a quote from the"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/11/2011By picking mutations from a"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/02/2011Or machine learning in"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011Something like that exists:"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011The in keyword is just how"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011What do you mean?"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/09/2011I see now :)"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
11/10/2011That last part is easy"We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman
10/18/2011So you'd need to write all"Crutches in language design", accidental complexity and feature overlap
10/11/2011F# has this, to some extent.Google's Dart announced
10/11/2011Should a mutable list reallyGoogle's Dart announced
10/23/2011Dart generics are not reallyGoogle's Dart announced
10/10/2011The problem with NaCl as farGoogle's Dart announced
10/06/2011AFAICT you also wantData, Codata, and Their Implications for Equality, and Serialization
10/05/2011Closely relatedF# type providers
10/04/2011The set of operations thatWhat space does SQL cover, or, why is max so weird in SQL?
10/03/2011Can you recommend a shortParallel frameworks for graph processing
09/24/2011Memory isn't scarce anymore,Redesigning the Mozart virtual machine
09/25/2011That approach has yieldedRedesigning the Mozart virtual machine
09/24/2011Perhaps you can takeRedesigning the Mozart virtual machine
09/17/2011Sample applications for programming languagesSample applications for programming languages
09/18/2011Yes, I agree thatSample applications for programming languages
09/19/2011For FRP GUI widget creation,Sample applications for programming languages
09/19/2011Right, I even used it in mySample applications for programming languages
09/19/2011So you view FRP as a kind ofSample applications for programming languages
09/21/2011That's not really true,Sample applications for programming languages
09/20/2011Yes, you'd have to do aSample applications for programming languages
09/21/2011Could you sketch the detailsSample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011Thanks. So Flapjax is not aSample applications for programming languages
09/22/2011In Haskell you would have toSample applications for programming languages
09/24/2011Neel's and your approachSample applications for programming languages
09/26/2011While this is a niceSample applications for programming languages
09/09/2011Strings are not a goodWhat needs to be done?
09/10/2011If anything JIT compilersWhat needs to be done?
09/11/2011A static compiler can inlineWhat needs to be done?
10/28/2011I did something like thatWhat needs to be done?
09/17/2011Color of the bike shedWhat needs to be done?
09/05/2011Mental rewiringOpa
09/05/2011Too vague to infer practical implicationsOpa
09/08/2011Thanks, that sheds a lot ofOpa
08/19/2011Wow, that page is full ofDelimited Continuations Blues?
08/20/2011Implementing effects on top of delimited continuationsDelimited Continuations Blues?
08/21/2011Actually, the fact thatThe this argument in dynamic programming languages with OO and first-class functions
08/07/2011I think he meant somethingProgramming and Scaling
08/09/2011Examples of effective DSLs?Programming and Scaling
08/12/2011He is not only proposingProgramming and Scaling
08/12/2011The formula changes whenProgramming and Scaling
08/12/2011Library design, languageProgramming and Scaling
08/13/2011Ah. So your solution is toProgramming and Scaling
08/14/2011It might not seem like muchProgramming and Scaling
08/14/2011Well, flexible support forProgramming and Scaling
08/15/2011Deep in an off-topic threadProgramming and Scaling
08/17/2011Good luck with theProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Of course it would work likeProgramming and Scaling
08/18/2011Yeah, I think it's widelyProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011In E, you can write it onceProgramming and Scaling
08/19/2011In this case you do *not*Programming and Scaling
08/20/2011This idea is one that peopleProgramming and Scaling
08/21/2011What doesProgramming and Scaling
08/21/2011Anyhow, I gave you someProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011That would be surprisingProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011If you insist on separatingProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011It would be ludicrous toProgramming and Scaling
08/21/2011Eventually calls areProgramming and Scaling
08/22/2011I'm really not liking theProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011I would disagree with thisProgramming and Scaling
08/23/2011Using timeouts means youProgramming and Scaling
08/02/2011Here is one way toLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/03/2011That is exactly what I'mLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011What I achieve by it isLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011I'm sure you have a muchLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011That seems to be theLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
08/04/2011What is the problem withLightweight Monadic Programming in ML
07/27/2011The requirements (orIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/22/2011More seriously, I don'tIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011I'll ignore the ad hominemsIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011The comparison I'm making isIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/23/2011I see how you could readIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/25/2011I agree completely, partialIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/25/2011Note that sort checksIs it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/26/2011Link?Is it possible to write code that works the very first time?
07/19/2011It sounds like what you wantImplementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations?
07/21/2011Sure, delimitedImplementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations?
07/21/2011That is an implementationImplementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations?
07/15/2011This is a rather short termThe Last Language?
07/12/2011Can the same be done for comonads?Of Course ML Has Monads!
04/29/2011Good in theory, bad inTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface
04/23/2011What is a procedure?Nomenclature for impure functions
08/17/2011Flexibility of structured editingCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/17/2011It's not a new idea,Coding at the Speed of Touch
08/18/2011On allowing badly typed codeCoding at the Speed of Touch
08/18/2011Good analogyCoding at the Speed of Touch
04/17/2011Compiler AnalysesWide Scope Dead Code Analysis
03/26/2011The whole point of this kindType-checking Modular Multiple Dispatch with Parametric Polymorphism and Multiple Inheritance
06/29/2012Is concurrency ever usefulBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
06/29/2012Even though for some otherBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education
03/11/2011What do you mean byStrict data constructors + non-strict application?
03/10/2011This is a consequence ofNamespaces for methods?
03/06/2011If this is really so muchLeveled Garbage Collection
02/27/2011Can contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?Can contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011I doubt we could useCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
02/28/2011Of course contracts in theirCan contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems?
01/22/2011Points in the Pattern Matching Design SpacePoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011What's the difference withPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011In what way are theyPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011That's just two ways ofPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011Oz variables cannot bePoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011I am not familiar withPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/25/2011So it seems that indeedPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/23/2011This is very interesting,Points in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/25/2011Is the T in List(T) aPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/25/2011Can you write code likePoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/25/2011How do you distinguishPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/26/2011Ah, so the parens are partPoints in the Pattern Matching Design Space
01/21/2011Io is interesting. InventI've run out of programming languages to study
01/08/2011That gives us roughly aFast Compilers
12/14/2010How does this relate toyacc death revisited
12/17/2010Can you explain how it isyacc death revisited
12/17/2010Right that I swept under theyacc death revisited
12/17/2010Oh, right. And that problemyacc death revisited
12/17/2010I think the latter term *is*yacc death revisited
12/17/2010Even if it's a non goal ofyacc death revisited
12/05/2010Without reference counting?Reference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/06/2010Yet my example triviallyReference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/06/2010First, disallowing higherReference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/07/2010And how are you going toReference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
12/08/2010The thing is none of thoseReference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection?
11/29/2010What are you using leftYacc is dead
11/30/2010Also interestingYacc is dead
11/26/2010Do you think that's tooA book on Racket?
11/17/2010May be relevant: PrototypesClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/19/2010The expression problem isClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/19/2010Doesn't a proof that theClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/21/2010Correct is that the compiledClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/19/2010Doesn't a proof that theClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/26/2010Interesting. Can you give anClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/18/2010Publish your list ofA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/07/2010What you can do with aClosures without function pointers
11/08/2010In that case there is noClosures without function pointers
11/04/2010They think that because theConservative Logic
11/04/2010I don't know much about theConservative Logic
11/12/2010Historically speaking, A.Conservative Logic
11/05/2010That said, the error duringA Self-Checking Type System
11/05/2010How do you know whichA Self-Checking Type System
10/29/2010Asynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and ScalaAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/31/2010Threads are expensive onAsynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala
10/28/2010What you have is basicallyDo you happen to hear about pre-equivalence?
10/28/2010Graphs where every node hasDo you happen to hear about pre-equivalence?
10/28/2010Sure, they are not exactlyDo you happen to hear about pre-equivalence?
10/28/2010Yes, exactly. So the OP isDo you happen to hear about pre-equivalence?
10/25/2010Suspect compared to what?Using Hackage to Inform Language Design
10/11/2010In my case I needed toIntel's Array Building Blocks (was Rapidmind) : What do the purists and pragmatists think?
10/12/2010We have 16 components (v[k]Intel's Array Building Blocks (was Rapidmind) : What do the purists and pragmatists think?
10/12/2010Such a compiler is exactly what I'm skeptical of.Intel's Array Building Blocks (was Rapidmind) : What do the purists and pragmatists think?
10/16/2010Computing the integralA functional-programming view of time
09/29/2010A Dataflow Language for Scriptable DebuggingWhat is the best system for experimenting with and visualizing complex algorithms?
09/29/2010Thanks. I was planning toWhat is the best system for experimenting with and visualizing complex algorithms?
09/18/2010It would be interesting toDistributed Transactional Memory
09/08/2010What are reasons other thanIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier?
09/04/2010Dependency injection inDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/05/2010I don't think first classDependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/05/2010You repeated the same point,Dependency injection via parameterized types (?!)
09/12/2010Can you give an example ofJ's concepts rank, composition, and GC
09/03/2010Why you might use a languageChoosing a VM for a concurrent language
08/29/2010Possibly relatedAbstract interpreters for free
08/24/2010There are three strategiesArticles on Precise GC with Parametric Polymorphism
12/05/2010By far the easiest toArticles on Precise GC with Parametric Polymorphism
08/11/2010LTU needs new software.Synchronic Computaion
08/08/2010Implicit valuesType Classes as Objects and Implicits
08/08/2010I had already given theType Classes as Objects and Implicits
08/19/2010Are you saying that you wantType Classes as Objects and Implicits
08/20/2010I can see how it could beType Classes as Objects and Implicits
08/20/2010I do not see how you couldType Classes as Objects and Implicits
07/19/2010Check out the usernames ofA proof engine for Eiffel
07/05/2010Where does he get the 10^25Uncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/05/2010I do think it's a bitUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/06/2010Whether it's 10^25 or 10^16,Uncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/06/2010Actually, he does not. FirstUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/06/2010Say you are computing digitsUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/06/2010Sure you can have aUncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010
07/04/2010Corrected link: TraceableTraceable Data Types for Self-Adjusting Computation
07/02/2010Language support for GUIsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/2010I'd disagree with this beingLogic programming based GUI framework
07/02/20101. Most games actively cullLogic programming based GUI framework
07/03/2010The Flapjax paper containsLogic programming based GUI framework
07/29/2010When developing webLogic programming based GUI framework
06/28/2010Which important newWhy Undergraduates Should Learn the Principles of Programming Languages
06/24/2010Is this more efficient thanAthena: An efficient in-memory data structure supporting arbitrary boolean queries See README file below for more information
06/06/2010He's saying that asome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/04/2010For example, in (let ((x X))Algebraic
05/14/2010This is hilarious."Critical code studies"
05/14/2010Yes, and the reasons why"Critical code studies"
05/15/2010Actually when I wrote that I"Critical code studies"
05/15/2010Perhaps you could give a"Critical code studies"
05/08/2010Perhaps the spammers areSpam filters
05/04/2010Nested production rulesGuppy: trying to make parsing simple, fun, and powerful
05/02/2010Perhaps there should be aIs there a site to discuss some issues on abstract interpretation?
05/02/2010What is abstractIs there a site to discuss some issues on abstract interpretation?
04/20/2010Do you mean purelySeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010Don't you have the sameSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/26/2010But there is. You need toSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/23/2010Mainstream languagesSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/24/2010Scaling is relativeSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/23/2010What is the evidence thatSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/24/2010I'm not saying that you needSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/24/2010Further, Bling and FruitSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
04/14/2010The time taken to buildIdeas for a PL-oriented honors thesis
04/14/2010Are there specific problemsRepresenting Type Information in Dynamically Typed Languages
11/04/2011Does this mean thatiPhone PL lockdown
11/04/2011They only allow a fixed setiPhone PL lockdown
11/04/2011How do you know this insideiPhone PL lockdown
11/04/2011On the contrary, I am veryiPhone PL lockdown
04/15/2010Note that there also existsplitting the program into formalizable vs. non-formalizable parts?
04/07/2010In dynamically typedHigher order functions vs. function arity and calling conventions
04/07/2010It's also nice thatGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012These days I think the moreGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012One example is worth a thousand wordsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
03/25/2010This makes me wonder. HowWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/26/2010How would these match makersWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/26/2010Interesting. I though yourWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/26/2010The trillion was meant as aWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages?
03/12/2010Static analysis when idlingHave tracing JIT compilers won?
03/06/2010Why do you need normal orderLISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions.
03/07/2010Wrap the then and else formsLISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions.
03/07/2010Exactly. If you have macrosLISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions.
03/08/2010Class dispatching does notLISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions.
02/26/2010What were the light bulbs?a "thank you" to You
03/06/2010When will Haskell-likeplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
03/06/2010Exactly. It's a pity theyplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
03/06/2010More limitations are needed.plt vs. something else for programming in the large?
02/23/2010What do you mean by securityTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/23/2010Shouldn't such security beTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010Even in this case, theTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010How can e.g. Qt make sureTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/24/2010Well, yes, it could: justTesting release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications
02/19/2010Also, ACM Membership comesReminder: OOPSLA is now SPLASH
02/19/2010You are missing my point IReminder: OOPSLA is now SPLASH
02/19/2010Whether it's good to have anReminder: OOPSLA is now SPLASH
02/20/2010Ridiculous. But theReminder: OOPSLA is now SPLASH
06/01/2010You may get people to helpWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/02/2010You did seem to have aWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
06/02/2010Is this how an interface toWhy prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language
01/21/2010Very interesting. How doesThe Theory and Calculus of Aliasing
01/19/2010I was in the same position:Academic advice: Mathematics or Computer Science?
01/20/2010Which other topics do youAcademic advice: Mathematics or Computer Science?
01/20/2010Thanks. I asked because inAcademic advice: Mathematics or Computer Science?
01/17/2010Because people from outsideDeclarative binding vs. composition
01/04/2010ClickParaSail, a new language oriented toward parallelism and verification
12/22/2009This reminds me of how weWhy API Design Matters
12/06/2009LinkIs Small Still Beautiful?
12/02/2009Clojure is at least as innovative as ScalaEleven Theses on Clojure
12/02/2009What are some of the thingsEleven Theses on Clojure
12/02/2009Extractors are a variationEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009let (|Even|Odd|) n =Eleven Theses on Clojure
12/03/2009Scala is very complicatedEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009How is that notEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009A Simple Precedency PolicyEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009Thanks. Here's a workingEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009I don't code for a living.Eleven Theses on Clojure
12/07/2009In other words, how doesEleven Theses on Clojure
12/07/2009I do not understand why defEleven Theses on Clojure
12/04/2009Different areas of computerEleven Theses on Clojure
12/02/2009You can have multiple waysReactive Extensions for .NET released this week
12/04/2009Switch is implemented asReactive Extensions for .NET released this week
12/04/2009That is a very interestingReactive Extensions for .NET released this week
11/06/2009Can you give some examplesJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/10/2009Simple predicate dispatchJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/11/2009Interesting. Do you haveJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/12/2009You could take other logicalJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/14/2009What I said wasn't what IJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell
11/06/2009Multimethods + ModulesOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited
10/20/2009The type system explicitlyLisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language
06/18/2009Scoped multimethodsFactor Mixins
05/26/2009Questions & answers onTim Sweeney on Epic Games' History
05/23/2009Deriving Functions to Work on Different Types of DataDeriving Functions to Work on Different Types of Data
05/24/2009Interesting. Pure isDeriving Functions to Work on Different Types of Data
01/30/2009Do you mean An Applicativeseeking article on representing cyclic graphs using purely functional data structures
01/29/2009Not because of researchPL Grand Challenges
01/05/2009Looks extremely interesting.JMatch (abstract iterable pattern matching for Java) and the Polyglot Compiler Framework
12/30/2008Clojure easy to implement?2008 In Review - What Happened with Programming Languages?
12/14/2008One thing that some type systems provideFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/14/2008The solutions you mention,Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/15/2008(1) There are ways forFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/15/2008Does 0==(0,0,...)? Does 0 ==Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
12/15/2008I'm not seeing the logic forFundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems
11/28/2008Do dataflow variables have to be primitive?Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns
11/03/2008LinkDeclarative layout and/or UI languages?
10/24/2008Why is this problem specific to multimethods?Multiple Dispatch in Practice
10/20/2008Is there another way toA bit of Scheming
10/21/2008A bit of SchemingA bit of Scheming
10/22/2008So there are two worlds: theA bit of Scheming
10/12/2008Code completionOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/18/2008Static typing vs bugsOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/19/2008A type system is interestingOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
12/11/2009PapersInspiring Papers
09/21/2008Predicate dispatch and module systemsbeyond multi-methods
09/13/2008The catchIrresistible programs
08/22/2008Map applies a function oftype derivation for 'map map', yelp
08/20/2008Error Messages in Dynamically Typed LanguagesError Messages in Dynamically Typed Languages
08/20/2008Location of the errorError Messages in Dynamically Typed Languages
08/21/2008What are operators?Languages without operator precedence
07/14/2008Most languages already run on multiple platforms.Creating a markup language compiler
07/01/2008Different dataflowWhy Multi-Core is Easy and Internet is Hard
06/23/2008Start simpleWriting a new language - ideas?
06/14/2008Why focus on the industry?Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++
06/14/2008Are dataflow variables necessary?Functional Programming in the ACM CS Curriculum
06/03/2008OzMultiple Value Return - Common Lisp vs. Tuples and destructuring
05/30/2008123456789 + 987654321 is notComputational Thinking
03/07/2008Restricting information accessConfused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/14/2008Why effects but not other properties?Confused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/14/2008What's the difference?Confused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/15/2008How much detail in the types?Confused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/17/2008That's a very niceConfused Deputies in Programming Languages
01/16/2010A notion of glitch-freeness with assignmentReactive Programming
01/18/2010What happens if you ask forReactive Programming
01/18/2010Reactive ProgrammingReactive Programming
01/18/2010Buffering is necessary ifReactive Programming
01/16/2010Why are weak references aReactive Programming
01/15/2010Which papers/web pages can IReactive Programming
01/15/2010Thanks, that makes sense.Reactive Programming
01/15/2010Do you have a link to KimReactive Programming
05/18/2006Logic/constraint and functional programmingruby vs python
10/21/2008ComplexityChoice of OS of LtU readers
04/09/2006Chinese and Lisp terse?the Chinese natual language
05/13/2012Isn't the core of "object"Higher order versus Object order
05/13/2012I found the paper explainingHigher order versus Object order

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Chris Rathman/