Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 03/21/2010

Posts By: obsidian

  Date    Post    Topic  
09/28/2007A very interesting articleOMeta: an Object-Oriented Language for Pattern Matching
09/26/2007Another Forth-ish / Joy-ish language - "Cat"Minimal FORTH compiler and tutorial
11/13/2006The Spirit parser frameworkDodo
05/23/2006Orca chosen as default Syllable scripting languageOrca chosen as default Syllable scripting language
01/21/2006Good point about Rebol's licenseRebol - Dialects, Spreadsheets
07/17/2005My two favourite esolangsEsolang Extravaganza
07/11/2005Another couple of dead languages - Rebol clonesDead Languages
06/04/2006The Spirit parser framework - metaprogramming and no macrosLet's make a programming language!

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Chris Rathman/